Masterhawk studios' MINIGOLF3D (Alpha#1)

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Masterhawk studios' MINIGOLF3D (Alpha#1)

Post by Masterhawk »

Hey guys,
visiting this forum is so cool, because of its fascinating project done with IRRLICHT.
After a few month of work I finally can preset the first alpha of project: MINIGOLF3D

About the project: The main idea of this project was to port a browsergame, I was addicted to, from its 2D-world to the glamorous world of the 3rd dimension.
The gameplay is pretty simple. Try to get that ball in that tiny hole anywhere on the course.

technology: Ok, I think you all know which engine was used for 3D....IRRLICHT!!!!!!!
The physics were realized with NewtonGameDynamics

Cause this is an alpha version there are a lot of features missing:
sound,network mode, enhanced graphics, physics objects (e.g. boxes).
This package only contains the singleplayer mode.
Please keep in mind that this is a one man project

Screenshots(larger images:

Image Image Image Image

Official website:
Official buglist:

Download page (current version:ALPHA#1):

EDIT: Skin Patch Download: ...

Hope you guys enjoy this game and I hope to get a lot of feedback

regards masterhawk

P.S.: Thx to all forum members who helped me with my problems....THX
Last edited by Masterhawk on Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lester »

Cool! Reminds me a nice project Kolf in kdegames. Keep it up!
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Post by deesine »

I'm tempted to go ahead and try to make a map for this :)

But my workflow doesn't include my3d atm, how do you load the maps? Is the format included in the zip predefined as my3d in the engine? Or can it load other formats as well..?

A couple of things,
The camera should react to the scenery (collide)
It doesn't really feel like golf, maybe the ball is too big? I think it's something about the proportions. Possibly the FOV. (That's my reaction after trying the first level, those screens look a little better though....)

I have some free time, so if you want me for some gfx, let me know.
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Post by Masterhawk »

Creating maps won't be easy at this time, because you don't have the minigolf 3d editor. Currently it's just setting the start and finish point of a map, but it's such a mess to work with this thing so I didn't release it yet.

The mgc "format" of the maps is just a zip file which contains various files:
*.my3d -> the mesh file itself....Minigolf3D should be able to load other file formats (but you should notice that there're no dynamic ligthing).
*.xml -> contains all information about the entities(e.g. start + finish) created with the Minigolf3D-EntityEditor
*_preview.tga -> the preview image shown while loading the map
*.tga,*.jpg -> these are textures for the map

That thing with the colliding cam is as good as hard to realize. 'Cause the cam often get stuck in the level geometry. But I hope I can implement it in later versions.

If you can create an 'amazing' HUD or have some other ideas how to improve the gfx I would be very glad to hear of you ;)
I'm such a nerd on creating gfx....
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Post by cederron »

It has been fun, but sometimes it's a bit annoying to wait for the ball to stop, but still fun to play.
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Post by deesine »

cederron wrote:but sometimes it's a bit annoying to wait for the ball to stop
I'll second that.

@Masterhawk, I'll play around a bit and post my results here :)
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Post by Masterhawk »

Hey guys I provided a patch which adds the feature to handle custon skins with the ALPHA#1 release.

Try it, it's a nice feature....!

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Post by deesine »

Wish I could try it now, I started some customization for you, modelling etc :) And I intend to continue. However I'm going on vacation now and wont be back for a week. Was hoping I could show some stuff before I left, but I'm not at home right now.

I'll get back to it when I'm back from vacation. And hopefully my results will be worthwhile. :)

If you're curious as to what I've done before, you can check my site in the meantime,, tho it seems to be unreachable atm, hope it gets back up soon.

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Post by Masterhawk »

Wow...your artworks, especially your 3D-work and textures look great. Hope the textures are free for use.
I would be pleased to see a course created by you when I finished my editor sometimes.
Can't wait to see your HUD :wink: , but currently I implementing the feature to add other physics objects to a course, so your gfx can wait until you're back from vacation.... :D

Hope you enjoy your freetime....

regards masterhawk
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Post by deesine »

Back from vacation. How's this project coming along?

Glad you like'm. And, yes the textures are free to use, as long as it's with my consent ;)

Downloading the patch. And later I'll get back to modding :)
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Post by andrei25ni »

Looking good. Keep up the work :wink:
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Post by Masterhawk »

Hope you enjoyed your vacation....;)

Happy to hear I can use your textures. Think they perfectly fit in my new course.
Unfortunatly I got a little problem with development. wanted to switch to dx9, but there are a few major problems with texture loading: ... hp?t=22565
I hope I can figure it out.

regards masterhawk
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Post by deesine »

Whazzah? :)

Real life has been time-consuming lately, but I did a couple of mock-ups in 3d. 3D is just alot more fun than interfaces, but I'll try to do something in that area for you as well.

It's more difficult now that I've lost my wacom pen *sob*.
Guess I'll have to draw with the mouse ;)


Very much inspired by P.N.03 which I've been playing lately.
It's funny how they use textures to add details rather than "textures".

Define: mock up = A preliminary layout showing the design, position of illustrations and text prior to the final reproduction
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Post by Masterhawk »

Really :shock:

I currently try to finish the editor so it's useable rudimentary.
Hope you can import a few courses to the game then...
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