2 questions on MS3Ds

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Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2004 5:04 am

2 questions on MS3Ds

Post by c_olin3404 »

1: I can load up a milkshape file just fine, and it seems to animate correctly, but when i use viewmodel->setFrameLoop(0, 300); it doesnt play 1 - 300 and i get wierd results... whats up with that?

2: When I set up a light, it works, but when the model is animating it looks like the normals aren't being calculated every frame, why not? and how can i make it calculate the normals...

Posts: 178
Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2004 9:51 am
Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Post by Domarius »

1. I read a post recently about this. Irrlicht multiplies your MD2 frames by 8 or something, or divides them by 8, I can't remember. Search the forum, hopefully you'll find that thread too :)

2. Don't know about this one.
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