D3DXVec3Project Function in irrlicht

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D3DXVec3Project Function in irrlicht

Post by castefani »

Sorry my english.

I´m converting a DirectX program to irrlicht.
Directx has a function to projects a vector from object space into screen space: D3DXVec3Project.
How to implement D3DXVec3Project into irrlicht?
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Post by Luben »

What do you need it for?

You could do it by creating a transformation matrix. You can get the current transformations with Driver->getTransform().

Here's an example

Code: Select all

matrix4 Mat;
vector3df TheVector(1,1,1);
TheVector should in the end hold a transformed screen space vector.
Last edited by Luben on Tue Apr 24, 2007 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by castefani »

Tks Luben.
I will try your sugestion.
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