Lose FPS Camera Functions

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Lose FPS Camera Functions

Post by markanderson »

Hello All -

In my app, I have nodes drawn randomly throughout the 3D space and I have setup a FPS camera to let the user move around the space. I've recently added code that detects a double click. If the user double clicks on a node I wanted the camera to jump forward in that direction.

Here is my code for this behaviour:

Code: Select all

core::position2d < irr::s32 > mpos = device->getCursorControl()->getPosition();
scene::ISceneNode *selectedSceneNode = device->getSceneManager()->getSceneCollisionManager()->getSceneNodeFromScreenCoordinatesBB(mpos, NODE_MASK);
if (selectedSceneNode > 0)
	core::vector3df campos  = device->getSceneManager()->getActiveCamera()->getAbsolutePosition();
	core::vector3df nodepos = selectedSceneNode->getAbsolutePosition();
	core::vector3df newpos = core::vector3df((campos.X+nodepos.X)/2, (campos.Y+nodepos.Y)/2, (campos.Z+nodepos.Z)/2);
	scene::ISceneNodeAnimator *sa = device->getSceneManager()->createFlyStraightAnimator(Camera->getPosition(), newpos, 200, 0);
Obviously, the code works out a mid-point between the camera position and the node position and then flys the camera to that point. The problem is that after the camera flys to the position, the user looses FPS controls - they can't move around at all. The camera angle can still be changed by moving the mouse, but the arrows key no longer respond.

Can anyone suggest why this is?
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Joined: Mon Mar 28, 2005 3:45 am
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Post by bitplane »

I guess the animator is still attached to the camera locking it into position every frame, you'll need to remove it manually
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