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Post by beshrkayali »

sounds interesting.... 8)

i'll do 5 levels now, and let you all see the game :D
if it's good i will continure. :wink:
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Post by olivehehe_03 »

The best thing you can do if you want to make your game good (in my opinion at least) is to have a look at games that do something similar to what you're doing, and then do it better :D

With a game like this you'll probably want to introduce new things (things being springs and fans) to the player gradually as a way of increasing the difficulty. Like in early levels just let the player get used to whats going on and then mix it up a bit by adding a new obstacle. Also, if you're going to have fans and springs and that sort of thing, make sure you think of interesting ways to use them. And while I'm talking about obstacles I have a few ideas for more, moving obstacles, moving platforms, enemies with simple "chase" AI, pits (duh :P), narrow platforms over pits...ummm.....also if you're using proper physics in your game, make sure you design an obstacle that shows it off :D

One other thing that might help you out, do a google search for game design theory or something similar, as well as level design. Knowing something about these will REALLY help you to make a game thats actually fun to play. It might sound wierd, but playing your game from a developers point of view is completely different to playing it from a player's point of view. Anyways, hope that helps.

EDIT: Just had a look at your screens, one thing you might be able to do to show off the physics would be to turn the entire level upside down so the player falls onto the roof (that sounds wierd doesn't it).
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Post by beshrkayali »

those are really good ideas.

about enemies, i thought about it, but i think that would be hard for me:oops: , anyway, i'll give it a shot :wink:

about moving surfaces, that's a great 1 :D

i'll look for level desinging things on google NOW! :roll:
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Post by dejai »

Great work, i think Zodiacs a good name its a codex form used by a criminal. It was a code that told his exact location. Maybe even Zodiac's Labyrinth.
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Post by beshrkayali »

hey gus

The game project is working pretty well, but soooo slow, cuz right now, i'm in the middle of my exams :?

anyway, i've created a flickr page for Previews of the game, till now, nothing is new, but there i'll upload any new photo, here is it:

hope to hear your comments :wink:
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Post by Midnight »

1. Name - A good first try. (why the hell are you naming it? it's a demo)

2. you don't need more then a single cpp file. the reason you seperate classes into seperate files is orginzation.. so you can read the poop.

although.. the only way you're successfully going to put your code into seperate files is using classes.

classes are easy as pie...

class pie
//define a bunch of poop contructor, destructor, functions, ect...

use it in another file.

pie PIE;

use it.. PIE.eat();

congrats... peace out.
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Post by Midnight »

oh and if I had to name it from the pic alone.

maze of kebal (key ball) :wink:
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Post by miha »

You should add timer and a sand clock that player can pickup to
reverse the time (say player has only 5 seconds out of 200 to finnish
the level, he picks up the sand clock and he has 195 secs left...);
and also fruit that can be pickedup to gain points; also you could add
jump pads that push you 3 fields forward if you go over them;
and also jumping key-binded - to jump over holes, heated fields etc...
Enemies can be really simple without AI (good news for you is it?),you
can simply add some moving cactus or floating daggers that move for
a couple of fields up-down or left-right.Try to put the game in the open
space or atmosphere or use lighter textures for walls.It looks too dark.
Do some ice fields where your ball won't be controllable, it should just
skide towards front until it reaches safe (or death)...Do an effect to
rotate the map when you rotate the ball, if you are doing rotation.
But in case you do all i've said,you should call your game smtn like
Kula World 2 or Rollaway 2 or Kula Quest 2; and probably pay
some fees to certain Japanese developers :)
For many good ideas visit http://kulaworld.com/,and find
an iso of this game for PS1 emulator to see how it should go.
Good luck, you have great idea, and your genre pick is ok too,
if you can get physics well.BTW - Do a better texture of the ball ;)
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Post by beshrkayali »


i changed my mind :oops:
Last edited by beshrkayali on Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by beshrkayali »

new photos, 8)

check out the first post.
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Post by Virion »

Looking good. Keep it up. 8)
Anyway I'm looking forward to your character(s).
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Post by deesine »

Looking good, keep it up.
Let me know if there's a problem with the fan :wink:
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Post by beshrkayali »

hey guys :lol:

new video

check first post
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Post by catron »

wow, great job beshr. Keep it up.
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