The Perfect MMORPG

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Joined: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:29 pm

Post by dwmitch »

I liked the interface of Everquest with the character development of Ultima Online.

The main problem I had with Everquest, though, is that it was combat oriented. You couldn't increase your tailoring skills without increasing your combat level. In UO I had a character that was a mighty fine alchemist (according to other players) at level 2.

If you were to put UO's character system into the Everquest world and add features that would allow PvP players to launch raids on other towns (currently possible, but the immersion factor is gone when a guard you killed two minutes earlier respawns (not lobbying for single death guards, just a mechanism that senses when a raid is in progress and keeps them from spawning until it's over).

For example, in Everquest 2 (which I have, but haven't played because the install takes the entire C drive, won't install to E, and I lost my job weeks after buying it) instead of racial starting cities (humans in Freeport and Queynos, halflings in Rivervale, etc.) good characters start in Queynos, evil characters start in Freeport regardless of race, as long as you use a race that can be of either alignment.

It would be interesting, though, if Freeport could launch an attack on Queynos without having to station people to take care of the guards every two minutes. It would also be interesting if a level 2 character could advance cooking skills to the level a level 50 character could through working on cooking alone, as in UO.

Basically, I'm content with the current state of online RPGs in general, but I would love to see one that combined the best of EQ, UO, and allowed for seige warfare.
Those who call the faithful 'sheep' do not realize that they themselves are sheep. We follow one shepherd, they follow another.
Posts: 28
Joined: Fri Nov 24, 2006 11:05 am

Post by bandinopla »

ppl, u r forgertting that making a game like silkroad or muonline etc , make tons of money!!! why make something new whenu make a clone of thouse, make some anime style chars, some pets and poop for the kids and they will be screaming the daddy credit card in a week, come on!

by the way, i quit silkroadonline coz is full of botters, prices are to dam high now in game, and i refuse to pay real money to play a free game.
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