fullscreen using opengl problem. Can someone help?

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fullscreen using opengl problem. Can someone help?

Post by darkraven »

I'm using windowxp pro and using dev c++. Directx8 works fine when seting to full screen as far I can tell. It sends it to fullscreen. But when I set the Device type to EDT_OPENGL and set the width and height to 640 x 480 I get this


I didn't change anything with the rest of the code just changed the device type in the createDevice function. When I set it to what my screen resolution is It fills the screen completely except that the task bar is there. My normal screen resolution is 1024x768 but I set the width and height to 640x480.

Its not really a big deal. I can set it to directx8 and it works fine. I was just curious. And I didn't try to search the forum to see if this was a problem some one else was having but couldn't find anything so if there is a thread out there that explains this I appologies for this thread.

Thanks in advance.
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May be using overlay mode

Post by TDragon »

It looks to me as Irrlicht is initializing the device using overlay mode in some way. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with how Irrlicht does that and I'm not somewhere where I can look it up for you; but you could take a look at that Irrlicht source. Another possibility is that your version of Windows doesn't allow OpenGL to take over in fullscreen in whatever way Irrlicht needs for it to. Or, your graphics card has a slightly faulty implementation of OpenGL.

So I really can't do much to help you, but those are my ideas on what the problem could be. Your post just looked lonely with no answers so far, and I took pity...
{) Twilight Dragon (}
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Post by Tyn »

The OpenGL has quite a few quirks that DirectX8 and 9 doesn't seem to have. It seems to be that Irrlicht is having problem changing the resolution here and is just displaying the screen in the first 640x480 pixels of your current resolution. It's not something I've noticed before however, so that suggests some kind of problem with your graphics card. Could you post a compiled ( or source ) version of your program and we can see if others get the same thing. Posting your graphics card make and model would help as well.
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