bcb6 (borland) and irrlicht v1.0

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Post by etcaptor »

I found it. Just was omited to type this in irrTypes.h:

Code: Select all

#ifndef __BCPLUSPLUS__    // add by etcaptor for BCB compatibility
#define   swprintf   _snwprintf
#endif // BCB
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Post by HLFat »

Glad you found it.

But I just double checked my download, and I made that change in 'irrTypes.h'.

So...I don't know.

Oh...just did a couple of posts on your forum.More like 'a couple of questions.'
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Post by etcaptor »

Yes in your file these lines exist. But I started from scratch because want to know whether there are a new problems with BCB because I omited several new Irrlicht versions.
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Post by HLFat »


I really like your VisualEditor.
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Irrlicht 1.2 and C++ Builder6

Post by Ки&am »

Если кто столкнулся с проблеммами при компиляции Irrlicht под билдер, или библиотека неправильно работает, или просто Вам лень разбираться с ошибками, скачайте готовую библиотеку!

Irrlicht 1.2 with DX9, OpenGL, Software (1,2), (and libs like zlib) DLL&LIB.
Debug and relase versions http://kkc-os.ru/SDK/download.htm

Sorry ("\&\#1050;\&\#1080;\&am...." - "Кирилл Ковшов")
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Access violation error

Post by Quibbler »

Darseq, I tried your project and compiled it with Turbo C++ but I can't get it running. I get Access violation error on the following row:

device->setWindowCaption(L"Hello World! - Irrlicht Engine Demo");

I commented this line out but then it just stopped at the next row.
Anyone else had this problem?

My stack trace looks like this:

:7c812a5b kernel32.RaiseException + 0x52
:32758966 CC3270MT.___raiseDebuggerException + 0x1a
:32758a40 CC3270MT.___raiseDebuggerException + 0xf4
:7c9037bf ntdll.RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger + 0x7a
:7c90378b ntdll.RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger + 0x46
:7c90eafa ntdll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher + 0xe
:32778e3e ; C:\WINDOWS\system32\CC3270MT.DLL
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Post by darseq »

Hi Quibbler.

It has been a long time since I have viewed this thread. To be honest, I do not know why the helloworld application is not working. On the other hand, I have prepared a new bcb irrlicht 1.2 port. It will be called:

http://www.xs4all.nl/~sbmpost/Irr120BCB6.zip (not yet uploaded)

It contains a binary called demo.exe and allows you to compile it yourself as well (using bcb). So perhaps this works better for you.
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Post by hybrid »

Irrlicht SVN now compiles out-of-the-box with BCC. However, I cannot get the examples to work, either. For me the application simply quits immediately, no output, no window, nothing.
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Post by HLFat »

OK,let me give it a try.
Maybe I can figure it out.
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Post by HLFat »


Seems to work just fine with Borland BCC55.1.

Commented out DX8 support.

Just had to add the macro for min in CD3D9Driver.cpp and you are right,it compiled out of the box.

Just did a few of the examples,so I will test the rest.

Let me know if you want my code::blocks build project.Maybe you are using an oddball command switch or something.

I used the multithread librarys for the DLL and the examples.

Also will test it with Turbo Explorer BID 4.0,but if it works under BCC55.1 it will work with that.
Last edited by HLFat on Sat Apr 28, 2007 2:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by HLFat »

OK...works with the Borland Turbo Explorer BID 4.0.

But with a few minor glitches, which have been previously addressed:

From Quibbler's tutorial,and Et Captor's excellent information:
Edit following file:


Locate this line in the function void Surface::clear():

textureName = 0;

Change to this (make it an empty string):

textureName = "";

And in Irrlicht.cpp :
#if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(__GNUWIN32__)

Change to this:

#if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(__GNUWIN32__) && !defined(__BORLANDC__)
All in all a major improvement.

Just had to add the min macro to CD3D9Diver.cpp.Apparently the Borland includes don't support that.

No...I checked.Also checked vfw.h.Doesn't seem to be there.


This is with todays (27-04-2007)SVN download.
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Post by hybrid »

Yes, please send me the project file. Does c::b also create Makefiles like Dev-cpp? I'd also need that one, because I don't have c::b installed.
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Post by HLFat »

Sorry,Code::BLocks doesn't generate a makefile.

In fact,the project file won't help much,but I included it anyway,plus the DLL and lib,and a copy of the build log.That might help.

You can get it here.
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Post by hybrid »

Ok, the build.log is the one I'd need, but now also for an example (because I think that I built the library correctly).
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Post by HLFat »

Hang on....

I didn't test very good.Neither software driver works.It works for the HelloWorld example,but that is it.

I do get a console window,and it starts to load,but then crashes.

Let me do a debug build and try to see what's going on.

The Directx9 and OpenGL seem to work OK.

Edit: Oops...my fault.I forgot to add _control87(MCW_EM,MCW_EM);

So the software drivers do work OK.

Odd the OpenGL and Dirextx9 worked.

Ok..I'll test the rest of the examples.
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