Example bug with DevC++

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Example bug with DevC++

Post by Guest »

I am trying to run the examples of Irrlich 0.6 with DevC++.
The first one is ok. The others compile well, but I get a runtime error when the file is executed.

As the HelloWorld example runs well I think everything is set up ok (include, libraries and .dll path.)

Any one else has this problems? Ideas?

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Post by Electron »

unless you've recompiled the Dev-cpp version of the dll to support DirectX (which is possible, but requires a couple additional dlls with all your programs plus DirectX9 rendering doesn't seem to come out well) you need to change a parameter to createDevice from EDT_DIRECTX8 to EDT_OPENGL

Post by Guest »

Thanks. Changing to OPEN_GL solved the problem. It is much slower, than the irrlich demo I downloaded though. Guess there is no OpenGL hardware accelration on my portable. Same low speed under Linux. :-(

Guess the only real solution is to buy hardware with OpenGL accelration or the Microsoft development tools?

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Post by ZDeveloper »

I thought that support OpenGL is one of the standart features of 3D graphic card. Is it false?

Sorry for my bad english.
Look at http://www.z-software.de for interesting games.
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Post by Domarius »

Yes that is false. OpenGL is just another standard. It's just very popular, which means that it's usually supported by every 3D card, but it's not written anywhere that they have to.

Re: Example bug with DevC++

Post by Guest »

Anonymous wrote:Hi!
I am trying to run the examples of Irrlich 0.6 with DevC++.
The first one is ok. The others compile well, but I get a runtime error when the file is executed.

As the HelloWorld example runs well I think everything is set up ok (include, libraries and .dll path.)

Any one else has this problems? Ideas?

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Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Post by Domarius »

My only suggestion is to read the "How to get directX8 in Dev-C++" thread in the FAQ forum.

But it's really strange that the helloworld works but the others don't.

What renderer are you using? Can you check the line of code in the Helloworld example that starts the renderer? Does it say EDT_OPENGL, EDT_DIRECTX8 (or 9), or EDT_SOFTWARE?

Then compare it to the same line in the other examples. What do they say?
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Post by Electron »

Hello World will work anywhere because it uses EDT_SOFTWARE for rendering
Posts: 178
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Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Post by Domarius »

Well if his copy of "hello world" is unmodified (which is what I was trying to find out), then I am pretty certain his probem is the old one, solved in the "How to get directX8 in Dev-C++" thread in the FAQ forum.
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