key input & XML

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key input & XML

Post by morph »

how can i write a code that reads from an xml file what key i must press for what action

greets Morph
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Post by evo »


Reply is a bit late, but anyway:

There is plenty of documentation and examples how to read from an xml file. For mapping key input to desired action you might do something like this:

Code: Select all

//pseudo code

struct	map {
				key			irr::u8;
				function	irr::u16;

core::array<MyMap>	map;

		map			tmp;

while (not end of xml)
	'read from xml file here into tmp

irr::u8 get key pressed()
// some funtion to translate enum into u8
// maybe use number value associated wih Irrlicht enum EKEY_CODE to keep it simple

bool OnEvent(SEvent event)
	irr::u8 key = get key pressed();

	for(irr::u16 i=0; i<map.size(); i++)
		if (map[i].key == key)
			{f = map[i].function; break;}

	switch (f)
		case 1 : do_action_1;
		case 2 : do_action_2;
		case n : do_action_n;

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