Search found 161 matches

by Saku
Thu May 31, 2007 7:05 pm
Forum: Code Snippets
Topic: ( Windows ) Tablet support - Wacom, etc.
Replies: 2
Views: 3151

( Windows ) Tablet support - Wacom, etc.

I'm guessing we're a mere handful that will ever need this but never the less here goes. Messing with my Wacom tablet and Irrlicht I found that there weren't any simple ways to grab any kind of additional tablet data ( Pressure, tilt, etc. ) in Irr. Using the standard WinTab API, there are basically...
by Saku
Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:52 pm
Forum: Off-topic
Topic: [Req] Case study - Scripting
Replies: 3
Views: 810

Thank you very much! :) I've actually already read your post (along with all the other script lang. binds ) but I originally discarded the idea since I was convinced that a script bind for irrlicht itself wouldn't help me much. Having looked into your code I think I might have to change my mind ;) T...
by Saku
Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:55 pm
Forum: Off-topic
Topic: [Req] Case study - Scripting
Replies: 3
Views: 810

[Req] Case study - Scripting

Greetings! As you might've already guessed, I'm here to request a good case study of scripting. What I'm really asking is source code, links, tutorials, guides, etc. on how to actually use scripting in a game engine. What I'm NOT looking for would be all of the above with subjects like "Lua 101...
by Saku
Sun Sep 24, 2006 4:00 pm
Forum: Open Discussion and Dev Announcements
Topic: I was on Wikipedia and...
Replies: 6
Views: 1097

How about doing a quick (but thorough!) badass community colab demo?
I'm thinking massive enviroment, HDR, wicked models, etc... 8)
I mean for the sole purpose of showing off, both with screenies on wikipedia, and for future realeases of irrlicht?
At least I think that would be cool ;)
by Saku
Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:27 am
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: compiling irrlicht code problem
Replies: 2
Views: 358

The 'd3d8.h' problem is most likely because you haven't installed the DirectX SDK from Microsoft, tho I think the 'stdio.h' is a standart libery :?
by Saku
Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:40 am
Forum: Irrlicht.NET
Topic: Hide Irrlicht console window?
Replies: 8
Views: 4011

I'm quite sure this has been answered quite a lot of time on this forum so you might want to do a quick search.
Might be wrong tho, since I'm not sure if it's the same on all IDEs.
by Saku
Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:28 pm
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: All black?!?
Replies: 1
Views: 352

Its pretty simple - Disable lights on your model!

You haven't added any lights to the scene.
In stead of simply disabling lights on your models, you could try adding a light to your scene.
Choose what ever works best to you.

good luck
by Saku
Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:24 pm
Forum: Irrlicht.NET
Topic: Camera Rotations / Scene Rotations
Replies: 3
Views: 2560

If you want to simply rotate your camera around a point, you should have a look at scenenode animators.

good luck
by Saku
Sun Aug 13, 2006 7:28 am
Forum: Open Discussion and Dev Announcements
Topic: Krugel - A code search engine!
Replies: 3
Views: 1083

D: .. Slow? Maybe you hit a peak or something. Doesn't seem slow to me at least.
by Saku
Sat Aug 12, 2006 10:53 pm
Forum: Open Discussion and Dev Announcements
Topic: Krugel - A code search engine!
Replies: 3
Views: 1083

Krugel - A code search engine!

Doesn't the title say it all? :)

Try it, love it ! ^^

by Saku
Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:27 pm
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: Water waves and a ship
Replies: 7
Views: 1006

You could use a physics engine like Newton or TrueAxis to emulate stuff like that, or you could do something a little simpler with the build-in irr features. Having thought about the same just a few days ago I figured I could "float" a simple box on top of the waves with the ITriangleSelec...
by Saku
Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:17 pm
Forum: Advanced Help
Topic: Overlay surfaces
Replies: 4
Views: 615

If you mean like 'render-to-texture' that is definitly posible, and in case you mean like multiple viewports that is definitly posible too - check the tutorial on the main page.
by Saku
Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:12 pm
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: Rotate Camera
Replies: 12
Views: 1205

mhm.. Do you think this might have someting to do with your problem:

Code: Select all

void CGameCore::CameraUpdate()
camerapos =  camera->getPosition();

camerapos.Z += 2;
camerapos.Y -= 2;



yes? ;)
by Saku
Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:04 pm
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: use a class of irrlicht and make additions how?
Replies: 5
Views: 451

yeah, I had the same experience when making my camera. Basicly you have to copy most members from the "sister classes" - I simply copied the members from the Maya cam and modified the parts needed.

GL HF ;)
by Saku
Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:04 am
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: Rotate Camera
Replies: 12
Views: 1205

Are you absolutly 100 % sure that it isnt working?? Cuz sometimes it just seems like it, since "the code works in mysterius way", and sometimes actually does work! :) Try debug and check that the values are indeed not changing. Dont just trust your eye on this one! Anyways, maybe if you co...