Virion, your point that it seems more natural that a character trads zigazag is correct, but zigzag will increase useless actions --waste time for turn-- in the project I am imaging. I let a man walk as straight as possible. The first, second, and third pictures are not A*. They are calculated only ...
I tried searching move range by " A* ", and succeeded. This is a very simple program for testing, and I must coordinate it for common game usage. Needless to say, this program is necessary to characters' moving of various games. http://img...
I am thinking how to search the range a character can move now. I made a sample program, so I expose. Look at pictures. "S" is a start point, brown squares are walls and cyan ones are floors, and each number signifies move power left for shift -- the search process stops when the move powe...
Hello, everyone. I must report a very sad news here. I have been making a RTS game by now, and created a demo version of it. But I have noticed that this game will not reach satisfactory level by testing the demo. For it is very unstable and slow --usually keeps no less than 15 fps. I have come to t...
I am confronted with a problem now. It is that part of terrain is cut off with the burr edge when the terrain is made by ITerrainSceneNode. I have no idea why the right part of the terrain is not drawn and becomes like teeth of the saw. Please give me advice.
I said my project's model was AOE before, but I am not to adopt its manufacture system. For I used to play a certain RTS in which players gathered resources or materials, build facilities and make units and was feeling dissatisfaction that I wanted to concentrate on not production but battle. Manufa...
Author: Vandal Tool: VC++ and Irrlicht Name: undecided I am creating free 3D-RTS, in which several units move and fight simultaneously like AOE1(not AOE3). Its background may be medieval probably, but I have not designed units' models at all. Now I am contriving fundamental programing parts --adjust...