Search found 11 matches

by mikademus
Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:30 pm
Forum: Open Discussion and Dev Announcements
Topic: My sentiments after having used several 3D frameworks
Replies: 15
Views: 4075

Saturn, I want to thank you for that with great skill destroying any chance of having a good exchange from a post I put a great deal of effort and good will into. Pleasant future trolling on this board, you've scared me away. Kthnxbai.
by mikademus
Thu Aug 14, 2008 9:37 pm
Forum: Open Discussion and Dev Announcements
Topic: My sentiments after having used several 3D frameworks
Replies: 15
Views: 4075

Saturn, I was going to reply to your post because you started it in what appeared a reasonable way but it didn't take many lines before you started generalising and fantasising. I don't doubt you've got a proud coder's fat ass in reality so it is fitting that you're a great fat arsehole in virtuality.
by mikademus
Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:04 pm
Forum: Open Discussion and Dev Announcements
Topic: My sentiments after having used several 3D frameworks
Replies: 15
Views: 4075

Which driver inconsistencies are you talking about? Would help more if you had some examples so we know if those are already adressed. A per-layer material system instead of the per buffer one we're currently using is planned for Irrlicht 2.0. However, you can already now add new material renderers...
by mikademus
Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:34 pm
Forum: FAQs, Tutorials, Howtos, and external tool lists
Topic: Ultimate Lightmappers comparative chart
Replies: 23
Views: 37482

Perhaps this thread should be unstickied?
by mikademus
Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:29 pm
Forum: Open Discussion and Dev Announcements
Topic: Thank You IRRLICHT!
Replies: 19
Views: 3735

Couldn't we get some multicultural friends here and have blessings representing various religions? It would also be nice with pictures of smiling children of diverse ethnic backgrounds. That would be very politically correct! :)
by mikademus
Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:23 pm
Forum: Open Discussion and Dev Announcements
Topic: My sentiments after having used several 3D frameworks
Replies: 15
Views: 4075

My sentiments after having used several 3D frameworks

Hi folks! I have been coding 3D apps for over a decade and over the years have developed over nine versions of my own 3D engines, mostly in Direct3D. However, for my latest project I suddenly realised that I was seriously suffering from Enginatis and spend much more time on back-end API details than...
by mikademus
Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:43 pm
Forum: Code Snippets
Topic: Noob Camera.
Replies: 10
Views: 3573

It is probably Thai or Vietnamese (though it is quite difficult to distinguish from Burmese or Laotian in writing with Western characters).
by mikademus
Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:40 pm
Forum: Code Snippets
Topic: (C++) RTSCamera
Replies: 39
Views: 33083

If this camera is solid and useful enough, perhaps is could go into the source base as a compliment to the FPSCamera?

Or perhaps both this and the FPSCamera could be moved into an extras namespace or header or something.
by mikademus
Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:01 pm
Forum: Advanced Help
Topic: 2-layer texturing issue. Is Irrlicht's alpha totally broken?
Replies: 2
Views: 705

2-layer texturing issue. Is Irrlicht's alpha totally broken?

Previously I asked about that alpha-belnded geometry can write to the Z-buffer under under OGL but not under D3D. This is a problem, but one that will be rectified I've heard. Now I've run into a second, and more serious snag. I'm loading multi-textured geometry. Using this requires the EMT_SOLID_2_...
by mikademus
Sat May 24, 2008 5:59 pm
Forum: Advanced Help
Topic: Alphablndd/CKeyed textures - Irrlich zbuffer inconsistency?
Replies: 3
Views: 605

Hi Hybrid, and thanks for your patient help in the channel! As for the discussion here, only changing in DirectX sounds like a very strange decision, since that makes the supported rederers mutually inconsistent and incompatible with the documentation. On the channel, another very helpful person, Cu...
by mikademus
Fri May 23, 2008 8:34 pm
Forum: Advanced Help
Topic: Alphablndd/CKeyed textures - Irrlich zbuffer inconsistency?
Replies: 3
Views: 605

Alphablndd/CKeyed textures - Irrlich zbuffer inconsistency?

Hi. I am importing scenes from legacy formats (in this case 1998), which are saved in proprietary model files and using 8-bit .bmp textures. Some of the models are of trees and similar objects, and these should be rendered colour-keyed, which is internally handled as alpha blends in Irrlicht. Howeve...