Note the FPS.
Readme from the demo:
Hardware Skinned Mesh Demo for the Irrlicht 3D Engine
sio2 'at'
This is a proof-of-concept demo of hardware mesh-skinning using the Irrlicht 3D Engine. Mesh skinning allows an animated mesh to be controlled by an underlying skeleton (hierarchy of bones) - as the skeleton is animated it moves the "skin" mesh. Irrlicht already supports animated meshes, but this demo uses an Irrlicht custom-scenenode and handles the animation in hardware, hence giving a boost in performance. An unmodified Irrlicht dll is used (the source code from which the dll was built is unaltered) - this demo uses functionality exposed by the Irrlicht API.
This demo supports four different skinning methods (five are available - see notes). Some may not be available, based on your hardware capabilities. In general, the "HLSL skinning" method should be fastest. The current FPS (frames-per-second) shows how efficient the current method is (this will be slightly slower with the GUI active - close the GUI to see full performance).
TAB - toggle GUI (open/close Irrlicht GUI controls).
Move mouse to alter viewpoint (when GUI is closed).
WASD keys to move camera (when GUI is closed).
Alt-F4 or Escape key to exit.
When the GUI is open the mouse is used to control the cursor and the drop-down box can then be used to select a different mesh skinning method.
When the GUI is closed the mouse is used to alter the viewpoint of the camera.
Latest DirectX 9.0b drivers [],
Latest DirectX9 drivers for your graphics hardware [from your HW vendor].
1. This demo is Direct3D9 only.
2. One of the five different skinning methods, "Fixed function indexed skinning", does not currently work. This is because Irrlicht creates a Direct3D9 device with HARDWARE_VERTEX_PROCESSING and fixed-function-indexed-skinning in this demo requires MIXED_VERTEX_PROCESSING. This demo is based on an unaltered Irrlich dll so this has not yet been corrected.
3. This demo may require the Visual Studio 2005 Redistributable Files installed on your machine. These can be obtained from in the "Misc" section in "Downloads".
4. This Irrlicht build is based on Irrlicht Subversion revision 444.