Thanks for your replys
It seems only XCode 2.1 and up can open .xcodeproj files, I had only 2.0. So I downloaded XCode 2.41 (the latest version), opened the project and started to compile. I got it to work, but it required some tweaks:
In COpenGLDriver.cpp I had to change glBindRenderBufferEXT() to glBindRenderbufferEXT() in line 2607 (lower case "b") and glDeleteRenderBufferEXT() to glDeleteRenderbufferEXT() in line 2617. These are the function names from the spec, so this is probably an Irrlicht bug. Where can I file this?
With this change, the lib compiled fine, but the examples gave linking errors. I had to add the files ITriangleRenderer2.cpp, CTRTextureLightMapGouraud2_M4.cpp and CGUIColorSelectDialog.cpp to Irrlicht/Engine and pngwrite.c to Irrlicht/libpng to fix the linker errors. Why are these files not in the project per default?
Now some of the examples work (SpecialFX works, MeshViewer works but crashes when I try to load a .b3d file, Demo displays an empty window but needs 60% cpu to do so, so it's doing _something_). Does Demo take a long time to load or is this another problem?
edit: I had to uncomment #define USE_IRRKLANG in CDemo.h to be able to compile Demo.