mapping in general

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mapping in general

Post by joy »

Sorry about this, but I could not find anything very clear about mapping in Irrlicht Engine.

Can someone explain me what kind of mapping irrlicht supports (is it different to specific files?) What kind of mapping is used when loading meshes in general? Can I influence the kind of mapping or how some texture is mapped? I read a little about uvmapping und 2uv channel ( whatever this is) , mip mapping and bump mapping.

Thanks a lot to you all

Post by Guest »

It would already help me if someone writes something about anything he knows about mapping with Irrlicht.

Post by Guest »

:cry: Anyone? It is really important for me
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Post by Tyn »

Basically UV mapping is the texture, 2nd UV mapping is a modifier textue IIRC. The only one that is supported is a lightmap, bump maps aren't supported yet but it is planned.
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Post by Domarius »

Not sure, but it sounds like you aren't sure how to map an object with a texture in the first place.

To do this, you need a 3D editor.
As always, I recommend the combination of

for modelling, texturing, and animating, respectivley.

Post by joy »

Thank you, I really thought my questions are too stupid.

I am not sure about mapping overall because I create my objects with strata and and 3D Exploration to convert the file. I think I use UV mapping to map the texture to the object. And it looks very good.
When I load the object and its texture by:

model_node1->setMaterialTexture(0, m_pDriver->getTexture("D:\\Irrlicht\\irrlicht\\Editor\\texture2.jpg"));
model_node1->setMaterialFlag(irr::video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);

And it looks different as in strata. Still it looks ok but not the same. I thought I would use UV mapping in Strata, which means to unfold the whole object to a plane and map the texture on every polygon.

So my question was, how is the mapping done here and can I influence it?

Thank you so much!
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Post by joy »

I know I am a pain, but... Why can't anyone answer my questions? is it not clear enough what I want to know?
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Post by Domarius »

It's just hard to say without seeing what you're talking about. Can you post a screen shot? Most people should be able to help you then.

The only thing I can think of that you might be experiencing, is an incompatability between the type of file Strata or Exploration writes, and Irrlicht.
You didn't say what file type you're saving as, but you could try saving from Strata or Exploration as a different file type than the one you're already using. Try the .X format. Irllicht supports a few different formats, listed in the examples and on the site somewhere.
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Post by arras »

Models might and do look diferent in diferent programs. Any program which is capable of shoving model use diferent rendering methods. If I simplify, rendering means to transform 3D data of model to 2D screen (or other output like raster file for example).

Rendering methods used in 3D modeling and wieving programs are much more sophisticated and use more complex rendering methods. On the other hand if you need real time rendering such as in Irrlicht, where speed is main or important issue you have to stick with more simple but fasther methods.

So in general, in your modeling package your model most likely going to look better than in Irrlicht or any other engine.
Also try to use diferent methods like DirectX or OpenGL and you gona get diferent looks of your model.
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Post by joy »

Ok, I try to give you some screenshot to show what I mean. Sorry about the crappy pictures I have to take the pictures in our pc pool and they just have paint. sorry about that.

First of all I show you the Mapping I know from Strata:


this is the model I made in Strata with UV mapping: And thisone is the screenhot for it rendered in Irrlicht.
Image Image

Maybe it looks different because Irrlicht don't support bumpmapping? Anyway the cubic object were still alright though. I guess because I use the same kind of mapping in both cases. But when I create an object in Strata that is more round some kind of cylinder I am using cubic mapping because it doesn't look good in any other cases.

this is the one with Cubic mapping in Strata:
this one is the screenshot for it rendered in Irrlicht:

These two objects were .obj files because the objects I create with strata and convert with the 3D Exploring to .x files are not compatible with Irrlicht.

I found an x file without texture that runs under Irrlicht but it seems as Irrlicht does planar mapping with this one:

So it seems that Nico uses different kinds of mapping. But when does he uses which one and can I influence what kind of mapping is done for single objects? Does the ones above look different because there is no bumpmapping or anything else?

I don't thing the kind of rendering really matteres in this case but in strata I rendert it by raytracing.

Thank you and sorry about the huge pictures.
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Post by arras »

kind of rendering do matter definetly, ray tracing is one of the best methods and one of the slowest too.

And yes, your models seems to have bump maping. I think in Irrlicht you have to load bump map separately. It dont load bump map with mesh.

About method used, its up to you to UV map your model, Irrlicht loads your model with UV map untouched as you did it.
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Post by joy »

thank you arras & others, I guess more and more I get a clue about mapping in Irrlicht.

But there are lots of questions left...

1. Is Irrlicht not raytracing the objects when rendering? What does it use instead?

2. I would like to believe you when you say it always takes the same kind of mapping what I do in my modeler. But the cubic example above is very very different to the result in Irrlicht. What kind of mappings Irrlicht is able to do?

3. Do you think that the main differences between the model and the Irrlicht object is the missing bumpmapping?

Thank you in advance
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Post by arras »

1. I dont think so. But what method it uses I dont know, but for sure not raytracing.

2. I sad that it takes your UV map untouched ...UVmap= UV coordinates of eaxh vertex on texture.

3. Yes I think so. Try to make your model without bump map and you see...

you can look at: ... 325a584fd8
and download my small test. There is model, texture and Irr test, one under DirecX8 and second with OpenGL.
Try to load model in you modeling program and then compare it to both tests.
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Post by joy »

Ähm I can't start the two testprograms (.exe)
I put them into the downloaded folder :
where also Techdemo.exe lies. It says he can't find the beginning point of the procedure in Irrlicht.dll

Something I need to know?
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Post by Electron »

I think that demo was compiled with Dev-cpp, so don't use the VC++ dll
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