My First IRRLITCH demo (Completed 23th September)

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Post by andrei25ni »

Looks cool for now, keep working on it.
This update looks better then the last release, so you're on the right way. :D
I think it's time to add some dynamic objects/effects on the scene (like moving tree leafs, water, some smoke/myst/clouds maybe) .

One thing I didn't liked was that the player keeps getting stuck in the terrain from the park. I know it's an Irrlicht bug, but maybe you can find a way around that ?

Cheers and good luck.
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Post by christianclavet »

Hi. Made some updates:

- Was able to integrate the realistic water surface from ELVMAN into the demo. :D You should found it on the terrain. Before the water surface was there, I modeled a basin.

- Completed the basic structure of the subway station. :D I'll need to add lots more details. But you can walk there and see it completely now.

For the trees... Humm. Tried to compile the demo and it failed on IRRLIGHT 1.3.1. Also, I'm not sure it would be a good idea. the FPS is getting lower and lower (On my system it's gone to 45 FPS near the water) :?

I could try and see. (Perhaps add a option menu to put them if you have enough power on the system). I'll need to investigate why the demo is not compiling on IRRLITCH 1.3.1 and DEVCPP.

The link is still the same as:
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Post by christianclavet »

Here some pictures of the water in action:


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Post by christianclavet »

Thanks for your comments andrei25ni. :)

For the first dynamic item: I've integrated water. :wink:

For the terrain that get the camera stuck, If you rotate a little the camera, it will move again. But I'm thinking of changing the collision animation animator sphere size once we get there. For the rest of the map, the sphere is just ok. I think of a bigger collision sphere will reduce the risk of being "stuck".

Other things i'm thinking on how I could implement them in the demo:
- 3D sounds: from the buses (engine noise), the subway (ventilation noise)

- Animated birds. This could be difficult... I know how I can make the model, but don't have the techniques to animate it in IRRLICHT at the moment. I model in Lightwave all my models.

- A particle fountain in the middle of the basin (with the help of IRREDIT)
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Post by JP »

Excellent addition of the water! Though in the second screenshot the reflections look a bit messed up by the bottom of the little hill... Surely the hill should be reflecting there and not the sky? I was going to look at elvman's shaders to see if i could improve mine (had some similar problems with mine) but maybe his are no better :lol: that would be a great shame!
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Post by TheMiss »

It would be better if you try to change solid tree. because of the exellent water
node does not match the solid tree :D
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Post by christianclavet »

Updates: (Minor)

- Tweaked the water effect and some details to be more of my taste:
see this thread ... &start=30-

- Was able to run successfully the tree demo. Planning to test in on the level shortly to see if i'm able to implement it to replace the trees. I've put there.

Same link to the demo:
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Post by christianclavet »

New update today:

- Worked on the terrains (still some work to do, mostly smoothing things out)
- Modeled a little bridge, and a fountain.
- Put some particles with IRREdit to simulate water coming out of the fountain.
- Coded a dynamic change in the Collision sphere radius, so that when in the terrain it's bigger. Less risk to get stuck in the terrain.

- Created English and French installers (with the help of a free software)
Here 2 screenshots of the update:

Dowload links:
Zipped version: 20Mb
French installer: 20Mb
English installer: 20Mb
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Post by andrei25ni »

Hey, here's a suggestion. Add a light to your scene with a really generous radius and render everything with shadows enabled from that light. That should simulate the sun and make the terrain look less boring :p

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Post by christianclavet »

Hi. I could add lots of things, but I'm fighting with framerates now.

Tried to put good looking trees (Xfrog Tree, then poly reduced in Lightwave modeler) there, worked all day to implement them (only 10).

On the new test, the framerate dropped to 14 frames per seconds! :cry: So I will have to think of something else for the trees (or less realistic) (Klasker tree are working but I've not yet tested them)

A realistic tree is about 10,000 polygons. From what I see, I can only afford less that a thousand. And this depend of the other things I intend to put in the demo...

The terrain is in full rework now. There is a shadow map over it actually but since I've modified the terrain so much, the shadowing is almost not visible. I will probably have to increase the polygons in there in order to get more details from the bumps (and make the terrain smoother). Polygons over the deformations there are pretty big (A polygon is almost the size of a bus now)

Being clean, and realistic is a thing, but I've got to have decent framerate at the same time. I don't want to make a demo for a GeForce 8800GTX-Sli system.. :wink: Before the tree test, I was aving a steady 60FPS (90Fps peak all over the level, and 45 fps near the water)

I've got to put some characters in there (waiting for the bus, or birds. It will depend on how I will find the way to animate the characters), and lots more details (seats, panels, etc). I don't want to loose it all on the trees.

I'm working almost full time over this now, so a new update will arrive soon. But the trees will have to wait for the moment. This first test failed.
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Post by vermeer »

A realistic tree is about 10,000 polygons

have you tried this? : use a very very hi res tree...Xfrog or arbaro(free), ..then , do a render rotating camera around 16 angles minmal, but th emore the merrier....I have never tried this way, as last time I did some low pol plant or tree, was -really- low pol, and only made two orthogonal planes....the idea is you first model a realistic trunk and main thick branhces (through its extruding power, that's seconds in Wings3d) as no fake thingie. Then, with the several renders you have (put light before render simply exactly above the tree,(at a distance) to avoid possible probs) , and make planes (quads) each on the corresponding camera angle.This is pretty easy in Blender, for example. So yo go making your planes, just rotating th ecamera (in blender, you can set pivot of rotatinon to cursor, rotate with z axe, and have a viewport making the rotation numerically, of the camera) . So you make like your 16 planes or more, forming like a "star" if seen from above.(almost filling a cilindric volume) In the middle, you already had your tree trunk. You surely'd better had added plannar UVs to your SINGLE faced plane. Which you cloned for the rotations. Asign as texture, each of the renders to each plane. Following of course, same order (sorry, i meant the rotation of camera etc, must be same when you do the low pol and hi res version thing, indeed, can just use same camera moments to do the stuff) that you did for renders of the hi res version. One important matter, is...the renders of the hi res, if using blender, you need to render as RBGA, for example, PNGs, as this way, you have transparency in all which is not leaves or branches. (don't put more extra meshes) .This way, once you play the renders as textures, you can later on make in Irrlicht those planes as alpha mapped, and the idea is do them double facing renders (double facing in Blender, as would show normals probs) , but do in irrlicht.I dunno if possible in irrlicht, I've only done in other engines. (the art side, of course.)

This way, and unless you get quite gonna look quite realistic....Dunno if some one here has tried this already.

BTW, for hi res trees, and having xml templates of REAL trees, and free, open source, multiplatform, go here, is a quite nice software, it needed some trick, but i used it quite succesfully ... :
Finally making games again!
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Post by Yarcanox »

Another way of doing it would be making the 16 pictures or as much as you want of the different directions, and just showing that one as a sprite for the current camera angle relative to the tree.
This is how classic games like "Lands of Lore 3" did it, and it works not that bad if you have enough directions (not just 8 like it was in "Lands of Lore 2"). And this should give you a possibility to make trees without the frame rate rising.

Another trick that is used by "Trespasser" or "Far Cry"(!) is:
Do the thing above, but when being near enough, swap to the 3d model. This allows dozens of trees over a mind-blowing distance, as just the nearest ones are real rendered in 3d. All the trees far away are just sprites and so you save a bunch of fps.

EDIT: I forgot a small part of the trick that "Far Cry" used ("Trespasser" was too old for transparent sprites): When the 3dmodel gets rendered, the sprite will be rendered over it and lose its transparency/opacity while you are getting nearer. This hides the change very well and a transparent sprite should not kill much fps.
I'm not a native English speaker.
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Post by JP »

I like that Tresspasser/far cry trick, i reckon that would work quite well!
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Post by hybrid »

Trespasser? I thought that this technique is called impostor?
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Post by paooolino »

I notice those unnatural things appearing at the border of the screen (see last screenshots, especially on the left side). After fixing it, I think this scene node would be perfect ;)
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