DNS Check

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DNS Check

Post by Robomaniac »

Hey everyone, i'm trying to set up my web server, and i would like people to try to go to.


and then post a poll responce to whether it worked or not. This is for pure testing only.

The Robomaniac
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Post by ErMurazor »


It did not work from my connection.
Have you verified that the DNS a record is correct?
http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/lookup.ch ... org&type=A

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Post by DarkWhoppy »

Didn't work for me either. . .
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Post by thesmileman »

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Post by Robomaniac »

Yeah, this weekend i figured out that on our current isp, they give us a dynamic ip address, so there is no way to map an ip adress for more than a few minutes. Therefore, i gotta find a new site. I've heard prohosting, and web1000 are good. Anyone use them?
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Post by saigumi »

I thought you had a site on eve-corp.

But if you want something larger, to point your own domain to: http://www.webdiggity.com
Tell them saigumi sent ya, you may get a discount as the owner likes the referals I send him.

You'd still need to register a domain name from someone like http://www.dnscentral.com/
Crud, how do I do this again?

Post by Guest »

"Yeah, this weekend i figured out that on our current isp, they give us a dynamic ip address, so there is no way to map an ip adress for more than a few minutes."

dynamic ip is not a few minuts it just mean once u disconect u're ip is freed so unless u're extremly lucky u're not gonna have the same ip when you reconnect but you could use a dynamic ip rerouting service where your domain name point to the service & you can update u're ip when you log on to the service so u're website is backup in like 2 min each time after you reconect
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Post by Coolkat »

what operating system are you using to set up your webserver? even if your ISP assigns you a dynamic IP you can change to a static IP using windows or linux servers. (it's easier to do in linux then in Windows). also, what webserver are you running? are you running Apache , IIS , what? did you set up nameservers and point your domain to the nameservers? yeah.. and with a server... never turn it off.. not only will that kill your site.. but turning your computer on and off kills your computer's life so leaving it on will let it live longer.. :P
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