Search found 4 matches
- Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:24 pm
- Forum: Project Announcements
- Topic: Made a B3D Loader
- Replies: 259
- Views: 55337
@ Luke: Re - 'plugin' Sorry, misreading again. I get in a hurry and read things too fast. I'll grab your loader and use it with Irrlicht. I've been wishing that B3D had the shader capabilities and all the other 'gee whiz' stuff from DX 9. That's why I'm trying to learn how to use Irrlicht, so that I...
- Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:02 pm
- Forum: Project Announcements
- Topic: Made a B3D Loader
- Replies: 259
- Views: 55337
- Mon Sep 18, 2006 2:07 pm
- Forum: Project Announcements
- Topic: Made a B3D Loader
- Replies: 259
- Views: 55337
@ Luke: In Gile[s] there are are three effects for texture blending in the main texture panel. Alpha, Multiply, Additive. In the Texture Window, accessed from Window > Texture Window, there are 10 texture flags, 5 Blending effects and 5 tiling settings for texture tiling (setting the UVs). Since Gil...
- Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:27 am
- Forum: Project Announcements
- Topic: Made a B3D Loader
- Replies: 259
- Views: 55337
Hi all, I'm new here too. I was reading this forum and noticed questions about Blitz 3D and animated meshes. Unless I misunderstood what I read :), there are two methods of animating in B3D. One is using the MD2 style of animation, extracting sequences. This method works well for animations with IK ...