Bug MS3D With Bone Animation

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Bug MS3D With Bone Animation

Post by Magnet »

I have model: http://www.webpolit.com/irr/fish2.rar

This model loaded in IrrLight incorrect!! :

But in Milkshape loaded corect:

This model has bones, animation.

P.S. Pay no regard to texture.
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Post by Magnet »

It is bug or no?
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Post by sio2 »

Are those fins single polygons? If so, they will be backface culled when viewed from one side. Try disabling backface culling in your fish material. Alternatively, edit the mesh to make them two sided.

Edit: The first thing to try is switching off "draw backfaces" in the MilkShape 3D window. If the fins don't draw when rotating the model all the way round then you know what the issue is.
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Post by sio2 »

No, it's not a bug. I just tried the model in MilkShape and those fins are single-sided.

If you're going to use stencil shadows I would edit the model.
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Post by hybrid »

Does MilkShape have a material flag for two-sided materials? In that case we could add support easily.
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Post by bitplane »

Code: Select all

// nNumMaterials * sizeof (ms3d_material_t)
typedef struct
    char            name[32];                           //
    float           ambient[4];                         //
    float           diffuse[4];                         //
    float           specular[4];                        //
    float           emissive[4];                        //
    float           shininess;                          // 0.0f - 128.0f
    float           transparency;                       // 0.0f - 1.0f
    char            mode;                               // 0, 1, 2 is unused now
    char            texture[128];                        // texture.bmp
    char            alphamap[128];                       // alpha.bmp
} ms3d_material_t;
doesn't look like it :(
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Post by hybrid »

Hmm, the mode might help. But documentation is not available as it seems.
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Post by bitplane »

yes thats what I thought, but there's no mention of mode in the ascii version of the specs, so i think its reserved for future use
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