I found myself still wondering what those two guys were on about! Unreal is pre-rendered???!!?!
I can still only think of one explanation - they were talking about the pre-compilation of the BSP data, in a roundabout way...
So I did a search on a term HohesC mentioned, "SpeedTreeFX". (Which turned up NO results for Google, till I re-entered it as "SpeedTree FX", and even then it only turned up results for "Speed Tree".
Eventually, this is what I found.
Basically, it's a new technology for rendering beautiful and complex trees, in real-time 3D.
And this page;
http://www.idvinc.com/html/speedtree_for_unreal.htm is news that it has been implemented in the next version of the Unreal Engine, so we'll be seeing some pretty cool looking plantlife in games soon.
Now, from what I can gather, this is just an SDK that has really cool algorithms for LOD, wind effects, and other details, that operate really fast, and in the end,
the resulting information is passed to your rendering engine (to be rendered in OpenGL, Direct3D) in REAL TIME.
There is NOTHING pre-rendered about this, from what I can tell. (Please correct me if you feel I'm mistaken, anyone.)
It's fine to fantasize about some day where all possibilities are pre-rendered with bitmaps, but then I have to wonder exactly how many changes the user could make to that world - imagine a game like "Magic Carpet 2" where your spells cause the actual terrain heightmap to move in real time, so you can create mountains, canyons, craters, in REAL TIME - how would you pre-render that??
It's my opinion that pre-rendering is a field for the Myst type games, and always will be.
It's all very well to make statements like
...they will tell you're wrong! Don't believe them! You are on the right way.
without backing them up.
I'd really like some further explanation on how you'd make a game like Unreal by pre-rendering everything.