in the irrlich implementation, an aabb is used to represent the frustrum.
the aabb is defined by 2 points a min and a max (MinEdge and MaxEdge).
so the frustrum iaabb is calculated using this function:
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inline void SViewFrustrum::recalculateBoundingBox()
core::aabbox3d<f32> box(cameraPosition);
boundingBox = box;
thus a small thing would be changed and instead of contructing the aabb witht the cameraposition, it should be the intersection between the view direction and the near plane which will give a more exact result.
The second thing we notice that each calculation of the points in the far plane is an intersection between 3 planes which has a bit of calculations.
The third point is that aabb is a normal box but the frustrum is not. so the aabb test will return a box inside while it might be outside.
Now i will introduce an alternative method which i implemented in irrlicht:
first lets comment the content of the recalculateBoundingBox function found in SViewFrustrum.h
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inline void SViewFrustrum::recalculateBoundingBox()
/*core::aabbox3d<f32> box(cameraPosition);
boundingBox = box;*/
next in CSceneManager.cpp:
in the functuion bool CSceneManager::isCulled(ISceneNode* node)
the method used was the line:
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return !(tbox.intersectsWithBox(cam->getViewFrustrum()->boundingBox));
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core::vector3d<f32> nearest;
for (int i=0;i<6;i++)
if(cam->getViewFrustrum()->planes[i].Normal.X <= 0)
nearest.X = tbox.MinEdge.X;
nearest.X = tbox.MaxEdge.X;
if(cam->getViewFrustrum()->planes[i].Normal.Y <= 0)
nearest.Y = tbox.MinEdge.Y;
nearest.Y = tbox.MaxEdge.Y;
if(cam->getViewFrustrum()->planes[i].Normal.Z <= 0)
nearest.Z = tbox.MinEdge.Z;
nearest.Z = tbox.MaxEdge.Z;
return false;
return true; //is culled
if 1 point is indside the box is inside.
the calculation is fairly simpler then intersections between 3 planes. and more precise than a big aabb.
another optimization in the above code is to add an index to the node aabb.
every time we test with a plane and it gives us outside we save that index.
so next time we test the same aabb we test with the saved index first cuz in 1 game loop usually we do not change from side to side quickly.
then we continue testing with the other planes.
I did the above but my machine is fairly fast (i get 12-15fps with burning's software renderer) and didnt notice any fps gain or loss. i think it is in precision gain.
this FILE contains the includes, libs and dlls for ppl who do not want to re do everyth manually. (Note Dll does not support dx8 so dt run with dx8 )
hopefully some1 has the time and a large scene to test . cuz i dt have any big scenes. or if u can provide me with 1 it would be good.