Continuing the discussion about USA(?)

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Post by roxaz »

USA - great depresion, Europe - great extinction :lol:
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Post by buhatkj »

in reply to luben's "WORLD POLICE"

AMERICA!!! gently caress YEAH!!!!

as for discussing attitudes towards the USA in a 3d forum....yeah, spintz is probably right it might be better not to. all the same ill add to the fire...since this whole mess never has a hope of being anything but a flame-magnet anyway.

i personally am a bit tired of the USA bashing. I'm a conservative person, a christian libertarian. i even voted for bush in 2000 and 2004, because in 2000 i just went for the more conservative candidate, and in 2004 I still believed there was a good reason we were in iraq. I wish i could say that now. what can i say, i guess we were duped.
in 2006 they elected a new liberal congress, and now bush's approval has dropped to 30%~ or so, and he has begun to change his course in many ways. he fired rummy, let scooter go up the river, and began a new strategy to try and do a better job in iraq.
i think the surge might work, and it was pretty much the only thing we could try anyway, since it's pretty much a no-win situation now. if it doesnt work, all support for the war will almost certainly evaporate and we will probably end up withdrawing within a year.
clearly our ability to have any functional intelligence-gathering in the middle east is and was non-existant.

what bugs me, is how much europe has turned against israel. they have been constantly and consistantly attacked, terrorized, and harried by their neighbors, and used as pawns by the USA, and the arab countries by the soviets, israel and the jewish people in general have had a really bad time of it in general since 1939. dont you europeans realize that hizbollah paraded the same few dead bodies in front of the cameras again and again to get publicity and sympathy? all this after firing missiles non-stop in israel for years, gang-rule in the south of lebanon, huge payments and weapons doanation from iran and syria. israel had a lot of really good reason to push back on the lebanese. take a look at what muslim extremism is doing in your own backyards?? if i can believe the news, there are parts of paris that even the french police don't go to anymore....

there's another problem. we CANT believe most of the news. it's like it's 99% opinion and 1% real facts anymore. everybody has a different spin on what really happened.

as for roxaz, zeno already handed you your ass, so there ya are.
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Post by Saturn »

This bashing-business is as pointless as things get. So, for the sake of this argument it might be helpful to know I am German. And we yurops and jermans are not all anti-us/israel.

It is tiresome to blame a whole people for the actions/world view of a government. I hate much of what my government does too.

But I can't let the Israel question go by like this. Don't "you U.S. people" ;) realise, that your unquestioned support of Israel, completely independent of what they do, is just as harmful to the Palestinian question? What did Israel actually achieve with this war other than steadying the hate against them? But nevertheless, I can't present you with an idea how to resolve this situation. I am as clueless as anybody on this situation. But in regard to the other hot discussion that doesn't fit into a 3d-forum here, I can offer this much: If I knew a way of making people abandon all religion, I would tackle it without second thoughts. It wouldn't solve all problems, but it would make problems solvable, which aren't right now. This is the prime example of a conflict that has religious roots. I am fully aware that there are political and economical reasons to at work here. But clearly hatred and distrust for religious reasons is the primary one.

Other than that I find "christian libertarian" interesting, sounds like an oxymoron to me. What does this mean practically? Especially to corner cases like keyword:abortion, keyword:homosexuality?
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Post by Spintz »

How about, "I don't give a rats ass about what my government does" No matter who is in government/politics it's a screwed up process. I live my life blissfully free from the ravages of political knowledge. Nothing I do is going to change any of it, so I worry about driving fast, getting laid, getting drunk, computer programming in general, 3d programming, avoiding linux like the plague ;), etc. whatever my hobbies may be....

Let me ask this, what aims/goals could anyone possibly have for dicussing this on any internet forum, let alone one that is here to satisfy support/community for a 3D Graphics Engine?????

Do you feel that politicians, extremists, terrorists, the UN, whomever in the world is going to read your post and go "OMG, I've been so wrong about everything my whole life. I'm going to be good now, I'm going to plant flowers and stop making bombs and blowing stuff up!!!"
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Post by Luben »

Spintz, are you drunk? Or why is it that you got so hot tempered all of sudden?
I know that the high-up politicians will not read my posts. But maybe some stupid dope who didn't vote or didn't care will.
An internet forum is a place as good as any to discuss politics. Frankly, it's better, because you don't have to be physically close to those who have strong urges of silencing those who participate, with no apparent reason.
And if i'd go down to the local shop and preach something like "Dont vote for morons", how would that affect who got to be the president of the USA?

Your "I dont care, go fick yourself"-attitude is lame.

How does it feel to live in a country which is in a state of war?
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
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Post by Spintz »

I'm not upset about it at all. I'm just pointing how retarded you are for trying to get support for your political opinions on a 3D forum!!! Don't like my opinion......stop posting political discussions on 3D forums!
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Post by Luben »

Sorry, i totally didn't think of that post as containing your opinion, i just tought you tried to kill the discussion. Sorry for being rash.
And i'm not trying to get support. I just want response.
(Constructive response, that is, but not necessarily 'yeah your right', constructive response could also be 'ah but consider * too'.)
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Post by Spintz »

Well I gave my opinion and if it also happened to kill the thread, I'll consider it a 2 for 1 post!!!
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Post by roxaz »

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Post by Luben »

You cant just kill a thread like this because you dont like it. That is internet terrorism :D

I'm asking anyone living in the USA: How does living in a country that is in a state of war affect you?
I think most people from the USA doesn't even know that they live in a warzone. Sure, most people know it, but more in the sense of knowing that in action movies people can get shot and die.
This is not an accusation, it is just how i have happened to assemble the information that has been given to me. If i'm wrong please tell em so without being an internet terrorist, flamer or anything like that.

(And please, no more funny images.)
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Post by cowsarenotevil »

Luben wrote:I'm asking anyone living in the USA: How does living in a country that is in a state of war affect you?
It doesn't affect me (or anyone who isn't fighting it, as far as I can tell) very much. It affects who I'll vote for when I'm old enough to vote (not that I'd probably have voted for Bush anyway), and so I want to stop people from dying (mostly innocent Iraqi's, because a lot more of them are dying than US soldiers and they didn't sign up for the military, but I think a lot of United States soldiers are basically dying for no reason as well). I don't think I'm ever going to support going to any war, but this one just seems particularly ineffective.

I never wanted the war, nor am I old enough to vote against it, so I don't see why I should let it affect me that much.
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Post by Halan »

roxaz wrote:i gues the main thing why USA suck is that during WW2 europens died and USA fat asses delayed 2nd front opening in Normandy. While Europe suffered uncle Sam grew his *****

erm i just say one thing "marshall plan" look up in wikipedia if you dont know it but imo that was quite nice :lol:

so you can see it is not a country that does stupid thing but a person(politican) so a country is never evil, stupid, terroristic, good whatever..

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Post by Spintz »

Actually, being at war is good for me, since I'm a software engineer and my company focuses on US military contracting work.

We've made a significant move into the Live Training arena, where more money goes when we're at war, so I'm doing quite well. In fact, so well, I actually got 2 raises last year!!!!

So, I say invade more countries!!!!!!! Maybe I'll get 3 raises!!!
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Post by vermeer »

I suppose that was a joke...
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Post by roxaz »

Halan wrote:
roxaz wrote:i gues the main thing why USA suck is that during WW2 europens died and USA fat asses delayed 2nd front opening in Normandy. While Europe suffered uncle Sam grew his *****

erm i just say one thing "marshall plan" look up in wikipedia if you dont know it but imo that was quite nice :lol:

so you can see it is not a country that does stupid thing but a person(politican) so a country is never evil, stupid, terroristic, good whatever..

i know marshall plan, good thingie. anyway some "smart" asses were capable to reject it. omg, now we have almost 3rd world countries in Europe just because of that. Ofcourse this is russians fault. Russian bastards :|
Spintz wrote:Actually, being at war is good for me, since I'm a software engineer and my company focuses on US military contracting work.

We've made a significant move into the Live Training arena, where more money goes when we're at war, so I'm doing quite well. In fact, so well, I actually got 2 raises last year!!!!

So, I say invade more countries!!!!!!! Maybe I'll get 3 raises!!!
yea, war is bussiness. i agree with you :)
vermeer wrote:I suppose that was a joke...
money is not a joke :)
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