This would be similiar to how Decal ( reads an XML file to create GUI's for plugins.
This way, it would be more like scripting your GUI and easier to load up multiple menus and such by pointing it to a layout. The one thing it lacks is that you still have to code in the event reciever for each element.
The downside is that reading the XML would require a dependency on an XML reader/parser, so it wouldn't be good to become an integrated part of Irrlicht in the state I have planned. For my basic design, I figured that libXML ( is the best way to go.
As for format, how does this look?
Code: Select all
<skin id="" name="">
<color object="" value="" alpha="" />
<size object="" value="" />
<text object="" value="" />
<font object=""/>
<layout id="" name="" skin="">
<element type="IGUIButton" id="" top="" left="" height="" width="">text</element>
<element type="IGUIWindow" id="" top="" left="" height="" width="" modal="">text</element>
<element type="IGUIMsgBox" id="" caption="" text="" modal="" ok="" cancel="" yes="" no="" />
<element type="IGUIScrollBar" id="" direction="" top="" left="" height="" width="" />
<element type="IGUIImage" id="" top="" left="" height="" width="">text</element>
<element type="IGUICheckBox" id="" top="" left="" height="" width="" checked="">text</element>
<element type="IGUIListBox" id="" top="" left="" height="" width="" />
<element type="IGUIMeshViewer" id="" top="" left="" height="" width="">text</element>
<element type="IGUIFileOpenDialog" id="" caption="" modal="" />
<element type="IGUIStaticText" id="" top="" left="" height="" width="" border="">text</element>
default skins:
color objects:
3D_DARK_SHADOW Dark shadow for three-dimensional display elements.
3D_SHADOW Shadow color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing away from the light source).
3D_FACE Face color for three-dimensional display elements and for dialog box backgrounds.
3D_HIGH_LIGHT Highlight color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing the light source.).
3D_LIGHT Light color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing the light source.).
ACTIVE_BORDER Active window border.
ACTIVE_CAPTION Active window title bar text.
APP_WORKSPACE Background color of multiple document interface (MDI) applications.
BUTTON_TEXT Text on a button.
GRAY_TEXT Grayed (disabled) text.
HIGH_LIGHT Item(s) selected in a control.
HIGH_LIGHT_TEXT Text of item(s) selected in a control.
INACTIVE_BORDER Inactive window border.
INACTIVE_CAPTION Inactive window caption.
TOOLTIP Tool tip color.
SCROLLBAR Scrollbar gray area.
WINDOW Window background.
size objects:
SCROLLBAR_SIZE default with / height of scrollbar
MENU_HEIGHT height of menu
WINDOW_BUTTON_WIDTH width of a window button
CHECK_BOX_WIDTH width of a checkbox check
MESSAGE_BOX_WIDTH width of a messagebox
MESSAGE_BOX_HEIGHT height of a messagebox
BUTTON_WIDTH width of a default button
BUTTON_HEIGHT height of a default button
text objects:
MSG_BOX_OK Text for the OK button on a message box.
MSG_BOX_CANCEL Text for the Cancel button on a message box.
MSG_BOX_YES Text for the Yes button on a message box.
MSG_BOX_NO Text for the No button on a message box.
Code: Select all
<skin id="1" name="Demo">
<color object="ACTIVE_CAPTION" value="FF0000" alpha="0" />
<color object="WINDOW" value="0032FF" alpha="50" />
<size object="CHECK_BOX_WIDTH" value="12" />
<text object="EGDT_MSG_BOX_YES " value="Do It!" />
<font object="fonthaettenschweiler" />
<layout id="1" name="Main" skin="Demo">
<element type="IGUIWindow" id="1" top="10" left="30" height="100" width="100" modal="false">
<element type="IGUIButton" id="101" top="5" left="5" height="30" width="30">Click Me</element>
<element type="IGUIStaticText" id="102" top="55" left="5" height="30" width="30" border="false">I'm a child of the Box</element>
<element type="IGUIImage" id="103" top="300" left="300" height="64" width="64">I'm on my own!</element>