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Post by BlindSide »

jrm wrote:Will this wrapper work for 2d games as well? (3rd person looking down) I think I will switch from Raknet. I am looking through the documentation and files right now.

I Like the licensing more with enet.:)

Thank you,

Yeah I guess it should. You will have to make the nodes custom though. All this requires is to use setNetID (or setNetId, cant remember) and manually set a net id. But you will have to make sure that every node has a unique net id across ALL computers. I recommend using getPlayerId (or whatever I called it...sorry I got the flu so im a bit delirious :P ) and multiplying that by a net id from a range of 0 - 1000. I don't know if that explains it well enough for you. Maybe, you can just cast it to a cube scene node and as long as irrNet only manipulates scale, rotation, position (and other things that both decal and cubes have in common) you should be ok. But im not too sure about that last one. This will be way easier if I just did something to the next irrNet release like a generic ISceneNode or a decal (and friends) scene nodes. Then you can just cast whatever node you want.

I hope that helped :D
I still plan to move entirely to irrlicht, i am just waiting, until i get a more solid foundation before i move my income-base to irrlicht-engine based products.
Ive used gamestudio, and I think for the price, (gamestudio is like $1000RRP) irrlicht is much better value and is much more flexible and contains better features. Does the new gamestudio support custom shaders? (eg HLSL files) If it doesnt I would definately go with Irrlicht myself. However, if you plan to stick with gamestudio, I think you can use an elements variable (you know where you put the main characters health etc or whatever) to store the NetID, the rest shouldnt be too much of a hassle, just change setPosition and similar stuff to whatever gamestudio uses (make CustomVar control the element variables) and youll be sweet as a cherry...or some other dessert :D

- Cheers

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Post by lostclimategames »

well gamestudio for the commercial version is only $200 which i bought used of a different user on the forum for $75. Gstudios been able to use asm since a5 and since a6 (4 or 5 years) has been able to use hlsl, we are lacking render to texture tho, unless you upgrade to pro (the thousand dollar one) and they dont have support for somethings, but its still enough to do stuff with. and at one time thats why i wanted to use irrlicht to render with since it has some features that 3dgamestudio doesnt have. Thanks for the ideas too.
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Post by Midnight »

example 4... should see it in irrnet after version 0.35 according to BlindSide. ... hp?t=19415

for those that didn't notice.
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Post by monkeycracks »

Do I need to define node types on the server AND the client or just the client or just the server?
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Post by monkeycracks »

Feature request :

Valid for clients only, getting your playerID.


This returns the Player ID of the client you're currently using.
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Post by BlindSide »

so it should recieve its server side client id when connecting? good idea... :P You see ive been viewing the system so far as the Node is the player, not the computer. For example you can just rely on the net id of the node to determine the play number. Make a dummy "playernumber" cube node and use cubenode->getNetId(). The number will give an indication of the player id. That is until i add the feature. (Or you can add it yourself that is the beauty of open source :D)
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Post by Midnight »

BlindSide wrote:Or you can add it yourself that is the beauty of open source
right well it's also common to request to the author features that they will continue to support.

anyone can program really... carrying the project is the hard part.
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Post by BlindSide »

Midnight wrote:
BlindSide wrote:Or you can add it yourself that is the beauty of open source
right well it's also common to request to the author features that they will continue to support.

anyone can program really... carrying the project is the hard part.
Your right, I should stick this on sourceforge and add a tracker :P

I don't want to be "greedy" with the source code or developement, if someone wants to add a feature they are welcome to and will recieve full credit, just like Irrlicht.
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Post by Midnight »

I think it's worth it if you don't have your own host or whatever.

I'm still nooby at some stuff I wasn't aware you could just add stuff using sorceforge. how does all that work? svn patches?

still I can think of a few reasons you might want his function I mean anytime you want to send something directly... like a target chat you'll need the clients to have a few functions like this.

helps to keep bandwidth optimal and for whatever other reason you would need to know your id.

seems easy enough the ID is already sent from server it's only a matter of retaining that information and reseting/changing when nessesary.
Last edited by Midnight on Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by rogerborg »

BlindSide wrote:Your right, I should stick this on sourceforge and add a tracker :P
Please do; I'd be mighty tempted to contribute once there's a source controlled version available.
Please upload candidate patches to the tracker.
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Post by Midnight »

I'm now compiling with codeblocks and the mingw/gnu gcc compiler.

are those the same thing?
anyways I had to correct a few issues with sprintf_s and I could solve that fine but now I'm getting this.

error: no matching function for call to `irr::net::INetManager::addNetSceneNode(int, irr::core::vector3df, irr::core::vector3df, irr::core::vector3df)'

and I'm like wtf...

why on earth would it say that?
I'm unable to debug it with codeblocks anyone know what this means?
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Post by BlindSide »

Dont worry thats an easy fix, I did it already for linux. You have to find the header file, and take out all the & beside the vector3df. (Or the cpp if the header file was modified first)

EDIT: Ill go into more detail, heres what happened, your compiler threw an error about the &vector3df in the cpp file, so you removed them. Now they don't match the version in the header file which still has the & on it. So find that and remove those too. To make it more simple just find every "&vector3df" and change it to "vector3df" using the replace tool for the entire project.
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Post by Midnight »

I never touched any &vector at all. nor had any errors with it.

but I'll give it a try anyways.

start adding a few extra lines on the bottom of you files also that fixes a bunch of redundent warnings.
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Post by monkeycracks »

I had to do that for dev-cpp. Seemed to fix it.
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Post by Midnight »

Ah good then thats probably it considering thats the mingw compiler also right?

I'm getting a couple more errors I'll check into that after this.

Is mingw primative or something?
I'm getting errors on what I thought was common c++ stuff.

I remember why it is I never used it.
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