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Tag Archives: competition

Monthly Screenshot Contest – June 2012

Here is the winner of the Screenshot of the Month contest for June 2012: Suvi with Höperiym Wars As always, you can find the screenshot and all contestants in the forum and the gallery.

Monthly Screenshot Contest – May 2012

Here is the winner of the Screenshot of the Month contest for May 2012: Squisher with Ships MMO. As always, you can find the screenshot and all contestants in the forum and the gallery.

Monthly Screenshot Contest – April 2012

Here is the winner of the Screenshot of the Month contest for April 2012: Escen with Overheat. While the competition submissions were regarded as very high quality, Escen won with an impressive percentage of the votes: 64%. As always, you can find the screenshot and all contestants in the forum and the gallery.

Monthly Screenshot Contest – March 2012

Here is the winner of the Screenshot of the Month contest for March 2012: Nikoomba with Rin’s Quest. Its a nice and retro block style game. As always, you can find the screenshot and all contestants in the forum and the gallery.

Monthly Screenshot Contest – February 2012

Here are the winners of the Screenshot of the Month contest for February 2012: mel with PSM, the Perspective Shadow Mapping algorithm and Auria with SuperTuxKart: The Zen Garden Pond. Like last month, two winners and a close third. As always, you can find the screenshots and all contestants in the forum and the gallery. The previous […]