Doom3 GUI

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Doom3 GUI

Post by Kalda »

I'm working on it. Current progress will be somewhere at our homepage.
Last edited by Kalda on Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by roxaz »

Hello. I want to earn 1 000 000 / month and to have big corporation like Microsoft. I need it but I haven't got much time. Is here anyone who help me? Thanks :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by BlindSide »

Guys guys, we are all tempted to say such things but do you really need to reply if you are not interested? Just leave him be if you don't want to help...

@Kalda: You will need some time to make this, it is easy to use render to texture and output 2D things, that will not be hard, but capturing mouse events to a texture might be difficult. Altho I think it is all doable, good luck with it. And please, next time post in "Beginner's Help" as this is not a project announcement.
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Post by greenya »

roxaz wrote:Hello. I want to earn 1 000 000 / month and to have big corporation like Microsoft. I need it but I haven't got much time. Is here anyone who help me? Thanks :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by dejai »

Well here is the problem ok doom3 will not just let you have their GUI. Its a massive commerical game and they will have a fit if you want to take it.

Also thats a lot of code it takes a programmer moths with a whole team to create that i suppose you want the HUD as well, and then ontop of this you have to reformat it to work with the irrlicht engine!!!! and then ontop of this you need to make it work properly within the engine.

The hardest bit would be getting the source, if you can't do it trust me no one will sorry. If you do to C++ Dev you can see just how much work goes into commercial and Open source games.

:D Hope this helps

If you want positive replies you could say, i have doom3s source for the gui is it possible for me to implement this into irrlicht and if possible how. also research etc before posting.
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Post by roxaz »

BlindSide wrote:Guys guys, we are all tempted to say such things but do you really need to reply if you are not interested? Just leave him be if you don't want to help...
You see, i never turn my back to newbie who wants to learn, i always help, but when i read such posts - blood boils. I cant imagine how ppl can be so insolent. He is simply a leecher. I cant respect leechers, neither can you i gues. I think simply there is no place for leechers because they degrade community. Such request would be quite acceptable from someone who is well known here, who contributed to community, then we would have a reason for such big help. Now i see only a leecher with 33 posts of requests. I think such ppl should know their place.

Leech silently or die!
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Post by beshrkayali »

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Post by Kalda »

Shut up!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

I'm creating game with my team, but I'm ill and next week I must go with parents on holiday to Greece and then to camp => I have only one month from my holiday without school. School will begin at 3rd Sept. and the game must be complete to last day in Sept.

I belived here is min. one good member who will wants help me and help with improving irrlicht that create new feature. I'm sad. :(

And why I'm not replying other posts? As I said... No time and I'm beginner. I come from school at 5 o'clock, then I must do homeworks and go to training somedays. - I'm only about 2-3 hours at computer and naturaly I'm working on us game! And look on my posts again. There are some replies and 2 libraries too.

Ok. I will make it for my own. Thanks. :x

Finally, thanks to BlindSide that take my side.
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Post by roxaz »

no offence man but you act like leecher. if you have a team so they can help you. by they way ppl get angry when they hear plain truth. i gues you have a head and brain if you are programming. think who would like to do something for unknown guy with no payment? it would be waste of time, and time is that we dont have. rly i didnt want to insult you, i dont want to insult you now too, but next time when you are going to make stupid post - think twice :|
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Post by beshrkayali »

but next time when you are going to make ***** post - think twice
:o :o :o
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Post by roxaz »

beshrkayali wrote:
but next time when you are going to make ***** post - think twice
:o :o :o
he changed first post
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Post by beshrkayali »

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Post by Kalda »

Ok. I must try it...
It's competitive game. Thats way end of Sept.
I must do it...

I'm sorry that I act like leecher.

And for Roxaz:
If you have a team so they can help you
:lol: :lol: :lol: ROFL

My team:
1 prog. - I
1 graph.
1 designer
some extern. (translates,partialy music,...)

Me and designer are only two hard working members. Graph. is slacker.
I must create engine(compl), music, sounds,...
Once again ROFL

But ok, I will not annoy you more with this.

When it will be complete, I'll post info.
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Post by roxaz »

so invite more ppl ;)
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