As to turning it off grid snap I was refering as far as having it align, I have had this problem since I have worked on bsp type of maps since the Duke Nukem days. I guess you havnt ever tried moving or pasting items around that was built with a 1 grid unit? I have, as I have built some pretty detailed maps for artsy looks. Grid based or not, when you manipulate the vertices, things always go awry. This doesnt happen when you work in a modeler. As to no bugs, I guess you havent gotten the canoncal error or the leaf saw into leaf error, or even the more obscure MAX LEAF exceeded error. (when brushes go wild from a vertex manipulation operation). A lot of these errors are not apparent until you save your level and then reopen them as a MAP instead of the editors native file format, as in the case of Hammers rmf format.
Again I simply wrote the plugin to see if I could and because I wanted features to make sure of alignment that the editors didnt offer, at the time I wrote it at least.
As to making a hammer map to gtk rad map, this should be quite easy. The only problem I have encountered is because Hammer still uses the WAD format to get all its textures from. If you were to create a WAD containing the textures that you expect to use like Q3, and apply them, it would reflect that in the output. The only problems I have seen from exporting to MAP from hammer and then trying to load the MAP file has been not finding the textures and stripping it of its entites that are not part of Q3.
Alittle editing needs to be done here, I guess I must have deleted Hammer on my machine and used the WC 3.0 So to tell you the gods honest truth, I had originally tested the plugin with WC 2.x then each version since, but since Hammer seems to have been taken off to make room for other things I cant tell if exporting a level in MAP from Hammer will load like WC 3.0 did in gtkRadiant.
IrrlichED Anyone interested?
So what do we need?
1. IrrlichtED
2. map -> map
3. map -> 3ds
4. .imp Irrlicht Map
I suggest if anyone has an Idea about those asspects. To post it here for eg.
We could use the source code of Qoole99 to make the Editor (Where all is connected, map models...)
Also I would like to know who is willing to help me.
1. IrrlichtED
2. map -> map
3. map -> 3ds
4. .imp Irrlicht Map
I suggest if anyone has an Idea about those asspects. To post it here for eg.
We could use the source code of Qoole99 to make the Editor (Where all is connected, map models...)
Also I would like to know who is willing to help me.
Yours sencerely,
Alexander Milanoff
Alexander Milanoff
well its not so much the concern to output to MAP format, as there are several editors that do this. The thing of concern for users of the IRRLICHT engine is that the editor could write some code as to placement of entities we use. It has been already mentioned that is a big pain fudging around with code to get your model in exactly the right place, or that emmiter box and sprite in the right places. This takes a lot of fudging around, believe me! The editor needs to at least read out the x, y, and z positions for you to place these things in your code, and at most generate some cpp code for you to cut an paste in your project. Hmm,... starting to sound good, and I might rewrite or create a plugin in Milkshape to write out some code as to where emmitters and sprites are placed. 

i m working on 2 tools that i will use for many project i hope.
well first i must explain how i m working with my graphist and what spec i will use in my game.
-Portal. I don t want to use bsp, to old. i want to introduce a system portal in irrlicht (but not in the engine like the octreenode).i have my idea on this point.
-physic, every model should have a physic. i want to use tokamak, which is in my opinion, easier and faster than ode(but actually i have problem to transpose irr matrix to tokamak matrix).
-x format.(but actually some problem to export from max to x)
end for main spec.
the tools:
-it s just like the mesh viewer tutorial. it s just load a mesh.
the editor can specifie:
-material of the mesh.
-shader (when will be integrate in irr)
-PHYSIC of the mesh (define if the mesh just use a boundingbox, need to have joint, have squeleton (for character))and you create your tokamak primitive (box,sphere,capsule,terrain mesh)that are "glue" with the mesh in the editor.
-some other stuff like animation frame specification for character etc.
this editor won t change the x file source. it create a .gms (for graphical mesh specification). when you load a .x in the game , you load the . gms that have the same name.
-in this, we can just position an entity
-the" level editor" is not a tool for modeling mesh. (all mesh creation is made in an extern tool, don t need to reinvent the wheel
-what is an entity:
it s just something that have a comportment and some parameter.
there is as many entitys sort as you want some particular stuff in your level.
example of entity:
-level s player position start . parameter: a vector.
-an ennemy: parameter: ennemy type.
-a door. parameter: a mesh(the door), location, rotationmaxangle,rotationmin angle, axe, triggerinput (if activate by a button) etc..
and here is the deal, the level editor dont load mesh...we r having just the option of creating an entity ,and in the property box, there is the properties of the entity (if the entity need a mesh parameter like a door entity, we have a fileopenbox in the prepertys, etc) that the level designer should change to change the behaviour of level.
then the level make export a .lbd (for level behaviour description)
here is the description of a .lbd:
/*list of all mesh that are use in the level, because i have a mesh manager in my engine that load all the mesh and other object make reference to it when they want a meshnode, so i have only one hinstance of meshdata for different meshnode*/
/*list of all entity whith their parameter*/
door2.x //the mesh
1,0,0 //location
0,0,0 //angle at start
0,45,0 //angla at end
100 // nb millisecond to close or open
5000 // nb millisecond to wait before close
12 //trigger channel to read to know if i can open the door
0,0,0 //location
the level editor just read a text file that specifie what are the entity that the engine can read and what parameter do they use(fileopenbox,editbox,listbox etc)
here is what i m planning to do.
actually, i have start the mesh editor, but i have doing this in the way that when i will have finish the mesh engine , i will have to change just few option to transform it in the level editor.
i have some problem with the integration of tokamak , so if someone have some info , any help is welcome.
well first i must explain how i m working with my graphist and what spec i will use in my game.
-Portal. I don t want to use bsp, to old. i want to introduce a system portal in irrlicht (but not in the engine like the octreenode).i have my idea on this point.
-physic, every model should have a physic. i want to use tokamak, which is in my opinion, easier and faster than ode(but actually i have problem to transpose irr matrix to tokamak matrix).
-x format.(but actually some problem to export from max to x)
end for main spec.
the tools:
-it s just like the mesh viewer tutorial. it s just load a mesh.
the editor can specifie:
-material of the mesh.
-shader (when will be integrate in irr)
-PHYSIC of the mesh (define if the mesh just use a boundingbox, need to have joint, have squeleton (for character))and you create your tokamak primitive (box,sphere,capsule,terrain mesh)that are "glue" with the mesh in the editor.
-some other stuff like animation frame specification for character etc.
this editor won t change the x file source. it create a .gms (for graphical mesh specification). when you load a .x in the game , you load the . gms that have the same name.
-in this, we can just position an entity
-the" level editor" is not a tool for modeling mesh. (all mesh creation is made in an extern tool, don t need to reinvent the wheel

-what is an entity:
it s just something that have a comportment and some parameter.
there is as many entitys sort as you want some particular stuff in your level.
example of entity:
-level s player position start . parameter: a vector.
-an ennemy: parameter: ennemy type.
-a door. parameter: a mesh(the door), location, rotationmaxangle,rotationmin angle, axe, triggerinput (if activate by a button) etc..
and here is the deal, the level editor dont load mesh...we r having just the option of creating an entity ,and in the property box, there is the properties of the entity (if the entity need a mesh parameter like a door entity, we have a fileopenbox in the prepertys, etc) that the level designer should change to change the behaviour of level.
then the level make export a .lbd (for level behaviour description)
here is the description of a .lbd:
/*list of all mesh that are use in the level, because i have a mesh manager in my engine that load all the mesh and other object make reference to it when they want a meshnode, so i have only one hinstance of meshdata for different meshnode*/
/*list of all entity whith their parameter*/
door2.x //the mesh
1,0,0 //location
0,0,0 //angle at start
0,45,0 //angla at end
100 // nb millisecond to close or open
5000 // nb millisecond to wait before close
12 //trigger channel to read to know if i can open the door
0,0,0 //location
the level editor just read a text file that specifie what are the entity that the engine can read and what parameter do they use(fileopenbox,editbox,listbox etc)
here is what i m planning to do.
actually, i have start the mesh editor, but i have doing this in the way that when i will have finish the mesh engine , i will have to change just few option to transform it in the level editor.
i have some problem with the integration of tokamak , so if someone have some info , any help is welcome.
Sans danger, pas de gloire...
Sans danger, pas de gloire...
Great thing, I suppose. Specially for rpgs..
"-x format.(but actually some problem to export from max to x)
end for main spec. "
Which problem?
all that bellow..a lot of work. But if you do it, great
Great thing, I suppose. Specially for rpgs..

"-x format.(but actually some problem to export from max to x)
end for main spec. "
Which problem?
all that bellow..a lot of work. But if you do it, great

Finally making games again!
irr doesn t load exported feature from panda exporter,
i have try your option but no success, with max5. but i m not a graphist, maybe i m making something wrong when put material on mesh or creating keyframe etc....actually that s not my problem, i can test with the 3ds format, when i will have finish the tools and start to work on character animation, i will solve this problem.
i have try your option but no success, with max5. but i m not a graphist, maybe i m making something wrong when put material on mesh or creating keyframe etc....actually that s not my problem, i can test with the 3ds format, when i will have finish the tools and start to work on character animation, i will solve this problem.
Sans danger, pas de gloire...
Sans danger, pas de gloire...
bappy, the editor I'm making for iEng sounds v similar to what you describe. See the "iEng" thread in project announcements.. you can press f12 top bring up the interface, and see data/maps/facility.ent for the format.
To get meshes from 3dsm to irrlicht I fiond its best to export to 3ds, import the 3ds into milkshape 3d, then use milkshapes .x exporter.
To get meshes from 3dsm to irrlicht I fiond its best to export to 3ds, import the 3ds into milkshape 3d, then use milkshapes .x exporter.
.: :.
making an editor is i think a really good idea,
as i am not a programmer but an artist i can just help you by giving
my idea about how an editor should look like, to be easy to use and ergonomic.
i dont think people should only focus on BSP's because we still dont exactly know if
it's royalty free ( if i remember its not..) and making levels with the radiants tools can
be sometime a real pain in the ass ( making the .pak file, converting the prefabs etc...)
when with an apppropriate tools you would only have to put your textures and stuffs in a specific folder,
make the prefabs in a simple 3ds format, export the scene in .X file so anybody can use it and manipulate it as
he wants.
so if you are ok alexander, i am your man
ps: babby we dont need to reinvent the wheel but just to add tires to it he he ( et vlan !)
as i am not a programmer but an artist i can just help you by giving
my idea about how an editor should look like, to be easy to use and ergonomic.
i dont think people should only focus on BSP's because we still dont exactly know if
it's royalty free ( if i remember its not..) and making levels with the radiants tools can
be sometime a real pain in the ass ( making the .pak file, converting the prefabs etc...)
when with an apppropriate tools you would only have to put your textures and stuffs in a specific folder,
make the prefabs in a simple 3ds format, export the scene in .X file so anybody can use it and manipulate it as
he wants.
so if you are ok alexander, i am your man
ps: babby we dont need to reinvent the wheel but just to add tires to it he he ( et vlan !)
I am not using bsps in my demo. I am using an .x mesh and it works fairly decent detecting the mesh with ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse way of doing things. I have created a landscape mesh and can walk around in my level this way, and buildings I have created also are detected.
As to portals, if there would be a way to display other portals, such a viewing a sky from a mesh setup like that of Unreals way of doing things, that would be to cool
As to portals, if there would be a way to display other portals, such a viewing a sky from a mesh setup like that of Unreals way of doing things, that would be to cool