Search found 28 matches

by mc08
Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:03 pm
Forum: Everything 2d/3d Graphics
Topic: [help] set-up textures in UV channels
Replies: 0
Views: 1002

[help] set-up textures in UV channels

Hi forum! I have run into a problem when making buildings with both tiled textures (bricks on the walls) and details (doors, windows etc.) in Blender and exporting them to irrlicht. B3D modells in irrlicht supports 2 UV sets that can contain multiple textures in each "channel". As i've und...
by mc08
Sat Dec 18, 2010 10:03 am
Forum: Everything 2d/3d Graphics
Topic: Exporting b3d files from blender
Replies: 5
Views: 3306

As you bring up this topic of b3d exporting i would like to ask one question too. Sorry for invading your thread mate, just thought that creating another thread would be even worse :P Q: Do someone know any good tut or guide about how to export animations properly from gandaldfs exporter? What is su...
by mc08
Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:51 am
Forum: Everything 2d/3d Graphics
Topic: Blender texturing question
Replies: 9
Views: 2268

Murloc, what you searched for was to bake the textures and materials from materials to a UV texture, right?
by mc08
Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:55 pm
Forum: Everything 2d/3d Graphics
Topic: Blender question
Replies: 14
Views: 3156

SOLVED the problem. I tried irrb and exported the "house" and everything worked. IN IRREDIT 1.5 Then after some testing i figured out that it is IrrEdit 1.4.1 that screws everything up. the texture looks great even in my old .b3d in irrEdit 1.5! Thx a lot, though. Now I've got another expo...
by mc08
Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:02 pm
Forum: Everything 2d/3d Graphics
Topic: Blender question
Replies: 14
Views: 3156

I do not know what type of png the texture is, but it looks good except when I apply it as texture. I exported the model with gandaldfs b3d exporter and loaded in irrEdit 1.4. In irrEdit i needed to apply the texture in the models texture tab, and set it to trans_alphack myself. It does not look bet...
by mc08
Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:25 am
Forum: Everything 2d/3d Graphics
Topic: Blender question
Replies: 14
Views: 3156

thanks a lot for that description, pc0de! exactly what i was wondering about. I tried it out and created a very very simple room with transparent windows. in the door i have 3 different levels of transparence. 30% 50% 70%. The 30% one doesn't show up and all the edges are jagged and very sharp. Hard...
by mc08
Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:50 am
Forum: Everything 2d/3d Graphics
Topic: Blender question
Replies: 14
Views: 3156

hmm this does not explain how to make something like 50% transparent, for example diry or coloured glas... :/
by mc08
Thu May 28, 2009 6:00 pm
Forum: Everything 2d/3d Graphics
Topic: Typical irrlicht polycount on low-end hardware?
Replies: 14
Views: 2457

strong99, didnt he say he didnt want any "fancy effects" and about 100 units(scene nodes?) at screen at once.

comeon, i have no clue myself, but give him an estimated number instead of "dunno, depends on...* "
by mc08
Tue May 12, 2009 4:49 pm
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: irrlicht 1.5 saving absolute paths of textures to irr scene
Replies: 14
Views: 1320

I can't click them either :P
by mc08
Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:27 am
Forum: Everything 2d/3d Graphics
Topic: Post Your Irrlicht Screenshots / Render Here.
Replies: 1548
Views: 395821

This is a couple of screens of the game project me and a couple of friends have been working on for school. (me as grafics-guy) Most of the models dont have any lightmap and there is no fancy shaders whatsoever. (lol the houses are like the first model i ever did haha) anyway enjoy, or have a good l...
by mc08
Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:31 pm
Forum: Everything 2d/3d Graphics
Topic: [help]Exporting models with Blender
Replies: 8
Views: 2141

Oh lord, that programming implementation of terrain splattering in a program is way too complicated for me ^^ I'm merely a colorblind 3d-modeller hehe Isn't there any more simple option to programming terrain splatting in the application you want to use it in? I thought terrain splattering more or l...
by mc08
Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:56 pm
Forum: Everything 2d/3d Graphics
Topic: [help]Exporting models with Blender
Replies: 8
Views: 2141

thank you for your help :) I downloaded gile[s] and I will check it out. Is there any tutorials for it you recommend? I tried seaching the forum for terrain splattering, but I could actually not find much about it. just random threads mentioning it. :/ Will try search again, probably just me too noo...
by mc08
Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:57 pm
Forum: Everything 2d/3d Graphics
Topic: [help]Exporting models with Blender
Replies: 8
Views: 2141

Gandaldf can export 2 UV coordinate sets. I dont know how i can control which textures applies to which uv coord set, though. What do you mean I don't have to care about second texture if it is a lightmap? How does it know if it is for example a lightmap or a detainmap or whatever? Do I have to name...
by mc08
Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:55 am
Forum: Everything 2d/3d Graphics
Topic: [help]Exporting models with Blender
Replies: 8
Views: 2141

[help]Exporting models with Blender

Hi! I am part of a project in school with my friend, using irrlicht to make a game. I'm the modeller guy in the project and I use Blender. I can successfully export my models to .b3d using gandaldf's exporter but i do not understand how to use more UV-layouts than just 1. (I know it's capped to 2 wi...
by mc08
Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:32 pm
Forum: Everything 2d/3d Graphics
Topic: B3d Loading Error
Replies: 6
Views: 1613

glad I could help you :)

that problem was SO frustrating when i struggled with it.