sure you just need to send a "blend" constant to a shader wich receives as input the screenshot before "myShader" is applied and after the "myShader" was applied and then just mix the two inputs according to the blend factor. This is not the best way for fading displace...
The most needed features are: 1) 1D textures 2) floating point textures 3) GPU skinning weighted bones. 4) gamma correction without the need of shaders. EDIT: forget to tell to use Nvidia/ati extensions for enable the query of extra hardware features like available videoram and number of available s...
The most simple way is to use a identity matrix (as irrlicht's GUI is doing). wich makes the viewing volume become a cube wich is strecthed on one side to fit the screen of your PC.. Use an orthographic camera, that way there is no prespective shift for diffrent tiles wich is exactly the same thing...
I have installed a new video card with pixel shader 2.0 (I had only 1.2 and games like Spores were having much graphics troubles and visive artifacts). Now I have 2 graphics cards, Newest games run smoothly, but now if i try to run the Shaders demo of irrlicht seems I have no pixel shader support on...
not know. if you save the file as "hello.irr" what about search it with your operative system searching utilities? if you are using codeblocks you can specify the work directory and also if you are using visual studio.. my suggestion is to put all binary files in a "bin" folder a...
that's the test is used for measure time needed by file reading. updated the first post with timing results. #include <irrlicht.h> #include <time.h> #include <iostream> using namespace irr; using namespace core; using namespace scene; using namespace video; using namespace io; using namespace gui; u...
nice article . i 've seen so much people asking for something similiar. does someone put any example of multithreading with irrlicht (a working one, not a library that do that but don't use irrilcht)
i have some time ago wrote a directx shader, but now i'm having trouble in using it under opengl. I need a glsl shader that accept as parameters 2 values(vertex shader) f32 time f32 vector3df I need to move a vertex according to the time and vector3df I simply want to move a point sprite cloud for d...
great work. it is not too difficult adding more complex phisics. think especially about 3d islands (group of items moving together). this is very usefull to speed up computing .