yeah it was quite simple(i needed to get a Microsoft DirectX SDK (April 2006)).. i built it but.. see i'd like to include it to the netcp wrapper, so that i could use the new irrlicht with c#..
how could i discover the new things since 1.3.1?
Hi! i know there's Acki's Extensions.. but not for irrlicht 1.3.1 (.. because Acki's Extensions contains CustomBones..) and i searched a bit and found like //! animates the skeleton based on the animation data void CXAnimationPlayer::animateSkeleton() ........ ... in CXAnimationPlayer.cpp etc.. so s...
a year ago or so there was something about conevrting decimal numbers to binary on "computer lesson" in school but i didnt really need it so far.. and..thx for your reply! it made me see a lot of things through so i asked coz i needed the best way to send Vectors / matrices' data through u...
Hi! I need some help! so at first... this is about c#... but at least c syntax(it may not differ on e.x. c++..) here's some code (can be found in Color.cs)[irrnetCP Types]: public int NativeColor { get { return ((A & 0xff) << 24) | ((R & 0xff) << 16) | ((G & 0xff) << 8) | (B & 0xff);...
Hi! I have bout 20000 objects in a database tiled into 730 smaller areas. Most of these areas have objects in them (some of them are empty): at least 100. when im browsing in the 3d space my program checks if im near an area or not and displays it if needed ; it creates or removes 3d objects (maybe ...
i 'd like to transform the irr terrain to ode trimesh using this syntax and the new Irrlicht.NET CP.., and add it to my car game.. but my car doesnt collide with the terrain/trimesh.. public void LoadTerrain() { if (device == null) { MessageBox.Show("Couldn't load terrain because device was nul...
as we know, there's the rotation bug in irrlicht.. there's a solution for it, but not for the .net wrapper: i couldnt make it for .net, cause there are some functions that the wrapper do not contain... is there an...