My project (a GIS tool) needs 64bit precision throughout. Has anyone successfully modified Irrlicht to use s64 instead of s32? I saw a post where a guy changed the typedef on s32 to double. I like that idea, but he never got it all working.
Why don't you do your calculations etc. within your own objects and then convert everything for displaying in irrlicht?. (The way most physics library wrapper work.) Create some kind of scale factor to do the conversion (as you won't see a 0.00000000000...1 pixel difference anyway) and to change the precision depending on your detail/zoom level.
So if I were to convert all the f32 to f64, would that mean I could add a transform that would run in double precision? Or is all the data all shipped to the hardware by that point?
You'd have to use an extended meshbuffer format, if it is possible at all. But on the CPU side you can take full advantage of the precision if you really can change all the operations.