Search found 7 matches
- Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:52 pm
- Forum: Irrlicht.NET
- Topic: Camera Rotations / Scene Rotations
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2556
I also wanted to make a camera orbit around a specific point also and MayaCameraSceneNode did not give me the mouse controls that I wanted. I decided to just wrap code(not sure if this is good programming) around a normal CameraSceneNode, since I didn't know enough c++ programming to make my own nod...
- Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:16 am
- Forum: Project Announcements
- Topic: Irrlicht .NET CP
- Replies: 75
- Views: 15698
I've been playing around with this a few days and I have to say, great job. However, I tried collision detection without any success. I then partially converted example 7 (c# collision - in Irrlicht 1.1) to see if something was wrong in my code. The new example 7 didn't work either. Vector3D interse...
- Thu Aug 10, 2006 5:35 pm
- Forum: Irrlicht.NET
- Topic: Getting .X joint nodes in Irrlicht.Net
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1929
Possible Solution
There is a getXJointNode() method in AnimatedMeshSceneNode in the Irrlicht# engine: I have not seen any problem in using this method yet when I attached a plane to a simple animated model. The only thing is that I couldn't label the...
- Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:14 am
- Forum: Irrlicht.NET
- Topic: Getting .X joint nodes in Irrlicht.Net
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1929
- Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:06 am
- Forum: Irrlicht.NET
- Topic: IAnimatedMeshX in C#
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2474
I don't have a problem loading my model. What I am trying to do is to attach another node to my model like in the thread I linked to. The addChild() method only provide rotation and translation animations to keep it orienteted around the model but what I want is to have the node animate with the mes...
- Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:43 pm
- Forum: Irrlicht.NET
- Topic: IAnimatedMeshX in C#
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2474
IAnimatedMeshX in C#
I am attempting to convert the code from the thread below into C#: However, when i try to use IAnimatedMeshX it gives me this error: Error 1 The type or namespace name 'IAnimatedMeshX' could not be found (are yo...
- Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:32 pm
- Forum: Irrlicht.NET
- Topic: load irr files in c#
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1777
There is an example on how to do this in the Irrlicht 1.1 download.
I tried this and it worked for me.
I tried this and it worked for me.
Code: Select all