Search found 81 matches
- Fri Feb 01, 2019 12:52 am
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: So Irrlicht can load Quake 3 levels... what about Doom 3?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 887
So Irrlicht can load Quake 3 levels... what about Doom 3?
We know Irrlicht has been able to load and display Quake3 levels for ages, but what about Doom 3 levels, with their dynamic per-pixel lighting, normal (or bump) mapping, specular mapping? There wouldn't even be any need to implement specific Doom 3 features like the scripting system, because if you ...
- Sun Oct 29, 2017 2:49 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: How can I force PART of a texture to full brightness?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 1419
Re: How can I force PART of a texture to full brightness?
What you can do is this something similar, if you don't want to mess with shaders, which is to duplicate the parts where you want lit textures, use on them the self illumination texture only, and then, on the engine, use an additive blending material. But you will have to use a small positive polyg...
- Sat Oct 28, 2017 11:34 am
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: How can I force PART of a texture to full brightness?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 1419
Re: How can I force PART of a texture to full brightness?
From what I see, it's more lit than it is in my program (due to a stronger light being present), but the green parts are still not at full brightness, and it couldn't be any different, since the model I sent you does not use self-illumination textures. Now I'm gonna send you an alternative version t...
- Sat Oct 28, 2017 12:31 am
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: How can I force PART of a texture to full brightness?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 1419
Re: How can I force PART of a texture to full brightness?
Solution is to make a test-model and debug it. If you send one to me I can maybe try to find some time, but I'm neither familiar with the format nor the loader (this was written way before my time). And always a little tricky for me to really debug that stuff when I don't have the tools to modify t...
- Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:02 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: How can I force PART of a texture to full brightness?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 1419
Re: How can I force PART of a texture to full brightness?
Okay, I took a break from it, and now I tried to tackle the problem again. Here's what is really going on. - When I save a model to the .3ds format, the emissive color of the material is not saved and defaults to black. Whether I save it from within 3D Studio Max, or I convert a pre-existing model t...
- Sun Oct 22, 2017 1:25 am
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: How can I force PART of a texture to full brightness?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 1419
Re: How can I force PART of a texture to full brightness?
I would have to experiment myself, but my first guess would be that have to change the emissive color settings in the material. I just discovered that doing so (specifically, changing the emissive color of the material to white) only gives the expected result if I convert the model to .x format. It...
- Sun Oct 22, 2017 12:42 am
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: How can I force PART of a texture to full brightness?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 1419
How can I force PART of a texture to full brightness?
I wrote this code: void CreateWorld(void) { unsigned int i; unsigned char nextobject; camera = smgr->addCameraSceneNodeFPS(0,100.0f,0.5f,-1,keyMap,4,false,0.f); camera->setFarValue(100000); camera->setNearValue(1); camera->setPosition(core::vector3df(16500,100,6000)); smgr->setAmbientLight(...
- Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:48 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: Does Irrlicht for Irix still exist?
- Replies: 6
- Views: 861
Re: Does Irrlicht for Irix still exist?
Is there a list anywhere of the features that would be disabled, ordered by version?
- Tue Jan 19, 2016 2:18 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: Does Irrlicht for Irix still exist?
- Replies: 6
- Views: 861
Re: Does Irrlicht for Irix still exist?
I've dealt with machines with different endianness, but for a much smaller project (porting a PLC program interpreter from one kind of CPU to another). Anyway, Wikipedia confirms that VPro cards support up to OpenGL 1.2, but I've asked the same question in the Nekochan forum (about SGI machines)and ...
- Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:10 am
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: Does Irrlicht for Irix still exist?
- Replies: 6
- Views: 861
Does Irrlicht for Irix still exist?
I've recently become curious about MIPS-based SGI hardware and I'm planning to buy an Octane to see what it can do (and eventually exhibit it at retrocomputing events). This page lists Irix among the Unix systems Irrlicht exists for, but I've never seen any Irix-related downloads. This is why I'm as...
- Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:05 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: Accelerating/decelerating motion and frame rate
- Replies: 2
- Views: 706
Re: Accelerating/decelerating motion and frame rate
In the end, I remembered that acceleration is defined as distance divided by squared time, so I succeeded by turning this:
into this:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
- Tue Apr 21, 2015 10:44 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: Multiple textures to different parts of a model: how?
- Replies: 23
- Views: 3013
Re: Multiple textures to different parts of a model: how?
But don't call those functions then _before_ the main loop. A function call is code - so it belongs again into functions. Call no code outside functions! Huh? What? By "main loop" I mean the part of the main function that is enclosed by the condition "while(device->run())". The ...
- Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:02 am
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: Accelerating/decelerating motion and frame rate
- Replies: 2
- Views: 706
Accelerating/decelerating motion and frame rate
I have made a program where an animated character moves left or right (like in a sidescroller, even though everything is polygonal) and can jump and fall. I wanted to make sure that all movements happen at a consistent speed, independently from the frame rate (so, with a higher frame rate, the chara...
- Tue Apr 21, 2015 1:12 am
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: Multiple textures to different parts of a model: how?
- Replies: 23
- Views: 3013
Re: Multiple textures to different parts of a model: how?
After a long time, I've finally had time to work on this program again. So, CuteAlien, I followed your suggestions and moved my configuration code into a function that is called before the main loop. I still have to get the hang of working with dynamic arrays, even though I can see their advantages,...
- Mon Mar 30, 2015 7:39 pm
- Forum: Beginners Help
- Topic: Multiple textures to different parts of a model: how?
- Replies: 23
- Views: 3013
Re: Multiple textures to different parts of a model: how?
Might work for now - but please - read my post. Your code is not correct, especially point 3 and 4 are clearly wrong. Point 3 contrasts to what the author of MDDClone-SDL told me when he saw an earlier version of my TADPSID code. He said that there was code in main that did not belong there, and I ...