got it... it was just a camera problem... thx anyways...
another question... the weapon (node) is lookin like its lyin on the ground u know:
| _____|
| |O
| |
how can i rotate the camera to get it look like its in someones hand (from behind)?
Search found 18 matches
- Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:48 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: Weapon Model
- Replies: 4
- Views: 485
- Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:38 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: Weapon Model
- Replies: 4
- Views: 485
my mistake... 3ds works... but i cant see anything (it loaded the mesh successfuly)
i tried this model:
when u unpack u ll find a 9mm.3ds file... is this file compatible?
if yeah its just a camera scale or position mistake...
thx, greetz
i tried this model:
when u unpack u ll find a 9mm.3ds file... is this file compatible?
if yeah its just a camera scale or position mistake...
thx, greetz
- Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:47 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: Weapon Model
- Replies: 4
- Views: 485
Weapon Model
Hi dudes...
i wanna load a weapon... what format should it be? i tried to load .mdl and .3ds but it didnt work correct... what format should a model be and how can i change it?
i wanna load a weapon... what format should it be? i tried to load .mdl and .3ds but it didnt work correct... what format should a model be and how can i change it?
- Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:05 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: [Q] 2. Child Camera with loaded Meshes
- Replies: 9
- Views: 471
Yea i know that i need to change the values first but are the commands right:
i mean setposition and setscanle x_x'
Code: Select all
node->setPosition(vector3df(x, x, x));
node->setScale(vector3df(x, x, x));
- Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:06 am
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: [Q] 2. Child Camera with loaded Meshes
- Replies: 9
- Views: 471
can i fix it with this lines:
Code: Select all
node->setPosition(vector3df(0, 0, 0));
node->setScale(vector3df(1, 1, 1));
- Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:27 am
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: [Q] 2. Child Camera with loaded Meshes
- Replies: 9
- Views: 471
- Tue Aug 28, 2007 9:49 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: [Q] 2. Child Camera with loaded Meshes
- Replies: 9
- Views: 471
u mean:
Code: Select all
camera = smgr->getActiveCamera();
IAnimatedMesh* mesh;
scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* node = smgr->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode("PathofModel" ,camera);

- Tue Aug 28, 2007 9:43 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: [Q] 2. Child Camera with loaded Meshes
- Replies: 9
- Views: 471
So if i understand right... this is my parent-cam (my main FPS cam): scene::ICameraSceneNode* camera; camera = smgr->addCameraSceneNodeFPS(0, 100.0f, 280, -1, keyMap, 9, false, 0.35); camera->setPosition(core::vector3df(-100,50,-150)); and i need to make a child cam with ur code: camera = smgr->getA...
- Tue Aug 28, 2007 9:10 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: [Q] 2. Child Camera with loaded Meshes
- Replies: 9
- Views: 471
[Q] 2. Child Camera with loaded Meshes
Hi there, i have a question... i made a hud with tutorial 6 (2d) so far so good... now i want a weapon too, but not as a pic (.bmp/2d hud)! i want to load a weapon model... Well i read some threads and found out that this is possible with a "second (i m using a FPS camera) child camera with a l...
- Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:13 am
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: First 3D-Game with Irrlicht?
- Replies: 15
- Views: 1268
Thx guys... really... now i am able to run, to jump, not to walk into walls... its working quite good for my first game (thanx to u)... Well... i searched the forum 4 hud ideas, code snippets... but found nothing really usefull... do u know how to i can fix icons on screen (4 a HUD and 4 WEAPONS), o...
- Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:55 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: First 3D-Game with Irrlicht?
- Replies: 15
- Views: 1268
- Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:48 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: First 3D-Game with Irrlicht?
- Replies: 15
- Views: 1268
- Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:41 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: First 3D-Game with Irrlicht?
- Replies: 15
- Views: 1268
- Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:54 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: First 3D-Game with Irrlicht?
- Replies: 15
- Views: 1268
Hey dudes... i didnt want to make an extra thread 4 my noob questions so i decided to post it into this thread and make it my mainthread 4 my shootergame... well how can i bind a jump-function? i m using fps camera modus and already initialised gravity and collision. i know how to bind keys but dont...
- Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:45 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: [Q] Crosshair?
- Replies: 4
- Views: 558