Databse & C++?

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Databse & C++?

Post by monkeycracks »

Anyone know of a good library for any kind of database and C++? Rather than using IrrNet for logins and such I think this would be more affective and reduce in-game lag for those actually playing at the time.
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Post by etcaptor »

Well, I tried Interbase, Firebird but both need a server installation /easy/.
Several days ago I found SQLite :wink: and tested it with C++Builder.
No installs are necessary, server is implemented like just one dll. Also sources are available too. Google it, also you can download SQLite3 manager LITE for database design:
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Post by monkeycracks »

I couldn't seem to get it compiled, any others in preferably C++ with good documentation on how to use it?
It's going to be incorporated into my Irrlicht Project, it can't be a standalone program.
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Post by monkeycracks »

Reviving this old thread, I need this more than ever now :

A library for MySQL and C++ that can connect to a database online somewhere and exchange data with it. That means re-writing, adding, removing, etc. data.

Anyone got teh goods?
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Post by strale »


Sorry i am not sure if this is what you are looking for,

I used MySQL linked to ODBC using windows.h API
But the software (C++) run on a intranet and in this case on the server.
i do not know if you can link trhou the internet via ODBC .
You probably would need to make a client server using this way

if i am not wrong MySql has dll to link C/C++ to the database
but in this way you would have to pay as the GPL has limitation to link DLL staticly to your code, so i used ODBC.

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Post by monkeycracks »

So I have to pay to use my database on my webserver?

Down wit teh government!
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Post by strale »

No you have not to pay to use your database but to use "my sql"

But i get information +- a year ago as i needed for a commercial product.
Maybe something is changed.

then if you use through ODBC it 's totally free also for commercial products (always information of 1 year ago).

to access to MySql table via ODBC is not defficult you can find a lot info on the internet or if you decide in this way and need help let me know.

then you probably need to have access via the internet, could i suggest using sokets?
or PHP with your webserver
or reading the forum i saw that tere are library to easy use network
but i never tried them

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Post by Midnight »

monkeycracks wrote:So I have to pay to use my database on my webserver?

Down wit teh government!
no you have to pay for a lisence to use their code commercially.

this has nothing to do with the government nor your code.. there are other solutions but you won't find them here most likly.
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Post by TheC »

If you sell the product containing the MySQL libraries, you gotta pay. Its expensive :)

if OO isn't important, you can just use the MySQL library provided in their download.
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Post by monkeycracks »

My project isn't commercial :P

And even though it's got nothing to do with the government, they should still die :)

So I'll search up on ODBC.
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Post by strale »

Well so for the ODBC friends and cultists, i give some more info about it

- it 's a Microsoftw "library" to access database but i remembere that there was something also for Linux

- It is slow for uge number of data (tousands records for seconds ) so for some kind of work it better to use direct access to the database

- it is only a link so you need a database but you can also use a text file as database

- link a database you have to :
configure the ODBC in panell control, on the intranet server or on local computer , mainly give a name, the directory where your DB is located, and select a driver for the specified Database.

- call windows API to deal with ODBC (there are also library to do this )
but to trouble a bit more it is suggested to use windows API Here there are some:

///Initialize the job
:D // Allocate Environment
sr = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &hOdbcEnv);
:) // Set the App's ODBC Version
:( // Allocate Connection
sr = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hOdbcEnv, &hDbConn);
:cry: // Set Connect Timeout and other parameters
sr = SQLSetConnectAttr(hDbConn, SQL_ATTR_LOGIN_TIMEOUT, (void*)20, 0);
:shock: sr = SQLSetConnectAttr(hDbConn, SQL_ATTR_ACCESS_MODE, SQL_MODE_READ_WRITE, 0);
:P // Connect to Data Source
sr = SQLConnect(hDbConn, (UCHAR *)sDSN, SQL_NTS,(UCHAR *)szUID, SQL_NTS,(UCHAR *) szAuthStr, SQL_NTS);

once configurate the link and connected to database , we can enjoy ourselves

Sending query
:? // Allocate new Statement Handle based on previous connection
sr = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hDbConn, &hstmt);
sr = SQLExecDirect(hstmt, (SQLCHAR *) strSQL, SQL_NTS);
// and free the statment after execution
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt);

Bind data from a previous query to read data
8) sr = SQLBindCol( hstmt, (SQLUSMALLINT)pColNumber, SQL_C_CHAR,(SQLPOINTER) cPointer ,ipMaxLen, & ValueLenOrInd);

and read then
:lol: sr = SQLFetch(hstmt) ;

Kill'em all :twisted:
//Disconnect from database
//Free connection
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hDbConn);
//Free environment
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hOdbcEnv);

Hope it could be useful
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Post by Spintz »

So you know, you don't have to specify the DSN information in the control panel. You can specify it through function calls as well.

Last time I actually used ODBC, I did so on Linux, with an Informix database( in 2001 ). I'll see if I can dig up the code.
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Post by strale »

Hi Spintz

I did not know about this feature
it 's very interesting, I always used pannel controll forgetting often of it and wasting a lot of tinme thinking about what was wrong.

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Post by fra »

few months ago i presented the ETNA lib topic here.
At this time i thought it was the best way for me to connect on a database. But i'd like to know if i shouldn't use another library (like ODBC for example). What do you think about it ?
PS: i read that some servers ( the servers for example) doesn't accept external request. is it true ?
(i'm frensh so scuse me for my english ...)
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Post by Spintz »

most database servers for websites only allow connections from the localhost, that way people can't access the data in the database from other websites. It's very unsecure to open a database up to the general public, maybe another specific IP address, but not just any IP address.
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