Some simple organization questions.

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Some simple organization questions.

Post by twentytortures »

So I'm still pretty new to C++ and have a few questions.

I don't like how all the irrlicht examples are organized. I prefer to have my projects broken up into different functions and files. When trying to do this to some irrlicht examples I have problems when trying to pass variables into functions.

My question:
Would it be bad to use a lot of global variables? At the moment I only have two globals. Would it be bad if I made the majority of my irrlicht related things declared globally?


EDIT: Also, how do I display a number as a string? Do I have to convert it to a string?
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Post by Delee »

What problems do you have passing variables to functions?

It is generally considered bad practice to have a lot of global variables. There are many memory problems involved. In the end, it depends on your organisation of the program - sometimes, you cannot avoid a few global variables. In C++, I think it is common to use data structures to store information and pass a reference to that.
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Post by twentytortures »

It's kind of hard for me to describe. Do you know of any examples that shows something like example 4 organized into separate functions?
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Post by Rytz »

twentytortures wrote:It's kind of hard for me to describe. Do you know of any examples that shows something like example 4 organized into separate functions?
One approach would be to create pointers to all of the objects created in "main" in the "MyEventReceiver" class.

That way when you create a "MyEventReceiver" object you can reference all of your different Irrlicht objects by just passing around the "MyEventReceiver" object (pointer).

Whether this is good design or not is up for speulation I guess. If you're not catching my drift I can show you an example.
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Post by Delee »

Not really... for examples I generally prefer everything to be in one function as it is easier to follow. Do you have problems passing Irrlicht objects?

Code: Select all

IrrlichtDevice *device       = createDevice(EDT_DIRECT3D9, dimension2d<s32>(640, 480), 16, false, false, false, &receiver);
IVideoDriver   *videoDriver  = device -> getVideoDriver();
ISceneManager  *sceneManager = device -> getSceneManager();

DoSomething(device, videoDriver, sceneManager);


void DoSomething(IrrlichtDevice *device, IVideoDriver *videoDriver, ISceneManager *sceneManager) {
Or ...

Code: Select all

vector3df veloc    = ...;
matrix4   position = ...;

Create(veloc, position);


void Create(vector3df velocity, matrix4 position) {
I hope that helps you out... it is hard to give specific examples without knowing what the problem is.
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Post by hybrid »

Better use 'const vector3df&' to avoid passing by copy, though this is only a little performance overhead, no real loss of functionality.
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Post by twentytortures »

I usually like to pass data into variables by using a '&' pointer like this:

Code: Select all

void someFunction(int &a)
     a = 2;
Rather than do it this way:

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int someFunction()
     int a;
     a = 2;
     return a;
But irrlicht objects are declared using the '*' pointer, does this still work the same way? I.e. would this function work the same as the one above?:

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void someFunction(int *a)
     a = 2;
I can post a more specific example when I have some more free time.
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Post by Acki »

yes it works this way, but you have to do it this way:

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void someFunction(int *a)
     &a = 2;
otherwise you set the pointer (int*) to point to the address 2 and not set the value to 2 !!! ;)
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Post by CuteAlien »

Acki wrote:yes it works this way, but you have to do it this way
tss, tss... *slaps Acki* - this way is the wrong way ;-)
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Post by roxaz »

i always use this and it works perfect :|

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void someFunction(int *a) 
     a = 2; 
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Post by thephoenix »

Code: Select all

void someFunction(int *a)
     *a = 2;
That should be right. ;)
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Post by roxaz »

thephoenix no. pointer value is adress in a memmory. *a = 2; makes a to point to adress 2 in a memmory and this adress is not valid. do not do that at home ;)
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Post by Luben »

no, *a=2 means (the memory value pointed to by a) = 2.
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Post by thephoenix »


I definately wanted to do what Luben said.
*var <- that's dereferencing, the same is done by class->somefunction(), which can be written (*class).somefuntion()
With that you'll sure change the value, and not the pointer.
I mean, that's what *I* am using, I don't know your Compiler ;)
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Post by roxaz »

aaaaaa..... :? whatever. as long as it works for me good there is no problem :?
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