XNA = eXtra unNecessary Api?

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XNA = eXtra unNecessary Api?

Post by Luben »

Correct me if i am wrong, but doesn't Ms's new XNA-framework seem like 'just another framework'?
As far as i have understood, it wont _replace_ dx, just like .net doesn't replace the win32-api, but rather coexist and actually use the current api to achieve it's ends (Which can be achieved anyway..).

Myself, i belive that the future of graphics lies in ray-traced hardware acceleration. Microsoft would make a better move to try and design a general _os-independant_ interface for raytraced graphics instead of developing yet another layer between the programmer and dx.

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Post by Sylence »

don't use "os-independant" and "MS" in one sentence... it just does not fit ;)

OMG I've started my first flame war ^^
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Post by Luben »

Even though Microsoft has a queer approach of 'satisfying customers'(Vista, whywhywhy? =P), i think its wrong to _idolize_ alternative os'es _just because_ its ThisOS or ThatOS or Not_A_M$_OS.
Especially linux has been incredibly hyped; It really has too much 'hacker/nerd'-value, so every goddamn noob that manages to dualboot goes around saying 'Its so much better' when they're really just using wine to run their familiar windows programs...

This is my first "flame war" post to, don't take it to seriously ;D
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Post by Luben »

Come on, 27 reads and no serious comments? =)
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Post by monkeycracks »

I've never used XNA so my opinion doesn't matter ;)
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Post by kburkhart84 »

I may be misinformed, but don't you have to use the XNA framework to access XBox360 controllers as joysticks. Also, XNA is one thing and DX is another. In reality, under the hood, DInput just translates to windows messages under the hood, and I read somewhere that microsoft itself recommend you switch to the XNA framework for performance reasons as well. Then again, M$ says alot of things to get you to use what they want you to use...
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Re: XNA = eXtra unNecessary Api?

Post by IPv6 »

Luben wrote:Correct me if i am wrong, but doesn't Ms's new XNA-framework seem like 'just another framework'?
Main advantages AFAIK are:
- Xbox360 affiliation, including hook for MS online games markets
- free, including development environment (studio express)
- updated with all up-to-date features by microsoft, including testing, QA and other stuff
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Post by SilentBob »

yes, XNA is just another framework - just like popcap / torque / SDL / whatever.

It's biggest advantage is being able to compile to XBOX360 from the same source code.
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Post by Nodtveidt »

XNA really isn't even all that special anyways...
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XNA and C#

Post by buhatkj »

here is another thing to keep in mind. microsoft wants to promote.NET languages, specifically C# as a platform for next-gen games. So, they discontinued DX.NET and now you have to use XNA/C#, or DX/C++. this, along with the ability to write your own games for the 360, should be pretty damn compelling i think.
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Post by FreakNigh »

Ya i have three computers, all run gentoo. I don't wine poop, except for dev-cpp so I can make windows compiles for the people who want to stay on a sinking boat. NOT EVEN BILL GATES IS STAYING ON THAT BOAT! Your using a what 4 year? 5 year? how old is that XP crap? Vista bombed, and Mac's graphics accelerated OS, and linux's beryl beat vista anyways. ubuntu is doing a great job at making linux easy enough for people who want to migrate. And to be quite honest, I find linux easier to use then windows anymore.

But if i move to linux how will I be able to ..... uh ??!?! BROWSE? CHAT? USE OFFICE? SKYPE? ya all thats native linux now. And there are alot of good native linux games out, and alot that will wine. But if you have something die hard, keep a windows computer around! I can barely give credit to windows for loading up the start menu to select the game anymore.
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Post by roxaz »

Sylence wrote:don't use "os-independant" and "MS" in one sentence... it just does not fit ;)
not always. there is written a cool framework for linux tu run .NET applications. great success :)
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Post by ebo »

roxaz wrote:not always. there is written a cool framework for linux tu run .NET applications. great success :)
mmh ... mono ...
For microsoft os-independent means: it could run on other platforms, not it does run on them.
They always seem to have anotther (incompatible) version of .net ready, when mono seems to get near are state that could be called finished.
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Post by roxaz »

strife causes progress then :)
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