about quake map

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about quake map

Post by condrula »

I changed the example of quake map and I loaded my first map created width gtkradiant. I make an horrible room very very big and I noted that in this room in distance I cant see the opposed wall.
Its my error or an known limit of quake's map?
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Post by Domarius »

I can't solve your problem but I can provide some info that may help.

When I was fooling around with the Quake map load example, I looked down at the ground, then reversed, flying up into the sky. After a certain point, the furthest parts of the level started to dissapear, till the whole level dissapeared.

I tried the same thing in the Movement example, but Sydney, and the 2 cubes, never disapeared, even though I must have been moving backwards for about 15 or 30 seconds, and they were all about half a centimeter big on screen.

Judging from those two examples, I might suspect that the "pop in" is a feature of the Quake level, and not the Irrlicht rendering engine.
We all know BSP levels are for "indoors" only, and don't handle large open areas very well. Another reason to suspect the Quake level.
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Post by Electron »

I'm only quessing here, but remember that the bsp in the demo is set as an octree scene node. I believe that with octrees only the closest parts of a scene are rendered to save rendering a lot of stuff that can't be seen. Such a great distance is not expected, and the image is no longer rendered when you become a certain distance away. I could be totally wrong, but try not using the octree, or playing with its setting, and see what happens.
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Post by condrula »

[quote="Electron"]I'm only quessing here, but remember that the bsp in the demo is set as an octree scene node. I believe that with octrees only the closest parts of a scene are rendered to save rendering a lot of stuff that can't be seen. Such a great distance is not expected, and the image is no longer rendered when you become a certain distance away. I could be totally wrong, but try not using the octree, or playing with its setting, and see what happens.[/quote]

<<The OctTree optimizes the scene a little bit, trying to draw only geometry which is currently visible. An alternative to the OctTree would be a AnimatedMeshSceneNode, which would draw always the complete geometry of the mesh, without optimization. >>

I tried the "AnimatedMeshSceneNode" but the wall disappear again
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Post by Domarius »

Of course - it's a feature of OctTree, not the actual BSP format (that would be just silly). I don't know why I forgot that a level is loaded with OctTree and the animated models are loaded with AnimatedMesh or whatever.

Well, shouldn't it be possible to change the distance that OctTree clips geometry?

(I would not like to try and load a Quake level with the AnimatedMesh loader!!)
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Post by rincewind »

Although i have not tried it yet, i think you have to raise the farValue
of your camera... check the documentations of ICameraSceneNode and

greetings, rincewind

Post by Guest »

Did you use some standard quake 3 textures doing the map ? If you did , that's the explanation.
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Post by thesmileman »

Anonymous wrote:Did you use some standard quake 3 textures doing the map ? If you did , that's the explanation.
This would not have anything to do with your situation. ricewind is right it is the far clipping plane and this can be changed by raising the farValue of your camera
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Post by afecelis »

Code: Select all

camera->setFarValue (  50000.0f  ) ; //sets the distance for the clipping plane, the bigger the farther
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