I'm a debian user, no gentoo, but i dont think it will be updated, because it doesnt need to be updated, its not a bug in libjpeg, just different versions in the irrlicht-libjpeg header and the libjpeg installed on your system. Try to replace _all_ libjpegs on your system with the irrlicht libjpeg. ...
Hi, i need some help to solve a simple compile error: sid@debian:~/irrlicht/irrlicht-0.8/examples/ode$ make g++ odeirr.cc main.cc evrec.cc -o main -I"../../include" -I"/usr/X11R6/include" -L"../../lib" -L"/usr/X11R6/lib" -lode -lIrrlicht -lGL -lXxf86vm -lXext ...
which linux 3d modeller do you use? I tried blender (i dont like it), and wings 3d, which is really good for small objects, but not for levels, etc.
Hi, has somebody a little example program for me, showing how to use ode with linux. Ive read the ode integration tutorial, but the code does not compile with the gcc, and im, not able to port it to linux ;) I just need the code + media, i got ode working with anjuta, thats not the problem. thanks, ...