Search found 9 matches

by domstyledesign
Fri May 06, 2005 4:49 am
Forum: Jirr
Topic: jirr vs. Bindenlicht
Replies: 3
Views: 3168

it would also be cool to know more about the window creation so that i can give users the ability to resize the window
by domstyledesign
Fri May 06, 2005 12:53 am
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: Importing woes
Replies: 2
Views: 258


still looking for that 3ds exporter for blender that *works* with irrlicht
by domstyledesign
Thu May 05, 2005 8:11 pm
Forum: Jirr
Topic: jirr vs. Bindenlicht
Replies: 3
Views: 3168

anybody know when jirr will be available for other platforms? or, does anybody know what i would need to learn to build jirr for other platforms? also, does anyone know where i can find the window creation method inside jirr? i ask because i'm curious about using the Swing package w/ jirr. _________...
by domstyledesign
Wed May 04, 2005 11:59 pm
Forum: Advanced Help
Topic: need help to complete my TShape class
Replies: 13
Views: 1094

no sweat. that code was just lying around collecting digital dust.

good luck
by domstyledesign
Wed May 04, 2005 7:55 pm
Forum: Advanced Help
Topic: need help to complete my TShape class
Replies: 13
Views: 1094

i did some coding similar to this in opengl using parametric equations. here's some code. (you probably just need what's in SURFACES.H, so scroll down). main.cpp #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include <gl/glut.h> #include...
by domstyledesign
Wed May 04, 2005 7:37 pm
Forum: Jirr
Topic: jirr vs. Bindenlicht
Replies: 3
Views: 3168

(oops, the above post is me. darn cookies.) i've been messing around with both and have so far had the most success running and compiling the demos using jirr. however, i really like that bindenlicht has downloads for linux. one thing i found kind of odd with jirr. the wall textures are all sorts of...
by domstyledesign
Wed May 04, 2005 6:23 am
Forum: Project Announcements
Topic: Bindenlicht - Java binding for Irrlicht
Replies: 36
Views: 8458

hmm... i tried to run the bindenlicht batch files. the "helloworld" and and gui demos worked fine. the rest did not. here's an error log created when the quake3map demo failed. # # An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine: # # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005)...
by domstyledesign
Wed May 04, 2005 12:21 am
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: Importing woes
Replies: 2
Views: 258

i've located a working .X exporter here

how about 3ds? or any other exporters for blender (which work properly w/ irrlicht)
by domstyledesign
Tue May 03, 2005 11:35 pm
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: Importing woes
Replies: 2
Views: 258

Importing woes

_________________________________________ PLEASE READ THIS Unknown data object in x file: Header{ Loaded mesh: C:\Dev-Cpp\projects\Irrlicht\test/table.x i'm using the precompiled meshviewer to import a .x mesh exported from blender. above is what is output to the console by the meshviewer. nothing a...