Facial animations with an .X file using bones

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Facial animations with an .X file using bones

Post by WillT »

I have a basic question. What would be the best method in Irrlicht to do facial animation with bones? Can Facial deformations using bones be used in a mesh while a different bone animation is playing (i.e. Walking)? Would it be practical to use a seperate mesh for the head, or would that be unnecessary? Thanks for any help.
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Location: Bar Harbor, Maine USA

Post by datamagik »

There is an interesting discussion of the concept of "bones" in mesh animations here http://www.okino.com/conv/skinning.htm

Doing a search of the engine source with XCode I only see one animated mesh format that addresses the concept of "bones" (skeletal mesh animation) in CAnimatedMeshB3d.cpp, so either you could use that format or use it as a model to extend .X or another format to use skeletal animation.
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Post by hybrid »

Joints are another name for bones, so .x and .ms3d also support skeletal animation.
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