Todays religions

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Post by vermeer »

I agree with rooly. (Not in closing a thread, I rarely am scared about a thread, true that i don't have the patience(too long) to read even the 80% of it... ) But read latests posts. Anyway, if get closed, neither mind, either. Giving a respectful opinion when I am able to , is something i doubt I'll ever tend to refrain...
The day you can tell me what created God, then tell me how that was started, then tell me what started that, then tell me what started that, and so on and so forth, you have got me. Until that day though (which there will probably never be) i believe in science, the scientific method, and evidence.
So nothing started nothing. We , or matter are etternal here...wait, isnt that the concept inherently of...Oh, well. Anyway: uninvolved, I hope you someday notice your taking the wrong direction religions in many history moments have taken by error, trying to just not give a single chance to other thinkings. Is an error. Am not atheist, but i have been, and mainly, agnostic...My point now is through philosophy, which sorry, is a way of thinking, using logic, just not empirical data, and not a dark magical religion... i respect every posture, religious , ultra religious ( I may have my opinion on those, but they think so for a context and a life: I respect that, as I try to respect every human being) , atheist, agnostic, or whatever, if has a sort of respect for the others freedom to choose.

About not believing something you don't actually touch in thi svery moment, works well in life, just is not necesarily Da abosulte Truth, either, I hope Newton did not think in his moment never ever anyone could improve his laws, just because he had a yet too poor perspective... As wel said, we have science as a method to deal with reality in a sistematic and very empirical ways, and what science accepts as valid today, will be trashed tomorrow. You may feel tempted to afirm as absolute Truths what is been "tested" for now, or have a cleverer cautious "perhaps" for version 5.04 of Science. even if you don't wanna play with too deep philosophy, that's ok, and that's great also, but would be good even to you if were a bit more tolerant and...perhaps more relativistic (if that word exist in English, as is certainly not my first language )

That's the root of all this humankind probs... "which is not mine, is not valid" ...When I hear people wanting to know zero about philosophy, literature, poetry, or history, just science, am ok with that. Are they happy? in many cases, yes, then good to go!. I see many happy ppl in the other case. The intention of trying to make ppl trash their thinking reveals some sort of insecurity in many cases (not saying is your case) on the own thinking... is what religions have done wrong in the past, I hope now we don't make same error in the opposite team. Of course, when aberrations which harm humans are to happen, yup, then is logical to try to stop it...Ppl speak about beliefs as if it were one an only group in that...the one ruling their lifes by some sort of historically human-added sort of life models, and rules, but not an internal, personal reflection/intuition...

Saddest thing of all in my view, is how ppl just goes by common trends...It stops ppl having own thinking, own opinion(in many more fields than religion and philosophy,also)...Now what is trendy? go against religion. Ok, is what makes one cooler, let's go for it! Again, not talking bout you. A independent mind does not need to trash other person ways of life, just lives his/hers in the best way he or she can.

Finally making games again!
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Post by uninvolved »

I'm agnostic also.

In the strictest since. I don't believe in ghost, ghools, goblins, leprauchans,bigfoot,tooth faries, santa clause, UFOs driven by aliens, and god.

Every "philosophical" argument used to invoke some kind of supernatural or god(s), can be used to invoke goblins.

It takes a real person of faith, to find meaning in no meaning, and purpose in no purpose.
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Post by vermeer »

then you are atheistic

agnostic is somebody who can have a doubt ;)
Every "philosophical" argument used to invoke some kind of supernatural or god(s), can be used to invoke goblins.
Not necesarily.It depends on who thinks and how.

Yet tho, I have a dog and some goblins.
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Post by Frodenius »

arent agnostics the ones who say "we cant say anything" ??
worst programming style ever seen...
omar shaaban
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Post by omar shaaban »

ya it is my mistake to start such a thread
catron said:
Everyone is entitled to there beliefs and thats it
no u can change believe but not this way in a 3d engine forum so please moderators to close this thread because it is useless and it will be good if they deleted itwe can just change people minds with a post!! :roll:
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Post by hybrid »

Ok, this thread is closed because the way this highly difficult topic was handled was not acceptable anymore. Although a large part of this thread was a working discussion, especially the latter parts fell out of the discussion style belonging to Irrlicht forums. On request by several people this thread is closed. Some parts of this thread were deleted based on offensive or exaggerated style. If there are more parts to delete just PM me.