Smooth mixed 1st + 3rd Person Camera Scene Node (for RPG)

Post those lines of code you feel like sharing or find what you require for your project here; or simply use them as tutorials.
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Post by allked »

please some one help , i can't download it..... it says bad link ,does some can download that? or email me one en let me taste how it likes thanks
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Post by christianclavet »

Hi. got the same problem. Can't see or download anything.

This could have been a very interesting camera to try...
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Post by MasterGod »

So is someone going to give us new links or fix the links in the first post..?
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Post by irruser »

yeh i think those links need fixed
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My hacked version of xter's code

Post by ssexton »

Since people are still asking and the links are broke, here is my heavily hacked version of xter's V8 code, that works with Irrlicht 1.3.1. I don't actually use this code directly in my project (I use a subclass of it) but it *should* work as is. You will need to deal with the fact that it derives from a non-public Irrlicht class if you use Irrlicht in a .dll/.so/.dylib.

Code: Select all

// Xterm-In'Hate


#include <irrlicht.h>
#include "CCameraSceneNode.h"

//! TODO : lock non moving fps
//! TODO : mouse control can rotate player and camera at higher speed

namespace irr
namespace scene

class CCameraRPGSceneNode : public CCameraSceneNode
    //! constructor
    //!   player : scene node of player
    //!   mgr : irrlicht scene manager
    //!   id : id of camera
    //!   device : irrlicht device
    //!   selector : 3D world collision triangle selector
        ISceneNode * player,
        ISceneManager * mgr,
        s32 const &  id,
        IrrlichtDevice * device,
        ITriangleSelector * selector

	//! configure the camera from a file
    //!   configfilename : full path name of xml config file that contains camera settings
	virtual void configure( 
		core::stringc const & configfilename
    //! destructor
    virtual ~CCameraRPGSceneNode();

    //! camera event receiver
	virtual bool OnEvent(SEvent event);

    //! camera animation
    virtual void OnAnimate( u32 timeMs );

    //! camera is in first person view
    bool is_first_person() const;

    //! lock camera in first person view
    void first_person( bool const & lock );


	//! subclasses should call after setting values in configure()
	void enforce_invariants();
    //! player move interface (for physic API)
    virtual void player_physic_animator(
        size_t const & elapsed_time,
        irr::f32 const & player_delta_move,
        irr::f32 const & player_move_direction

    //! default player move (NO PHYSIC API)
    virtual void default_player_physic_animator(
        irr::f32 const & player_delta_move,
        irr::f32 const & player_move_direction
    // local copy of inputs
    IrrlichtDevice * _device;
    ITriangleSelector * _selector;

    // time-based settings

	class TimerSettings {
		irr::f32 divider;
	TimerSettings _timer_settings;

    // camera settings

	class CameraSettings {
		//! inverse freelook activation :
		//!  true means freelook is *activated* when pressing mouse right button.
		//!  false means freelock is *desactivated* when pressing mouse right button.
		bool inverse_freelook;
		//! camera/player rotation lock :
		//!  true means player rotation and camera rotation are locked altogether.
		//!  false means camera can turn around player.
		bool rotation_lock;
		//! distance between player node center and camera target along Y axis in 3rd person camera
		f32 height_offset;                 // unit
		//! minimal distance between camera position and camera target position in 3rd person camera
		f32 min_distance;                  // unit
		//! maximal distance between camera position and camera target position in 3rd person camera
		//! IMPORTANT : _camera_max_distance == _camera_min_distance + K * _camera_move_step_distance; K is a user-defined interget
		f32 max_distance;                  // unit
		//! step distance when increasing/decreasing camera distance in 3rd person camera
		f32 move_step_distance;            // unit
		//! starting distance between camera position and camera target position in 3rd person camera
		f32 default_distance;              // unit
		//! move speed of the camera when increasing/decreasing camera distance in 3rd person camera
		f32 default_move_speed;            // unit per ms
		//! distance between camera position and player node center in 1st person camera
		f32 first_person_radius;                    // unit
		//! minimum elevation angle in 1st person camera
		f32 min_1st_z_rotation;            // degre
		//! minimum elevation angle in 3rd person camera
		f32 min_3rd_z_rotation;            // degre
		//! maximum elevation angle in 1st person camera
		f32 max_1st_z_rotation;            // degre
		//! maximum elevation angle in 3rd person camera
		f32 max_3rd_z_rotation;            // degre
		//! starting elevation angle in 3rd person camera
		f32 default_z_rotation;            // degre
		//! rotation speed of the camera in azimuth
		//! INPORTANT : _player_default_rotation_speed == _camera_default_y_rotation_speed
		f32 default_y_rotation_speed;      // degre per ms
		//!  rotation speed of the camera in elevation
		f32 default_z_rotation_speed;      // degre per ms
		//! maximum angle between current and final rotation angle when camera is rotating in azimuth
		f32 current_to_target_y_max_angle;         // degre
		//! maximum angle between current and final rotation angle when camera is rotating in elevation
		f32 current_to_target_z_max_angle;         // degre
		//! when colliding, camera is moved foward player according this distance
		f32 collision_distance;             // unit
	CameraSettings _camera_settings;

    // player settings

	class PlayerSettings {
		//! non moving fps camera
		//!  true means that player cannot move in 1rd person camera
		//!  false means that player can move in 1rd person camera
		bool non_moving_fps;
		//! rotation correction of player node : (0,90,0), (0,180,0), (0,270,0)
		core::vector3df offset_rotation;   // degre

		//! move speed of player
		f32 default_move_speed;            // unit per ms
		//! rotation speed of player in azimuth
		//! INPORTANT : _player_default_rotation_speed == _camera_default_y_rotation_speed
		f32 default_rotation_speed;        // degre per ms
		//! maximum angle between current and final rotation angle when camera is rotating in azimuth
		f32 current_to_target_max_angle;         // degre
		//! step distance when player is moving forward or backward
		f32 move_step;                     // unit per key press
		//! rotation angle when player is rotating in azimuth using keys (does not concern freeloock)
		f32 turn_step;                     // degre per key press
		//! multiplier factor when player is running
		f32 run_multiplier;                     // coef.

		//! makes run control a toggle
		bool run_toggle;
	PlayerSettings _player_settings;
    // mouse settings

	class MouseSettings {
    	//! mouse sensitivity
		f32 sensitivity;

		// locks
		bool lock_first_person_camera;
		// inverse mousewheel
		bool inverse_mousewheel;
	MouseSettings _mouse_settings;

    // controls (set by event receiver)
	class Controls {
			union {
				bool array[16];
				struct {
					bool foward;
					bool backward;
					bool turn_left;
					bool turn_right;
					bool strafe_left;
					bool strafe_right;
					bool run;
					bool increase_cam_distance;
					bool decrease_cam_distance;
					bool freelook;
					bool unused[6];
            // cursor changes
            irr::f32 change_xy;
            irr::f32 change_z;
	Controls _controls, _controls_instant, _old_controls_instant;

	// command keys.  order matches Controls struct	
    EKEY_CODE _commands[16];

    // mode
    bool _camera_fps_mode;
    bool _camera_min_distance_lock;

    // old mode
    bool _old_camera_fps_mode;

    // player status
    core::vector3df _player_current_y_rotation;
    core::vector3df _player_target_y_rotation;
    bool _player_is_moving;
    f32 _player_move_direction;

    // old player status
    bool _old_player_is_moving;

    // camera status
    f32 _camera_current_y_rotation;
    f32 _camera_target_y_rotation;
    f32 _camera_current_z_rotation;
    f32 _camera_target_z_rotation;
    f32 _camera_current_distance;
    f32 _camera_target_distance;

    // cursor position
    core::position2d<f32> _cursor_position;
    core::position2d<f32> _cursor_out_of_freelook_position;

    // time marks
    size_t _last_frame_time;
    size_t _current_frame_time;

    // player material save
    video::E_MATERIAL_TYPE _player_material_type;

    // calculate the new value from the current value, the target value and the delta :
    // || new - current || <= delta
    // || new - target || < || current - target ||
    // reduce speed when || new - target || << step
    static void current_to_target_calculation( f32 & current, f32 const & target, f32 const & step, f32 const & delta );

    // adjust the current value according the target value :
    // || current - target || <= 180
    static void current_to_target_angle_adjust( f32 & current, f32 const & target );


} // end namespace
} // end namespace


// Xterm-In'Hate

Code: Select all

// Xterm-In'Hate

#include "CCameraRPGSceneNode.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>

namespace irr
namespace scene

template< typename T >
void xml_configure(
    io::IXMLReader * xml,
    core::stringw key,
    core::stringw attrib,
    T & value
    if( key == xml->getNodeName() )
        core::stringw strval = xml->getAttributeValue( attrib.c_str() );
        std::istringstream is( core::stringc( strval.c_str() ).c_str() );
        is >> value;
        std::cout << "xml:" << core::stringc( key.c_str() ).c_str() << " " << core::stringc( attrib.c_str() ).c_str() << "=" << value << std::endl;

irr::EKEY_CODE char_to_key( std::string const & key )
    if( key == "KEY_KEY_A" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_A;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_B" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_B;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_C" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_C;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_D" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_D;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_E" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_E;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_F" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_F;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_G" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_G;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_H" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_H;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_I" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_I;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_J" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_J;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_K" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_K;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_L" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_L;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_M" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_M;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_N" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_N;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_O" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_O;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_P" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_P;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_Q" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_Q;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_R" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_R;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_S" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_S;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_T" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_T;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_U" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_U;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_V" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_V;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_W" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_W;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_X" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_X;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_Y" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_Y;
    else if( key == "KEY_KEY_Z" )
        return irr::KEY_KEY_Z;
    else if( key == "KEY_LSHIFT" )
        return irr::KEY_SHIFT;
    else if( key == "KEY_RSHIFT" )
        return irr::KEY_SHIFT;
    else if( key == "KEY_SHIFT" )
        return irr::KEY_SHIFT;
    else if( key == "KEY_LCONTROL" )
        return irr::KEY_CONTROL;
    else if( key == "KEY_RCONTROL" )
        return irr::KEY_CONTROL;
    else if( key == "KEY_CONTROL" )
        return irr::KEY_CONTROL;
        return irr::KEY_ESCAPE;

void xml_configure(
    io::IXMLReader * xml,
    core::stringw key,
    core::stringw attrib,
    irr::EKEY_CODE & value
    if( key == xml->getNodeName() )
        core::stringw strval = xml->getAttributeValue( attrib.c_str() );
        std::istringstream is( core::stringc( strval.c_str() ).c_str() );
        std::string str;
        is >> str;
        std::cout << "xml:" << core::stringc( key.c_str() ).c_str() << " " << core::stringc( attrib.c_str() ).c_str() << "=" << str << std::endl;
        value = char_to_key( str );

	//! configure the camera from a file
void CCameraRPGSceneNode::configure( 
	core::stringc const & configfilename
	// read XML config file
    io::IXMLReader * xml = _device->getFileSystem()->createXMLReader( configfilename.c_str() );
    while( xml && xml->read() )
        switch( xml->getNodeType() )
        case io::EXN_TEXT:
                // nop
        case io::EXN_ELEMENT:
                xml_configure( xml, L"timer_divider",                        L"div",         _timer_settings.divider );
                xml_configure( xml, L"foward",                               L"key",         _commands[0] );
                xml_configure( xml, L"backward",                             L"key",         _commands[1] );
                xml_configure( xml, L"turn_left",                            L"key",         _commands[2] );
                xml_configure( xml, L"turn_right",                           L"key",         _commands[3] );
                xml_configure( xml, L"strafe_left",                          L"key",         _commands[4] );
                xml_configure( xml, L"strafe_right",                         L"key",         _commands[5] );
                xml_configure( xml, L"run",                                  L"key",         _commands[6] );
                xml_configure( xml, L"camera_inverse_freelook",              L"flag",        _camera_settings.inverse_freelook );
                xml_configure( xml, L"camera_rotation_lock",                 L"flag",        _camera_settings.rotation_lock );
                xml_configure( xml, L"camera_height_offset",                 L"distance",    _camera_settings.height_offset );
                xml_configure( xml, L"camera_min_distance",                  L"distance",    _camera_settings.min_distance );
                xml_configure( xml, L"camera_max_distance",                  L"distance",    _camera_settings.max_distance );
                xml_configure( xml, L"camera_move_step_distance",            L"distance",    _camera_settings.move_step_distance );
                xml_configure( xml, L"camera_default_move_speed",            L"speed",       _camera_settings.default_move_speed );
                xml_configure( xml, L"camera_1st_radius",                    L"distance",    _camera_settings.first_person_radius );
                xml_configure( xml, L"camera_min_1st_z_rotation",            L"angle",       _camera_settings.min_1st_z_rotation );
                xml_configure( xml, L"camera_min_3rd_z_rotation",            L"angle",       _camera_settings.min_3rd_z_rotation );
                xml_configure( xml, L"camera_max_1st_z_rotation",            L"angle",       _camera_settings.max_1st_z_rotation );
                xml_configure( xml, L"camera_max_3rd_z_rotation",            L"angle",       _camera_settings.max_3rd_z_rotation );
                xml_configure( xml, L"camera_default_z_rotation",            L"angle",       _camera_settings.default_z_rotation );
                xml_configure( xml, L"camera_default_y_rotation_speed",      L"speed",       _camera_settings.default_y_rotation_speed );
                xml_configure( xml, L"camera_default_z_rotation_speed",      L"speed",       _camera_settings.default_z_rotation_speed );
                xml_configure( xml, L"camera_current_to_target_y_max_angle", L"angle",       _camera_settings.current_to_target_y_max_angle );
                xml_configure( xml, L"camera_current_to_target_z_max_angle", L"angle",       _camera_settings.current_to_target_z_max_angle );
                xml_configure( xml, L"camera_collision_distance",            L"distance",    _camera_settings.collision_distance );
                xml_configure( xml, L"player_non_moving_fps",                L"flag",        _player_settings.non_moving_fps );
                xml_configure( xml, L"player_offset_rotation_x",             L"angle",       _player_settings.offset_rotation.X );
                xml_configure( xml, L"player_offset_rotation_y",             L"angle",       _player_settings.offset_rotation.Y );
                xml_configure( xml, L"player_offset_rotation_z",             L"angle",       _player_settings.offset_rotation.Z );
                xml_configure( xml, L"player_default_move_speed",            L"speed",       _player_settings.default_move_speed );
                xml_configure( xml, L"player_current_to_target_max_angle",   L"angle",       _player_settings.current_to_target_max_angle );
                xml_configure( xml, L"player_move_step",                     L"distance",    _player_settings.move_step );
                xml_configure( xml, L"player_turn_step",                     L"angle",       _player_settings.turn_step );
                xml_configure( xml, L"player_run_multiplier",                L"coef",        _player_settings.run_multiplier );
                xml_configure( xml, L"player_run_toggle",                 	 L"flag",        _player_settings.run_toggle );
                xml_configure( xml, L"mouse_sensitivity",                    L"distance",    _mouse_settings.sensitivity );
                xml_configure( xml, L"mouse_lock_first_person_camera",       L"flag",    	 _mouse_settings.lock_first_person_camera );
                xml_configure( xml, L"mouse_inverse_mousewheel",             L"flag",    	 _mouse_settings.inverse_mousewheel );
                // nop
    if (xml)
        std::cout << "XML NOT FOUND " << configfilename.c_str() << std::endl;

void CCameraRPGSceneNode::enforce_invariants() 
   // enfore invariant
    _camera_settings.default_distance = _camera_settings.min_distance + 2*_camera_settings.move_step_distance;
    _player_settings.default_rotation_speed = _camera_settings.default_y_rotation_speed;
	if (getParent()) {
		_player_current_y_rotation = irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, getParent()->getRotation().Y - _player_settings.offset_rotation.Y, 0.0f );
		_player_target_y_rotation = _player_current_y_rotation;
		_camera_current_y_rotation = _player_current_y_rotation.Y;
		_camera_target_y_rotation = _camera_current_y_rotation;
		_player_material_type = getParent()->getMaterial(0).MaterialType;
    _camera_current_z_rotation = _camera_settings.default_z_rotation;
    _camera_target_z_rotation = _camera_settings.default_z_rotation;
    _camera_current_distance =_camera_settings.default_distance;
    _camera_target_distance = _camera_settings.default_distance;

CCameraRPGSceneNode::Controls::Controls() : change_xy(0.0f), change_z(0.0f) {
	for (int i=0; i<16; i++) array[i] = false;	

CCameraRPGSceneNode::CameraSettings::CameraSettings() :
	inverse_freelook( false ),              // default setting
	rotation_lock( false ),                 // default setting
	height_offset( 20 ),                    // default setting
	min_distance( 40 ),                     // default setting
	max_distance( 350 ),                    // default setting
	move_step_distance( 50 ),               // default setting
	default_distance( min_distance + 2*move_step_distance ), // DO NOT CHANGE!!!
	default_move_speed( 0.25f ),            // default setting
	first_person_radius( 3 ),                        // default setting
	min_1st_z_rotation( -55 ),              // default setting
	min_3rd_z_rotation( -45 ),              // default setting
	max_1st_z_rotation( 45 ),               // default setting
	max_3rd_z_rotation( 25 ),               // default setting
	default_z_rotation( -15 ),              // default setting
	default_y_rotation_speed( 0.2f ),       // default setting
	default_z_rotation_speed( 0.1f ),       // default setting
	current_to_target_y_max_angle( 25 ),    // default setting
	current_to_target_z_max_angle( 15 ),    // default setting
	collision_distance( 25.0f )            // default setting

CCameraRPGSceneNode::PlayerSettings::PlayerSettings() :
	non_moving_fps( false ),                // default setting
	offset_rotation(  irr::core::vector3df( 0, 0, 0 ) ), // user has to adjust this setting
	default_move_speed( 0.2f ),              // default setting
	current_to_target_max_angle( 22.5 ),    // default setting
	move_step( 10 ),                        // default setting
	turn_step( 22.5f ),                     // default setting
	run_multiplier( 2.0f ),                 // default setting
	run_toggle( false )

CCameraRPGSceneNode::MouseSettings::MouseSettings() :
	sensitivity( 256.0f ),                   // user has to adjust this setting
	lock_first_person_camera( false ),
	inverse_mousewheel( false )

CCameraRPGSceneNode::TimerSettings::TimerSettings() :
	divider( 1000.0f )

    ISceneNode * player,
    ISceneManager * mgr,
    s32 const &  id,
    IrrlichtDevice * device,
    ITriangleSelector * selector
) :
CCameraSceneNode( player, mgr, id),
_device( device ),
_selector( selector ),
_camera_fps_mode( false ),
_camera_min_distance_lock( true ),
_old_camera_fps_mode( false ),
//_player_current_y_rotation( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, getParent()->getRotation().Y - _player_settings.offset_rotation.Y, 0.0f ) ),
_player_target_y_rotation( _player_current_y_rotation ),
_player_is_moving( false ),
_player_move_direction( 0 ),
_old_player_is_moving( false ),
_camera_current_y_rotation( _player_current_y_rotation.Y ),
_camera_target_y_rotation( _camera_current_y_rotation ),
_cursor_position( irr::core::position2d<irr::f32>( 0.5f, 0.5f ) ),
_cursor_out_of_freelook_position( _cursor_position ),
_last_frame_time( _device->getTimer()->getRealTime() ),
_current_frame_time( _last_frame_time )
	#ifdef _DEBUG

	for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
		_commands[i] = (irr::EKEY_CODE) 0;
	_player_settings.default_rotation_speed = _camera_settings.default_y_rotation_speed; // DO NOT CHANGE!!!
	_camera_current_z_rotation = _camera_settings.default_z_rotation;
	_camera_target_z_rotation = _camera_settings.default_z_rotation; 
	_camera_current_distance = _camera_settings.default_distance;
	_camera_target_distance = _camera_settings.default_distance;


//! destructor

//! postrender
void CCameraRPGSceneNode::OnAnimate( u32 timeMs )
    if (SceneManager->getActiveCamera() != this)

    // 1.) make a local instant copy of controls

    _controls_instant = _controls;

    // 2.) reset controls

    _controls.increase_cam_distance = false;
    _controls.decrease_cam_distance = false;
	_controls.change_xy = 0.0f;
	_controls.change_z = 0.0f;

    // 3.) time based calculation

    // calculate delta rotation and delta move according time elapsed.
    // note that position and rotation are not updated here.

    // elapsed time between current and last frames (sorry, I prefered ignore timeMs argument)
    _last_frame_time = _current_frame_time;
    _current_frame_time = _device->getTimer()->getRealTime();
    irr::f32 elapsed_time = ( _current_frame_time - _last_frame_time ) / _timer_settings.divider;

	// calculate player's deltas
    irr::f32 player_delta_y_angle  = elapsed_time * _player_settings.default_rotation_speed;
	irr::f32 player_delta_move     = elapsed_time * _player_settings.default_move_speed;
	if( )
        player_delta_move *= _player_settings.run_multiplier;

    // calculate camera's deltas
    irr::f32 camera_delta_y_angle  = elapsed_time * _camera_settings.default_y_rotation_speed;
    irr::f32 camera_delta_z_angle  =  elapsed_time * _camera_settings.default_z_rotation_speed;
	irr::f32 camera_delta_distance = elapsed_time * _camera_settings.default_move_speed;

    // player rotation correction : angle difference between current/target values must be less than 360?.
    current_to_target_angle_adjust( _player_current_y_rotation.Y, _player_target_y_rotation.Y );

	// time based player rotation
	current_to_target_calculation( _player_current_y_rotation.Y, _player_target_y_rotation.Y, _player_settings.turn_step, player_delta_y_angle );

    // time based camera rotation/distance
	current_to_target_calculation( _camera_current_y_rotation,  _camera_target_y_rotation, _player_settings.turn_step, camera_delta_y_angle );
	current_to_target_calculation( _camera_current_z_rotation,  _camera_target_z_rotation, _camera_settings.current_to_target_z_max_angle, camera_delta_z_angle );
	current_to_target_calculation( _camera_current_distance,    _camera_target_distance,   _camera_settings.move_step_distance, camera_delta_distance );

    // 4.) camera mode switch detection

    // locking
    if( _mouse_settings.lock_first_person_camera )
        _camera_current_distance = 0;
        _camera_target_distance = 0;

    // 1st / 3rd person camera mode switching
    _camera_fps_mode = ( _camera_current_distance == 0 );

    // 5.) GUI cursor control switch detection

	// do not show cursor in first person camera
    _device->getCursorControl()->setVisible( ! _controls_instant.freelook );

    // 6.) process controls that modify camera distance
    // camera distance increase
	if( ! _mouse_settings.lock_first_person_camera && _controls_instant.increase_cam_distance && ! _controls_instant.decrease_cam_distance )
	    if( _camera_target_distance == 0 )
			_camera_target_distance = _camera_settings.min_distance;
		else if( _camera_target_distance >= _camera_settings.min_distance )
			_camera_target_distance += _camera_settings.move_step_distance;
    // camera distance decrease
	else if( ! _mouse_settings.lock_first_person_camera && ! _controls_instant.increase_cam_distance && _controls_instant.decrease_cam_distance )
        if( _camera_target_distance > _camera_settings.min_distance )
            _camera_target_distance -= _camera_settings.move_step_distance;
	    else if( _camera_target_distance == _camera_settings.min_distance )
	        // prevent 1st to 3rd camera unwanted transition
            if(  _camera_min_distance_lock && _camera_target_distance >= _camera_current_distance )
                // current distance reach min distance, so unlock
	            _camera_min_distance_lock = false;
            else if( _camera_min_distance_lock )
                // no change until current distance reach min distance
                _camera_target_distance = _camera_settings.min_distance;
                _camera_min_distance_lock = true;
                // current distance reached min distance, so decrease current distance until 0
                _camera_target_distance = 0;
                _camera_min_distance_lock = true;

    // 7.) control player invisibility during first/third person camera transition

    if( _camera_target_distance == 0 && _camera_current_distance == 0 )
        // player visible in 1st person camera
        getParent()->getMaterial(0).MaterialType = _player_material_type;
    else if( _camera_target_distance == 0 && _camera_current_distance > 0 && _camera_current_distance < _camera_settings.min_distance )
        // player transparency during 1st-3rd camera transition
        getParent()->getMaterial(0).MaterialType = irr::video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR;
        // player visible in 3rd person camera
        getParent()->getMaterial(0).MaterialType = _player_material_type;

    // 8.) process 1st from/to 3rd camera changes

	if( _camera_fps_mode )
	// 1st person camera
        // when entering 1st person camera
	    if( ! _old_camera_fps_mode )
            // player rotation must equal camera rotation
            _player_target_y_rotation.Y = _camera_current_y_rotation;

            // force 1st person camera min/max rotation
            if( _camera_target_z_rotation < _camera_settings.min_1st_z_rotation )
                _camera_target_z_rotation = _camera_settings.min_1st_z_rotation;
            else if( _camera_target_z_rotation > _camera_settings.max_1st_z_rotation )
                _camera_target_z_rotation = _camera_settings.max_1st_z_rotation;

            // update old status
            _old_camera_fps_mode = true;
    // 3rd person camera
        // when quiting fps
	    if( _old_camera_fps_mode )
            // force 3rd person camera min/max rotation
            if( _camera_target_z_rotation < _camera_settings.min_3rd_z_rotation )
                _camera_target_z_rotation = _camera_settings.min_3rd_z_rotation;
            else if( _camera_target_z_rotation > _camera_settings.max_3rd_z_rotation )
                _camera_target_z_rotation = _camera_settings.max_3rd_z_rotation;

            // update old status
            _old_camera_fps_mode = false;

    // 9.) process controls that modify player properties

    // reset action (not really necessary...)
	_player_move_direction  = 0.0f;
	_player_is_moving       = false;

	// turn keys interpreted as strafe keys when freelooking
	if ( _controls_instant.freelook ) {
		if (_controls_instant.turn_left)
			_controls_instant.strafe_left = true;
		if (_controls_instant.turn_right)
			_controls_instant.strafe_right = true;
	// throw away some absurd combinations
	if ( _controls_instant.foward && _controls_instant.backward )
		_controls_instant.foward = _controls_instant.backward = false;
	if ( _controls_instant.strafe_left && _controls_instant.strafe_right )
		_controls_instant.strafe_left = _controls_instant.strafe_right = false;

	// player move with control correction
	if( _camera_fps_mode && _player_settings.non_moving_fps )
	    // do not move in first person camera
		_player_move_direction = 0.0f;
		_player_is_moving = false;
		int offset = 0;
		if ( _controls_instant.foward ) 
			offset |= 0x02;  // 0010
		else if ( _controls_instant.backward )
			offset |= 0x03;  // 0011
		if ( _controls_instant.strafe_left )
			offset |= 0x08;  // 1000
		else if ( _controls_instant.strafe_right )
			offset |= 0x0C;  // 1100

		static float player_move_directions[16] = {
			0.0f, 0.0f,    // 0000, 0001 = unused
			0.0f, 180.0f,    // 0010, 0011 = foward, backward
			0.0f, 0.0f,    // 0100, 0101 = unused
			0.0f, 0.0f,    // 0110, 0111 = unused
			-90.0f, 0.0f,    // 1000, 1001 = strafe_left, unused
			-45.0f, -135.0f,    // 1010, 1011 = (foward, backward) + strafe_left
			90.0f, 0.0f,    // 1100, 1101 = strafe_right, unused
			45.0f, 135.0f,    // 1110, 1111 = (foward, backward) + strafe_right
		_player_move_direction = player_move_directions[offset];

		_player_is_moving = (offset > 0);
		if (_player_is_moving)
			offset |= 0x10;

	// player and cam rotation
	_cursor_position = _device->getCursorControl()->getRelativePosition();
	if( _controls_instant.freelook )
        // when entering freelook...
	    if( ! _old_controls_instant.freelook )
	        // store cursor position
	        _cursor_out_of_freelook_position = _cursor_position;

	        // reset cursor position
            _device->getCursorControl()->setPosition( 0.5f, 0.5f );

            // update old status
            _old_controls_instant.freelook = true;
	    else // ignore player/cam rotation when entering !
            // cursor changes
            _controls_instant.change_xy = ( _cursor_position.X - 0.5f );
			_controls_instant.change_z = ( _cursor_position.Y - 0.5f );
            // reset cursor position
            _device->getCursorControl()->setPosition( 0.5f, 0.5f );
	} else {
		// when quiting freelook...
	    if( _old_controls_instant.freelook )
            // restore cursor position
            _device->getCursorControl()->setPosition( _cursor_out_of_freelook_position );

            // update old status
            _old_controls_instant.freelook = false;
	if (_controls_instant.change_xy || _controls_instant.change_z) {		
		_controls_instant.change_xy *= _mouse_settings.sensitivity;
		_controls_instant.change_z *= _mouse_settings.sensitivity;
		// camera rotation
		_camera_target_y_rotation += _controls_instant.change_xy;
		_camera_target_z_rotation -= _controls_instant.change_z;

		// limit target angle // current angle
		if( _camera_target_y_rotation > ( _camera_current_y_rotation + _camera_settings.current_to_target_y_max_angle ) )
			_camera_target_y_rotation = _camera_settings.current_to_target_y_max_angle + _camera_current_y_rotation;
		else if( _camera_target_y_rotation < ( _camera_current_y_rotation - _camera_settings.current_to_target_y_max_angle ) )
			_camera_target_y_rotation = _camera_current_y_rotation - _camera_settings.current_to_target_y_max_angle;

		// limit target angle // current angle
		if( _camera_target_z_rotation > ( _camera_current_z_rotation + _camera_settings.current_to_target_z_max_angle ) )
			_camera_target_z_rotation = _camera_settings.current_to_target_z_max_angle + _camera_current_z_rotation;
		else if( _camera_target_z_rotation < ( _camera_current_z_rotation - _camera_settings.current_to_target_z_max_angle ) )
			_camera_target_z_rotation = _camera_current_z_rotation - _camera_settings.current_to_target_z_max_angle;

		// limit target angle // min/max angle
		if( _camera_fps_mode )
			// first person camera bounds
			if( _camera_target_z_rotation < _camera_settings.min_1st_z_rotation )
				_camera_target_z_rotation = _camera_settings.min_1st_z_rotation;
			else if( _camera_target_z_rotation > _camera_settings.max_1st_z_rotation )
				_camera_target_z_rotation = _camera_settings.max_1st_z_rotation;
			// third person camera bounds
			if( _camera_target_z_rotation < _camera_settings.min_3rd_z_rotation )
				_camera_target_z_rotation = _camera_settings.min_3rd_z_rotation;
			else if( _camera_target_z_rotation > _camera_settings.max_3rd_z_rotation )
				_camera_target_z_rotation = _camera_settings.max_3rd_z_rotation;

		// lock player and camera rotation when : player is moving or first person camera mode
		if( _player_is_moving )
			// lock player orientation on cam orientation
			_player_target_y_rotation.Y = _camera_target_y_rotation;
			// lock player orientation on cam orientation
			if( _camera_fps_mode || _camera_settings.rotation_lock )
				 _player_target_y_rotation.Y = _camera_target_y_rotation;
		_old_player_is_moving = _player_is_moving;
	} else {

	    // player rotation is controlled by turn keys
        if( _controls_instant.turn_left && ! _controls_instant.turn_right )
            _player_target_y_rotation.Y = _player_current_y_rotation.Y - _player_settings.turn_step;
            _camera_target_y_rotation = _camera_current_y_rotation - _player_settings.turn_step;

            // limit target angle // current
            if( _player_target_y_rotation.Y > ( _player_current_y_rotation.Y + _player_settings.current_to_target_max_angle ) )
                _player_target_y_rotation.Y = _player_settings.current_to_target_max_angle + _player_current_y_rotation.Y;
            else if( _player_target_y_rotation.Y < ( _player_current_y_rotation.Y - _player_settings.current_to_target_max_angle ) )
                _player_target_y_rotation.Y = _player_current_y_rotation.Y - _player_settings.current_to_target_max_angle;
            if( _camera_target_y_rotation > ( _camera_current_y_rotation + _player_settings.current_to_target_max_angle ) )
                _camera_target_y_rotation = _player_settings.current_to_target_max_angle + _camera_current_y_rotation;
            else if( _camera_target_y_rotation < ( _camera_current_y_rotation - _player_settings.current_to_target_max_angle ) )
                _camera_target_y_rotation = _camera_current_y_rotation - _player_settings.current_to_target_max_angle;
        else if( ! _controls_instant.turn_left && _controls_instant.turn_right )
            _player_target_y_rotation.Y = _player_current_y_rotation.Y + _player_settings.turn_step;
            _camera_target_y_rotation = _camera_current_y_rotation + _player_settings.turn_step;

            // limit target angle // current
            if( _player_target_y_rotation.Y > ( _player_current_y_rotation.Y + _player_settings.current_to_target_max_angle ) )
                _player_target_y_rotation.Y = _player_settings.current_to_target_max_angle + _player_current_y_rotation.Y;
            else if( _player_target_y_rotation.Y < ( _player_current_y_rotation.Y - _player_settings.current_to_target_max_angle ) )
                _player_target_y_rotation.Y = _player_current_y_rotation.Y - _player_settings.current_to_target_max_angle;
            if( _camera_target_y_rotation > ( _camera_current_y_rotation + _player_settings.current_to_target_max_angle ) )
                _camera_target_y_rotation = _player_settings.current_to_target_max_angle + _camera_current_y_rotation;
            else if( _camera_target_y_rotation < ( _camera_current_y_rotation - _player_settings.current_to_target_max_angle ) )
                _camera_target_y_rotation = _camera_current_y_rotation - _player_settings.current_to_target_max_angle;

        // player rotation is locked on camera rotation when starting moving
        if( _player_is_moving )
            if( ! _old_player_is_moving )
                _player_target_y_rotation.Y = _camera_target_y_rotation;
                _camera_target_y_rotation = _player_target_y_rotation.Y;
		_old_player_is_moving = _player_is_moving;

    // 10.) update player position and rotation

	// calculate player rotation
	getParent()->setRotation( _player_current_y_rotation + _player_settings.offset_rotation );

    // if finally, player is not moving, reset time based player move distance
    if( ! _player_is_moving )
        player_delta_move = 0;

    // calculate player position

	//! call player phisic interface
    player_physic_animator( ( _current_frame_time - _last_frame_time ), player_delta_move, _player_move_direction );

	// the old trick... in order to smooth render

    // 11.) update camera position and rotation

    // calculate camera position and target position
    if( _camera_fps_mode )
    // 1st person cam
        // calculate camera position
            //! camera is placed at _camera_settings.height_offset distance along oY axis from player center
            //! camera is placed at _camera_settings.first_person_radius distance, along player view axis, from oY axis that pass by player center
            //!     Y axis in the absolute world
            //!     |
            //!     |
            //!     |
            //!     |
            //!     O-------->view axis in the XoZ absolute world plane
            //!      .----(distance=_camera_settings.first_person_radius)-----X    <= camera relative pos
            //!      |
            //!      |
            //!      |
            //!      |
            //!      |
            //!      |
            //!      O    <= player center
            //! So, camera position rotates with view axis
            //! Why ? Because, my own eyes are not centered on my head articulation !!!!
            //! This behavior can be supressed by reseting _camera_settings.first_person_radius value (=0).
            irr::core::vector3df delta_position = irr::core::vector3df( _camera_settings.first_person_radius, 0.0f, 0.0f );
            irr::core::matrix4 transformation;
            transformation.setRotationDegrees( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, 0.0f, _camera_current_z_rotation ) );
            transformation.transformVect( delta_position );
            transformation.setRotationDegrees( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, _camera_current_y_rotation - _player_current_y_rotation.Y - _player_settings.offset_rotation.Y, 0.0f ) );
            transformation.transformVect( delta_position );
            setPosition( delta_position + irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, _camera_settings.height_offset, 0.0f ) );
        // calculate camera target
            // target in absolute world
            irr::core::vector3df delta_position = irr::core::vector3df( _camera_settings.first_person_radius + 100.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
            irr::core::matrix4 transformation;
            transformation.setRotationDegrees( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, 0.0f, _camera_current_z_rotation ) );
            transformation.transformVect( delta_position );
            transformation.setRotationDegrees( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, _camera_current_y_rotation, 0.0f ) );
            transformation.transformVect( delta_position );
            // target correction in absolute world according camera position
            irr::core::vector3df delta_position2 = irr::core::vector3df( _camera_settings.first_person_radius, 0.0f, 0.0f );
            irr::core::matrix4 transformation2;
            transformation2.setRotationDegrees( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, 0.0f, _camera_current_z_rotation ) );
            transformation2.transformVect( delta_position2 );
            transformation2.setRotationDegrees( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, _camera_current_y_rotation, 0.0f ) );
            transformation2.transformVect( delta_position2 );
            Target = getParent()->getAbsolutePosition() + delta_position + delta_position2 + irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, _camera_settings.height_offset, 0.0f );
    // 3rd party cam
        // calculate camera target
            irr::core::vector3df delta_position = irr::core::vector3df( _camera_settings.first_person_radius, 0.0f, 0.0f );
            irr::core::matrix4 transformation;
            transformation.setRotationDegrees( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, 0.0f, _camera_current_z_rotation ) );
            transformation.transformVect( delta_position );
            transformation.setRotationDegrees( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, _camera_current_y_rotation, 0.0f ) );
            transformation.transformVect( delta_position );
            Target = getParent()->getAbsolutePosition() + delta_position + irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, _camera_settings.height_offset, 0.0f );
        // calculate camera position
            // camera position in relative world
            irr::core::vector3df delta_position = irr::core::vector3df( _camera_current_distance, 0.0f, 0.0f );
            irr::core::matrix4 transformation;
            transformation.setRotationDegrees( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, 0.0f, -_camera_current_z_rotation ) );
            transformation.transformVect( delta_position );
            transformation.setRotationDegrees( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, _camera_current_y_rotation - _player_current_y_rotation.Y - _player_settings.offset_rotation.Y + 180.0f, 0.0f ) );
            transformation.transformVect( delta_position );
            // position correction in relative world according target position
            irr::core::vector3df delta_position2 = irr::core::vector3df( _camera_settings.first_person_radius, 0.0f, 0.0f );
            irr::core::matrix4 transformation2;
            transformation2.setRotationDegrees( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, 0.0f, _camera_current_z_rotation ) );
            transformation2.transformVect( delta_position2 );
            transformation2.setRotationDegrees( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, _camera_current_y_rotation - _player_current_y_rotation.Y - _player_settings.offset_rotation.Y, 0.0f ) );
            transformation2.transformVect( delta_position2 );
            // camera position in absolute world
            irr::core::vector3df delta_position3 = irr::core::vector3df( _camera_settings.collision_distance + _camera_current_distance, 0.0f, 0.0f );
            irr::core::matrix4 transformation3;
            transformation3.setRotationDegrees( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, 0.0f, -_camera_current_z_rotation ) );
            transformation3.transformVect( delta_position3 );
            transformation3.setRotationDegrees( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, _camera_current_y_rotation + 180.0f, 0.0f ) );
            transformation3.transformVect( delta_position3 );
            // collision ray from target to camera position in absolute world
            irr::core::line3d<irr::f32> line;
            line.start = Target;
            line.end = Target + delta_position3;
            irr::core::vector3df intersection;
            irr::core::triangle3df tri;
			// TODO: this is where code needs to go to check the camera against the pmap, also
            if ( _selector && SceneManager->getSceneCollisionManager()->getCollisionPoint( line, _selector, intersection, tri) )
                // adjust current camera distance
                _camera_current_distance = static_cast<f32>( ( Target - intersection ).getLength() ) - _camera_settings.collision_distance;
                setPosition( delta_position.normalize() * _camera_current_distance + delta_position2 + irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, _camera_settings.height_offset, 0.0f ) );
            else {
				irr::core::vector3df pos = delta_position + delta_position2 + irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, _camera_settings.height_offset, 0.0f ); 
                setPosition( pos );

//  19 Nov 2006.  Avoid the virtual method call.
//  setRotation( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, _camera_current_y_rotation, 0.0f ) );
//  irr::ISceneNode::setRotation( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, _camera_current_y_rotation, 0.0f ) );
	RelativeRotation = irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, _camera_current_y_rotation, 0.0f );

    // the old trick... in order to smooth render

    // update children
	core::list<ISceneNode*>::Iterator it = Children.begin();
    for (; it != Children.end(); ++it)

//! Camera RPG receives mouse and key events.
bool CCameraRPGSceneNode::OnEvent(irr::SEvent event)
	if (!InputReceiverEnabled)
		return false;

    bool status = false;
    if ( event.EventType == irr::EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT )
        switch( event.MouseInput.Event )
        case irr::EMIE_RMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN :
                _controls.freelook = true;
                status = true;
        case irr::EMIE_RMOUSE_LEFT_UP  :
                _controls.freelook = false;
                status = true;
        case irr::EMIE_MOUSE_WHEEL :
				if (_mouse_settings.inverse_mousewheel) {
					_controls.decrease_cam_distance = event.MouseInput.Wheel < 0.0f;
					_controls.increase_cam_distance = event.MouseInput.Wheel > 0.0f;
				} else {
					_controls.decrease_cam_distance = event.MouseInput.Wheel > 0.0f;
					_controls.increase_cam_distance = event.MouseInput.Wheel < 0.0f;
                status = true;
    else if ( event.EventType == irr::EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT )
        // handle other keys
		for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
			if( event.KeyInput.Key == _commands[i] ) {
				_controls.array[i] = event.KeyInput.PressedDown;
				status = true;
    return status;

void CCameraRPGSceneNode::current_to_target_calculation(
    irr::f32 & current,
    irr::f32 const & target,
    irr::f32 const & step,
    irr::f32 const & delta )
    irr::f32 smooth_delta = delta;
    if( current < target )
        if( (target - current) < (step / 4) )
            smooth_delta /= 2;
        if( (target - current) < (step / 8) )
            smooth_delta /= 2;
        if( (target - current) < (step / 16) )
            smooth_delta /= 2;
        if( (current + smooth_delta) < target ) 
			if (smooth_delta == 0.0f)
				current = target;
				current += smooth_delta;
            current = target;
    else if( target < current )
        if( current - target < step / 4 )
            smooth_delta /= 2;
        if( current - target < step / 8 )
            smooth_delta /= 2;
        if( current - target < step / 16 )
            smooth_delta /= 2;
        if( target < current - smooth_delta )
			if (smooth_delta == 0.0f)
				current = target;
				current -= smooth_delta;
            current = target;

void CCameraRPGSceneNode::current_to_target_angle_adjust( irr::f32 & current, irr::f32 const & target )
    if( current < target )
        while( current + 360.0f < target )
            current += 360.0f;
        if( current + 180.0f < target )
            current += 360.0f;
    else if( target < current )
        while( current - 360.0f > target )
            current -= 360.0f;
        if( current - 180.0f > target )
            current -= 360.0f;

void CCameraRPGSceneNode::player_physic_animator(
size_t const & elapsed_time,
irr::f32 const & player_delta_move,
irr::f32 const & player_move_direction
    default_player_physic_animator( player_delta_move, player_move_direction );

void CCameraRPGSceneNode::default_player_physic_animator(
    irr::f32 const & player_delta_move,
    irr::f32 const & player_move_direction
    //! default behavior (NO PHYSICS API)
    irr::core::vector3df delta_position =  irr::core::vector3df( player_delta_move, 0.0f, 0.0f );
    irr::core::matrix4 transformation;
    transformation.setRotationDegrees( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, player_move_direction + _player_target_y_rotation.Y, 0.0f ) );
    transformation.transformVect( delta_position );
    getParent()->setPosition( getParent()->getPosition() + delta_position );

bool CCameraRPGSceneNode::is_first_person() const
    return _camera_current_distance == 0;

void CCameraRPGSceneNode::first_person( bool const & lock )
    _mouse_settings.lock_first_person_camera = lock;

} // end namespace
} // end namespace

// Xterm-In'Hate
Posts: 10
Joined: Sat Sep 29, 2007 2:54 am

Post by eMgz »

ssexton your camera seems to be very good
can you give an example on how to use it?

config xml:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<timer_divider div="1"/>
<foward key="KEY_KEY_W"/>
<backward key="KEY_KEY_S"/>
<turn_left key="KEY_KEY_A"/>
<turn_right key="KEY_KEY_D"/>
<strafe_left key="KEY_KEY_Q"/>
<strafe_right key="KEY_KEY_E"/>
<run key="KEY_KEY_R"/>
<camera_inverse_freelook flag="false"/>
<camera_rotation_lock flag="false"/>
<camera_height_offset distance="10"/>
<camera_min_distance distance="5"/>
<camera_max_distance distance="20"/>
<camera_move_step_distance distance="10"/>
<camera_default_move_speed speed="100"/>
<camera_1st_radius distance="10"/>
<camera_min_1st_z_rotation angle="0"/>
<camera_min_3rd_z_rotation angle="0"/>
<camera_max_1st_z_rotation angle="360"/>
<camera_max_3rd_z_rotation angle="360"/>
<camera_default_z_rotation angle="360"/>
<camera_default_y_rotation_speed speed="100"/>
<camera_default_z_rotation_speed speed="100"/>
<camera_current_to_target_y_max_angle angle="360"/>
<camera_current_to_target_z_max_angle angle="360"/>
<camera_collision_distance distance="10"/>
<player_non_moving_fps flag="true"/>
<player_offset_rotation_x angle="0"/>
<player_offset_rotation_y angle="0"/>
<player_offset_rotation_z angle="0"/>
<player_default_move_speed speed="1"/>
<player_current_to_target_max_angle angle="360"/>
<player_move_step distance="1"/>
<player_turn_step angle="1"/>
<player_run_multiplier coef="3"/>
<player_run_toggle flag="true"/>
<mouse_sensitivity distance="100"/>
<mouse_lock_first_person_camera flag="true"/>
<mouse_inverse_mousewheel flag="false"/>
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Post by doqkhanh »

After change some line of code, there are only a few error when I try compile it.

Code: Select all

#include "ICameraSceneNode.h"

Code: Select all

class CCameraRPGSceneNode : public ICameraSceneNode
1>.\CCameraRPGSceneNode.cpp(741) : error C2065: 'Target' : undeclared identifier
1>.\CCameraRPGSceneNode.cpp(790) : error C2228: left of '.getLength' must have class/struct/union
1>.\CCameraRPGSceneNode.cpp(817) : error C2065: 'InputReceiverEnabled' : undeclared identifier
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Post by m3ltd0wn »

i have tried this camera a while back, and i liked it ... but now with irrlicht 1.4.2 it's a pain in the a$$ :) i've got the same problems as doqkhanh :)

and i declared the Target variable as vector3df now i get a single error about InputReceiverEnabled :)

any help would be appreciated :)

10x :roll:
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Post by m3ltd0wn »

ok, after a little debugging i just commentend the line:

Code: Select all

if (!InputReceiverEnabled)
      return false;
and all code compiles without errors :D

now i have to remember how to use the camera =))
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Post by sudi »

lol....u guys just have to copy the CCameraSceneNode from the irrlicht source....i wonder why its even compiling bc u derive from it.
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Post by m3ltd0wn »

there is ni CCameraSceneNode.h in irrlicht 1.4.2 sources ...

there is only ICameraSceneNode.h.

ok, back to code: i've added an actor and i'm using IrrNewt for physics, added the camera and i get these errors:

Code: Select all

Error	12	error C2259: 'irr::scene::CCameraRPGSceneNode' : cannot instantiate abstract class	d:\project\game\game\main.cpp	204
Error	13	error C2661: 'irr::scene::CCameraRPGSceneNode::CCameraRPGSceneNode' : no overloaded function takes 6 arguments	d:\project\game\game\main.cpp	204

and my code is:

Code: Select all

p_world = createPhysicsWorld(device);
	// add terrain scene node
	scene::ITerrainSceneNode* terrain = smgr->addTerrainSceneNode( 
	terrain->setScale(core::vector3df(10, 1.1f, 10));

	terrain->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
	terrain->setMaterialTexture(0, driver->getTexture("media/terrain-texture.jpg"));
	terrain->setMaterialTexture(1, driver->getTexture("media/detailmap3.jpg"));

	terrain->scaleTexture(1.0f, 30.0f);

	//create an actor to test the rpg camera
	scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode *actor = smgr->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(smgr->getMesh("media/player.x"),0,-1);
	actor->setMaterialTexture(0, driver->getTexture("media/body_euro.jpg"));
	actor->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);

	//camera RPG (test)
	irr::scene::CCameraRPGSceneNode* camera = new irr::scene::CCameraRPGSceneNode(actor,smgr,1,device,p_world,"cam.xml");

	//create terrain body
	//create it as we create any others body
	//body type EBT_AUTODETECT (default) will automatically detect that the node is a terrain node
	//and create it correctly
	//but for terrain we can use a reserved parameter

	irr::newton::SBodyFromNode terrainData;

	//here are terrain reserved parameter
	//we can use it for specify LOD (level of detail) of the terrain (3 by default)
	//the max of this parameter is the parameter maxLod (5 for default) that you pass to addTerrainSceneNode
	//see irrlicht documentation for more detail
	//so the value of TerrainLOD is between 0 and 5 for default
	//generally a big value of TerrainLOD indicates less precision collision (faster)
	//a less value indicates a precise collision (slower)
	terrainData.TerrainLOD = 2;

	terrain_body = p_world->createBody(terrainData);

	//create actor body
	irr::newton::SBodyFromNode actorData;
	actorData.Node = actor;
	actorData.Type = newton::EBT_AUTODETECT;
	actor_body = p_world->createBody(actorData);
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Post by Macrixen »

after changind the folllowing:

Code: Select all

#include "ICameraSceneNode.h"

Code: Select all

class CCameraRPGSceneNode : public ICameraSceneNode
I get these errors:
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\ccamerarpgscenenode.cpp(743) : error C2065: 'Target' : undeclared identifier
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\ccamerarpgscenenode.cpp(757) : error C2065: 'Target' : undeclared identifier
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\ccamerarpgscenenode.cpp(784) : error C2065: 'Target' : undeclared identifier
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\ccamerarpgscenenode.cpp(785) : error C2065: 'Target' : undeclared identifier
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\ccamerarpgscenenode.cpp(792) : error C2065: 'Target' : undeclared identifier
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\ccamerarpgscenenode.cpp(792) : error C2228: left of '.getLength' must have class/struct/union
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\main.cpp(193) : error C2065: 'receiver' : undeclared identifier
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\main.cpp(193) : error C2228: left of '.IsKeyDown' must have class/struct/union
type is ''unknown-type''
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\main.cpp(197) : error C2065: 'receiver' : undeclared identifier
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\main.cpp(197) : error C2228: left of '.IsKeyDown' must have class/struct/union
type is ''unknown-type'
I declared Target like this:

Code: Select all

 core::vector3d * Target;
and i get these errors:
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\ccamerarpgscenenode.cpp(687) : error C2955: 'irr::core::vector3d' : use of class template requires template argument list
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\include\vector3d.h(18) : see declaration of 'irr::core::vector3d'
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\ccamerarpgscenenode.cpp(743) : error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'irr::core::vector3d<T>' to 'irr::core::vector3d *'
No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conversion, or the operator cannot be called
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\ccamerarpgscenenode.cpp(757) : error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'irr::core::vector3d<T>' to 'irr::core::vector3d *'
No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conversion, or the operator cannot be called
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\ccamerarpgscenenode.cpp(784) : error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'irr::core::vector3d *' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\include\vector3d.h(29): could be 'irr::core::vector3d<T> &irr::core::vector3d<T>::operator =(const irr::core::vector3d<T> &)'
while trying to match the argument list '(irr::core::vector3d<T>, irr::core::vector3d *)'
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\ccamerarpgscenenode.cpp(785) : error C2677: binary '+' : no global operator found which takes type 'irr::core::vector3df' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\ccamerarpgscenenode.cpp(792) : error C2679: binary '-' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'irr::core::vector3df' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
could be 'built-in C++ operator-(irr::core::vector3d *, irr::core::vector3d *)'
while trying to match the argument list '(irr::core::vector3d *, irr::core::vector3df)'
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\ccamerarpgscenenode.cpp(792) : error C2228: left of '.getLength' must have class/struct/union
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\main.cpp(193) : error C2065: 'receiver' : undeclared identifier
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\main.cpp(193) : error C2228: left of '.IsKeyDown' must have class/struct/union
type is ''unknown-type''
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\main.cpp(197) : error C2065: 'receiver' : undeclared identifier
c:\documents and settings\jeff.rooted.000\my documents\dr_game\irrlicht-1.4.2\examples\07.collision\main.cpp(197) : error C2228: left of '.IsKeyDown' must have class/struct/union
type is ''unknown-type''
I've changed nothing else....Call me a noob, but what am I missing?

--edit: solved the errors in main.cpp. was in the middle of writting that part when i found this trhead and wanted to try it lol
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Post by Macrixen »

never mind solved it, I decided to look for the reference of Target in CCameraSceneNode.h and found the way it's declared there and that solved that problem. I find it funny that it can't find it even though it is included in the irrlicht source folder....
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Post by m3ltd0wn »

any solution to solve the CCameraRPGSceneNode used on an actor made with IrrNewt ??
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Post by m3ltd0wn »

nevermind.. got it fixed and works :D
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