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Post by NyteWalker »

A friend and myself are putting together a sci-fi, space-themed, RPG set in the very distant future. I'm heading Story and system mechanics, while he does the art (2d/3d.) We are looking for a good programmer, doesn't have to be great just needs to be able to code for Irrlicht, C++. We are looking for someone that is willing to help out, understands that this project is more a hobby then anything else, and may never lead to any real foreseeable goal. Sorry for the crappy description, I'll update later with more information. For now, so long!
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Post by BlindSide »

Geez these things are cropping up like cockroaches this month...

Well good luck anyway, im a fan of anything space-themed :D
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Post by NyteWalker »

See how I lure in prospective people with a great description of what I'm doing?

Seriously, though, we ARE working on this project. It has left the, "Dude we should do this!" phase and entered the, "ok, now we need more people," phase. As of right now we have a handful of concepts (3D renderings of a space station, woo!) and I'm a good 60% or so done with the system mechanics and back story. I'm going to detail more vision for this project:

An ever expanding universe filled with official, as well as user created, content. I'm looking to build, if you will, Elder Scrolls in SPACE! It's a big, if nay impossible, goal, but one I am to some point.

My idea is not to spend years working on a core game and then releasing it and updating it, I want to create a small playable game and then slowly expand it over time. The initial game, could, be completed in less than a years time, and then slowly the story, and universe, would expand slowly from mini-updates every month or so.

Major updates, or expansions, would also happen, on a less frequent bases, to allow for large developments in gameplay and otherwise.

Now, on to the thing that most will dislike...

The game will not be free. But I'm talking 5-10 dollars for purchase of core game and 2.50 - 5 for major updates. My idea is thus: for the initial purchase you can play the game from beginning to what ever end may come, but if you wish to expand the features and gameplay beyond that of the core game it will cost a small fee for the major updates. Certain benefits will be gained from purchase, but the main storyline will never be hindered if you don't buy the expansions.

That's my idea. If anyone would like to help, please reply here. Comments are also welcome, so please don't be shy.
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Post by BlindSide »

Charging for updates is silly, why not have a free version and a pro subscription version..
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Post by Virion »

if you want to make it a commercial game, why don't make it like: purchase the game, free for updates.

update = new features and/or bug fixes

you want people to pay for your bug fix?
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Post by olivehehe_03 »

Maybe you could have your bug fix and balancing patches free for everyone, and release small expansion packs or add-ons with extra features and content that people could pay for, rather than making people pay for bug fixes...

Anyways, it sounds like a good idea, I'm still waiting to see a space game that I really like (Freespace 2 is winning so far though), maybe this will be the one :D

EDIT: I just remembered a game that did something similar to what I said in the first paragraph, Pocket Tanks. The game can be bought on it's own, but it has about 10 weapon packs that you can buy to add more weapons to the game. Also, it's patches are free for anyone who owns the game.
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Post by KrisS »

I was thinking about same thing but, well not in space, something more like World of Warcraft but with more serious graphic ...

We start with a small camp with few NPC's and few mobs around camp. Than after 10-20 updates that small camp become a willage with new merchants, quests givers, trainers .... new classes, abilities, items ... new locations, monsters...etc :)

well anyway ... gl :)
--== my english sucks ==--
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Post by vermeer »

Geez these things are cropping up like cockroaches this month...

but lol to the sentence...
Finally making games again!
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Post by NyteWalker »

I'm sorry, I guess I didn't clarify my meaning, well enough.

I explained that there would be mini-updates, and within these would be bug fixes and what. The mini-updates are free, to everyone that bought the game.

The Major Updates, which from now on will be known as Mini-Expansions, since update IS not really what I mean. The point was, if you buy the game you get to play the main story from beginning to "end" and any fixes are of course free.

The Mini-Expansions would have things like new weapons, ships, side stories, extra side missions, etc.

I would never force people to pay for bug fixes, only new content past what they purchased in the core game. And of course, like I said, I'm talking small amounts. Only enough to offset the cost of hosting the site and actually building the game.

I would love to have this game evolve into something multiplayer(Dare I say massively so?) But I know that is, if anything, a long ways down the proverbial road.

The other idea I had, was to release the core game for free, along with bug fixes and main story updates for free and charging $2.50 - $5.00 for Mini-Expansions. This way anyone can play the core game, for free, and never pay a dime but those that want to play a more expansive game with lots of features would have to pay for them. I think I like this idea, better actually...
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Post by GameDude »

Your ideas are good. Although you would probably make more money off selling the core game, and the peopel that really want the expansions packs would come and buy them, of course, there not gonna pay much for an expansion pack, unless you added the expansion pack to the core game.
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Post by NyteWalker »

I know that, but I'm really not in it for the money, I just want to offset some costs. I'm talking really small amounts of money, I find the pricing of commercial games these days to be offensive.
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Post by GameDude »

Yeah $50 to $60 is a lot of money and $600 price-tag for the PS3, yikes!, Anyways so what would be your price if you sold the core version, I'm guessing somewhere around $10 to $20.
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Post by NyteWalker »

The core game, if I sold it, would be $5 - $10. The Expansions packs would be $2.50 - $5, depending on the amount of content added. I believe those to be very fair.
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Post by Midnight »

NyteWalker wrote:I'm a good 60% or so done with the system mechanics and back story. I'm going to detail more vision for this project:

An ever expanding universe filled with official, as well as user created, content. I'm looking to build, if you will, Elder Scrolls in SPACE! It's a big, if nay impossible, goal, but one I am to some point.
lol what a contradiction.

good luck I'm thinking you're going to need it.
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