Does anyone have a good solution? Supporting BSPs is cool for free games and all, but if you want to do a commercial game then GTKRadiant AND q3map or even q3map2 CANNOT be used because they are all licensed game tools from id. I know there QuArK for editing but without a compilation tool it's not very useful....I am also aware of the open-source seperate bsp compiler but it doesn't have lightmap support.
I know that geometry in other formats can be loaded but can collision be as fast with them? What about lightmapping them?
a solution to levels
well...The solution could be the loader of BSP halflife type. Thenyou could use Quark and ZHLT tools for compiling.
Ask the user who was making it...
or give a try to this :
also, deled editor from will get lightmaps. But anyway, I don't see it adding colisions. As far as I know x format can't pack collisions/visibility (I see it better for character animation)
What i said...maybe quark -if it allows importing 3d meshes- + zhlt tools once hl bsp can be imported in irrlitch.
Ask the user who was making it...
or give a try to this :
also, deled editor from will get lightmaps. But anyway, I don't see it adding colisions. As far as I know x format can't pack collisions/visibility (I see it better for character animation)
What i said...maybe quark -if it allows importing 3d meshes- + zhlt tools once hl bsp can be imported in irrlitch.
For a commercial game, the license to use GTKRadiant is only like $5k (if you aren't providing it to end users to mod your game)
If you are to the point where you are commercializing something, that's pretty cheap, compared to what it would cost to create your own tools.
If you have some other plan, and think $5k is too much for you up front, you could email id and arrange something.
Worrying about it before you actually get anything running is very premature tho. Likely you can deal with licensing it later if you ever get to the point where you need to.
If you are to the point where you are commercializing something, that's pretty cheap, compared to what it would cost to create your own tools.
If you have some other plan, and think $5k is too much for you up front, you could email id and arrange something.
Worrying about it before you actually get anything running is very premature tho. Likely you can deal with licensing it later if you ever get to the point where you need to.