IrrNet - Irrlicht Network Framework 0.36 (Now Windows/Linux)

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Post by Midnight »

well that don't make sense.

if its not the server then that would be client info.

passing on ID's is handled automatically. besides the server.

and using a different packet ID works fine so really I wouldn't bother changing it. it might screw some people up to make zero the server. even though cosmetically its more correct. if you did change it then just make a function to return the number zero called getServerID() because then you don't need to have any other code except changing getPlayerID() to start at 1.

I think mostly if anything its a different perspective rather then me seeing it wrong. All I was doing after all was trying to find a working method to find the server which I can tell you will not work unless you have a useless variable..

I see what your saying.. but this was a client side thing not server side so I needed to know that a chat packet was sent from the server. see why I needed a different packet id or server id now?

if it were something important like movement then yes it would be in the server code as it's sent out and ALL clients get updated. but in my case I wanted to add an "admin" tag to all server messages without using up the buffer and adding size to the info there is no need considering even if that were hacked only the client would know it so who cares.

what we have is a miscommunication in this case.. there are three situations to consider.

server to client for when it doesn't matter like this. (client side only)
server side for global changes that need security like moving or creating.
and client to client for something also trivial like target chat that requires networking.

you obviously only considered the two because server to client really has no place except for what I'm talking about. another example could be custom skins or something like that but still requires no server info sent.

my way utilizes 0 bandwidth because the id is always there anyways only cost is a few variables that really wouldn't be noticed either way.
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Post by BlindSide »

Yes, that would work too. In the end its up to the person who makes the game to decide all this. Im afraid I can't incorporate too much of this into irrNet as that would make it annoying and unflexible, eg if I used like 200 packet ids or something haha. So yeah I think your getting the idea now, good work.

By the way, just hit me up on MSN if you have any quarries, filling up the project announcements forum with suggestions or help posts would probably annoy the hell out of everyone after a while. :P
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Post by Midnight »

yeah you're right but it also leaves a trail for people to follow and I try not to bug people too much.. once I get going its hard to get me to stfu lol.

besides you can always request the thread be deleted or I think its automaticly removed after time you can always edit to add a link to most cureent versions and start a new thread for more recent versions.

the forum has a way of taking care of itself if ya know what I mean. its not like a few more pages will hurt anyone. but yeah it's annoying I know.

I almost didn't post this but that would defeat the purpose a bit.
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Post by BlindSide »

Haha I almost didnt post this too :P
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Post by BlindSide »

New release, unfortunately file transfer is taking a while so thats still not implemented (There is some dodgy undocumented code if you want to try :lol: )

Anyway the biggest addition is the frame states, they werent too hard to implement and its about time I say. Look at examples 2 and 4 for a demonstration on how to use those new functions. Also check out the updated doco.

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Post by Midnight »

example 4 line 237 irrlicht SVN

Code: Select all

should be

Code: Select all

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Post by BlindSide »

Thanks midnight, im still on 1.2 :oops:
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Post by monkeycracks »

Is it possible to still get 0.35 somewhere? Since I upgraded to 0.36, multiple addNetSceneNode's won't let people open the client.

More details :

I open the client, log in, and I'm standing on my terrain no problem.
The other pc opens the client, and it closes right away.

There's no connection problems, as the other PC can have the same affect on this one.

I'm not sure what it is, I've added in the SFrameRange stuff and everything but nothnig is seeming to work ;)

I know that is the problem because if I comment all of that out but leave in login+chat, we can still chat flawlessly (by my standards).
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Post by Midnight »

yer crazy monkey send me yer code.
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Post by monkeycracks »

I've gone over the code a lot, it's that line and nothing else, I've even resorted to -shudders- using the debugger.
I haven't changed the libs at all.

Irrnet .35 plz
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Post by BlindSide »

Thats very strange monkey, it should still work fine...

Rather then releasing something old ill just find the problem and fix it.

EDIT: Ok dude I just ran a quick test and I could connect 2 clients with no problem.

Send me your source by PM, or MSN and Ill fix it.

EDIT 2: I had a look I couldnt find an older version other than 0.3, which is probably too old (Though I cant remember what I changed :P ). So you'll just have to let me fix it :P
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Post by Midnight » ...

man... it's like I gotta hold yer guys hand or something lol just kidding. :P

here is the v0.35 of IrrNet in the future learn to archive please mirrors are hard for me sometimes.
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Post by monkeycracks »

I hope it works so I don't look retarded =)
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Post by BlindSide »

Thanks Midnight, monkey I recommend making your own animation states type thing for animation as send frame is crap if you are using 0.35, by the way send me your crashing code so I can fix it for the next release.

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Post by rogerborg »

Any news on irrNet getting its own sourceforge (or similar) home yet? When it does, I'll be all over it like a wet shirt on a Playboy bunny.
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