help me please

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help me please

Post by carbonhazard »

i just started downloading the 10 mb thing, after it finishes, how do i make a 3d game???
Posts: 602
Joined: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:03 am
Location: Pottstown, PA

Post by Robomaniac »

Sorry if this is a bit blunt, but game programming takes work

1) Buy a book
2) Learn C++
3) Read another book
4) Learn More C++
5) Write Tetris
6) Learn More Stuff
7) Write Asteroids
8) Learn More C++ and Game Programming Stuff
9) Write a SIMPLE 3d Game
10) Slowly move to more advaced things

I personally did not take this route exactly, but i went something similar to that. I wish that i had know more about C++ and Game Programming before i started Centaur Force, however, i have learned a lot while making it.

Links I Would Suggest: [correct if wrong]

The Irrlicht Tutorials

ICE --> the Irrlicht One.
The Robomaniac
Project Head / Lead Programmer
Centaur Force

Post by carbonhazard »

i have visual basic 6.0... will i need anything like that to make my game???

Post by noob4u »

i think he means, what will he NEED to write a game, as in software
Posts: 602
Joined: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:03 am
Location: Pottstown, PA

Post by Robomaniac »


You need to learn C or C++ before you start making games. Visual Basic is never used in the industry. It is what i started out with, but once i got the basics down, i picked up a book, and learned C. (The Absolute Beginner's Guide To C) It is a good book, and i would recommend you picking it up. Good C++ compilers include Dev C++, and g++ (for linux) but in the end, you're gonna want to get Visual C++ 2k3 (or another version [6 or higher]). But before you even start looking at Irrlicht, i would recommend that you write some c or c++ programs (preferably both). Then go from there
The Robomaniac
Project Head / Lead Programmer
Centaur Force

Post by carbonhazard »

but, i can make a simple game right??? i just wanna know what programs to use...

Post by carbonhazard »

i was under the impresion that IRRLICHT was the same kind of program as CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG
Posts: 602
Joined: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:03 am
Location: Pottstown, PA

Post by Robomaniac »

Yep, your wrong. Irrlicht is just a graphics engine (with some input, and collision on the side). You need to use a compiler + a programming language to use it.
The Robomaniac
Project Head / Lead Programmer
Centaur Force
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Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Post by Domarius »

One more tip: Generally, if you're posting in here, you need help. So a subject like "help me please" is pretty redundant, and doesn't help anybody decide if they can help you and make it worth their while opening up the thread to read it.

This goes for pretty much every forum on the web.

Post by Guest »

You need to learn how to program C++ to use Irrlicht. You can't just click a button and be presented with a fully, albeit simple game.
Posts: 25
Joined: Sun Mar 28, 2004 1:44 am
Location: U.S.A.

Post by Coolkat »

at first you need to pick what language you want to program the game in?

Perl , Python , C/C++ , ASM *don't pick this.. please...*

IrrEng is made to work with C/C++ but it can be made to work with other languages such as Python.. and ASM if you change everthying to extern.. complicated.. but anyway.. pick the language you wanna use.. then learn ALL the basics and then.. make programs.. nothing 3d... then.. learn the intermediary level.. then you can start basic graphic programs.. and you can start to learn advanced programs..

What you'll need:
  • C/C++
    • Compilers
      • VC++ (windows)
      • Dev-Cpp (windows)
      • gcc (Unix based OS)
      • g++ (unix based OS and Mac OS)
  • Python
    • Python Interpreter
    • Python Compiler
  • Perl
    • Perl Interpreter
    • Perl Debugger
    • Perl Compiler
  • ASM
    • NASM Compiler
    • Pick Arch (x86 , ARM , etc.)
    • lots and LOTS of free time to write ASM code :D
    • Code: Select all

      GLOBAL _asm_start
        mov ax, bx ; some values
        mov bs , [msg] ; blah
        int 21h
don't quote me on my ASM.. im not great at it.. that is supposed to be i386 :P[/list]
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