Just one minor issue: If the forum software allows it, I'd suggest you change the title of the thread, to something such as, gosh, perhaps "This is getting real cool-looking" or something?
If you could extract the font rendering system so we could use it with a "vanilla" Irrlicht it would be really nice. Since you create meshbuffers it could work in a new scene node. OK, sure, I can certainly do that. I'd also like to mention, although it isn't shown in the example pics, th...
I don't want to hijack this thread, but ... With MinGW-TDM example 16 Quake 3 Map Shader would not link ( problem with snprintf ). On the other side example 21 Quake 3 Explorer ( which also uses snprintf ) compiles and links fine. I found if i put #include "driverChoice.h" ABOVE !!! #incl...
Triple buffering is really something that should be left up to an end-user's driver settings, either per-application or on a global level. If you (or any end-user running a program you wrote) want it, as hybrid said, the graphics card settings / driver control panel are where it is best done. This i...
hmmm - with MinGW-TDM i cannot compile some examples from Irrlicht. I tried a lot of MinGW "distributions", but the most feature complete and problem free (for me) is: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win32/Personal%20Builds/mingw-builds/ Best use ...
Hi, a C::B (Codeblocks) IDE + MinGW + Irrlicht setup is *exactly* what I work with, so I might be of some assistance here. I also work with multiple versions and variants of MinGW, so I'm familiar with the differences between some of the versions (but not absolutely all of them, lots of variants are...
It does look good now, yes. If I may ask, what was the issue with the matrix math? I'm asking because I'd think the rules I explained in this thread for working with a matrix should have applied to *both* the inverted world matrix *and* the WorldViewProjection matrices you were passing to the shader...
I notice you are initializing a float variable in your CPP code, "T", to 0.0f, which you are then sending to "Tile" - Is this desired, or a mistake? I normally do GLSL, but the line in your shader: OUT.alphaMapTC = IN.texCoord * Tile; ...So you are multiplying a texture coordinat...
at this point i would say release the code so we can help Agreed. It was mentioned in the first post that this is intended to be given to the community, possibly added on to Irrlicht, perhaps you could post the whole thing as a draft proposal of some kind, making it clear it isn't the final version...
Hi! I have create a IAnimatedMeshSceneNode to load a animatedMesh, and wrote a lighting shader and a shadow shader with GLSL. Now I need to add both lighting effect and shadow effect to the same animatedMeshSceneNode using setMaterialType(). I tried to call setMaterialType() twice. But the second w...
One way you could do it is create your own camera scene node class, containing appropriate transformation matrices as needed, with get***() and set***() functions that you would want, and then when you want to actually render / draw something "seen" by that camera, send each matrix to the ...
Not sure how helpful this is, but as I understand it a desktop window (that one might want to create an OpenGL context within, and from glancing at your code it looks like you are going for OpenGL) is very different between Linux and Microsoft Windows OS. The methods for creating an OpenGL context a...
Perhaps I can help, as for my own project I extend scene nodes of different types and create my own all the time. Can you please: - Copy and paste the exact error(s) from your compiler / linker here (If there are many, most likely only the first few lines would probably be relevant, the ones where i...
Typically I'm an OpenGL / GLSL guy, so I could be off here, but I noticed you are sending the matrix "WorldViewProj" to a name in quotes (which I'm guessing is the name in the shader) called "matworldviewprojection" but in your shader code you have the name as "matWorldViewP...