Continuing the discussion about USA(?)

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Continuing the discussion about USA(?)

Post by Luben »

I dont want to furhter ruin the original topic anymore, so i decided to make it a thread of it's own.
Midnight wrote:
Luben wrote:I just cant help myself when i think that only americans would think like this.

maybe if you actually thought this out and tried.
it's only foriegners that sit around till the ***** gets really deep don't forget hitler didn't rise here and we don't wait till they have the surrounding countries before we kick some *****.
Last i heard, USA didn't even want to bother about ww2 until some japs happened to bomb pearl harbour.
fucken liberal learn something gdia!
Sorry, i'm a total retard, what is gdia? the only thing i can think of is an abbreviation for "go die in america". :)
Luben wrote:Of course, i'd be mean to almost half of america if i said that,
boy that was educated before you begin your career in politics maybe you should learn how to spell or at least how to use spell checker.
Last i checked, mean was spelled mean. I'm sorry for the grammar tough.

not that I don't make mistakes thats not the point which I felt like I had to point out to you because point and topic seem to escape you.
Luben wrote:but since the majority(and the judges) voted for a total idiot,i dont care.

ok this really shows how much you know because if you knew anything of hot topic statistics then you would know that only 1/3 of americans actually vote and you really can't blame them can you?
Then i blame them for not voting. Thanks for letting me know though, that the man with most power in the world is hardly supported by half of a third of his country, which in turn represent 1/20 of the world.
not to mention americans are mobile our economy and dog eat dog way of life causes us to constently move around in search of work. which would explain why most people CAN'T vote because you have to be somewhere at least an entire year before you can vote. 6 months registered before you can vote.
I see. Just to make a point though, even non americans can have a tough life.
Luben wrote:I was laughing my a*s of when i heard him say 'Almost all our import comes from foreign nations'. Does he have an infinite number of monkeys that writes his speeches? :D
a lot of americas imports do come from foriegn nations..
Just as monkeycracks pointed out, "ALL imports are from foreign countries". So what the hell where you and bush thinking, really?
one thing to remember is that your opinion effects not just americas but your country and all others as well... can't we all just get along?
I'd love to. But USA has certain defects(Like being run by idiots, not caring for environment, being the country which has fought most wars and invaded most countries since ww2, etc.) that makes it incompatible with the rest of the world. Once you have fixed your problems, feel free to try again.
you say one bad thing and then an american says something back.. next thing ya know americans are all stupid.. yet I'd be willing to bet your country is one of our allies so what does that make you?
I bet USA doesn't have any real allies anyway. The "World Police" crap just shows how much your brute forcing does to alienate yourselves from the rest of us.
And my country is not allied with the USA. Probably never will be, because our media does show what is censored in american television. How does it feel to be in a state of war? How has it affected your life? ;)

a lot of americans like bush and a lot more don't. you could say the same about almost every great leader in history not that I'm saying bush is great I'm the latter.
to stereo type an entire country you obviously know very little about is very ignorent to say the LEAST. tell somebody who cares like your arrogent biggot friends not here man. and sure as hell not with me around.
I cant make any sense out of this. Would you please try and say this again in a simpler manner?

this was the wrong place and I want the original poster to accept my apology for continueing this DULL and overly talked about OFF TOPIC.
So i made a new thread just for this.

john kerry was worse... republicans vote... old people get confused... ***** happens.. life is not perfect nor you or america or your country or ANYTHING. deal with it.
I know, but why let some stupid idiot ruin it even more? Your goverment recently said that they where going to make an all-christian area in iraq. WOW. Im impressed, i didn't think anyone could be so stupid. "Hey guys, who should we suicide-bomb today?" "I knoow, the americans decided to segregate our population even further, and since we are infidels, lets blow up the cristians!".
Really, what a retard, and he is a president!

and yes bush has an infinite amount of monkeys but you already knew that. so does your leader. wake up to YOUR situtation cause you can't vote here.
The leader of my country does have iq above 100, so he doesn't need any monkeys to make him look smarter than he is.

In fact, i'd like to be able to vote in the USA anyway. You know, a "WORLD POLICE" is not just some local matter, it affects the whole world, so it'd make sense to let the whole world vote. Or are people from the USA so much better than ordinary humans that they can invade countries, kidnap people and hold them captive in guantanamo without any trials etc. , without having to take the consequences?

Sorry if this topic may seem inconventient for some of you, but as midnight pointed out just recently, "life is not perfect".
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Post by zeno60 »

Midnights posts make me lolergasm...

To all USA haters:


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Post by Luben »

zeno60 wrote:Midnights posts make me lolergasm...

To all USA haters:


Sorry, could you clarify yourself? What was your intention with your post? Sometimes i miss intended meaning of things :?
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Post by omaremad »

The mispelleing of morons as morans is the irony luben :lol:
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Post by Luben »

Ok then, but it might as well have been serious like the dude in the picture ;)
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Post by Spintz »

This post blows. I get that it's an Offtopic forum, but do you really exepect to get a valuable discussion on politics on a 3D forum? Go to a more appropriate forum, this is just stupid to post or discuss anywhere on these forums.
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Post by TheRLG »

Ah, let the flame wars begin. So what's the major conflict here? I'm trying to see why we're having this discussion.
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Post by Spintz »

I dunno, didn't read the post, just read the title.
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Post by roxaz »

i gues someone dont like americans. better wach this video :) and this one

great nation loves it's president lol
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Post by Luben »

TheRLG wrote:Ah, let the flame wars begin. So what's the major conflict here? I'm trying to see why we're having this discussion.
The difference between a flame war and a discussion is that discussions are based on more than opinions. And i'mnot trying to start a flame war here, neither should anyone else.
Spintz wrote:I dunno, didn't read the post, just read the title.
That's just dumb. If you dont have anything to say that is related to the topic, please stay out of this thread.
Last edited by Luben on Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TheRLG »

@Luben: All I'm asking is what is this discussion about?
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Post by roxaz »

TheRLG wrote:@Luben: All I'm asking is what is this discussion about?
man, read the first post
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Post by Luben »

The way the USA is run, why people tolerate and some even want it, and that we other foreigners are to succumb to whatever the USA wants.
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Post by roxaz »

i gues the main thing why USA suck is that during WW2 europens died and USA fat asses delayed 2nd front opening in Normandy. While Europe suffered uncle Sam grew his ass
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Post by zeno60 »

roxaz wrote:i gues the main thing why USA suck is that during WW2 europens died and USA fat asses delayed 2nd front opening in Normandy. While Europe suffered uncle Sam grew his *****
Need I remind you that USA had just come out of the great depression, WW1, was in a state of neutrality, had a major civil uprising on the doorsteps of DC, yet it still shelled out over $50 billion to the allies during the early 40's for the effort?
Last edited by zeno60 on Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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